ACLU: Airport protests against the Muslim Ban

A note from SF: We are asking that people who have been expecting or are expecting visitors to arrive at SFO from one of the seven countries in yesterday’s executive order – Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen – and have not heard from their visitors or have heard that their visitors have been detained or denied entry to please contact the ACLU of Northern California and leave a message at 415-621-2488. We will be checking this voicemail regularly throughout the weekend. Please leave a message slowly and clearly with contact information for the caller as well as the following information about the visitors if possible: id, country of citizenship, form of visa or entry authorization, date and time of arrival, flight number and airline. We stand ready to challenge detentions and denials of entry where possible to do so.

If detained at CA airport under Executive Order call local hotline:

SFO 415-621-2488
LAX 213-977-5245
SAN 619-398-4485

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