Oakland and Berkeley Homeless Sweeps May be Unconstitutional

Homeless advocates say the recent federal appellate court ruling in Martin v. Boisecould stop East Bay cities from imposing camping bans and other anti-homeless laws. by Darwin BondGraham and Daniel Lempres September 26, 2018 (EastBayExpress.com) Photo by Darwin BondGraham Oakland closed this Lake Merritt homeless encampment recently. Camps assembled out of pre-fabricated “Tuff Sheds”… Continue reading

Why I’m Betting on Millennials This November 6th

September 24, 2018 by RobertReich.org In my thirty-five years of teaching college students, I’ve not encountered a generation as dedicated to making the nation better as this one by Robert Reich The issues up for grabs aren’t ideological abstractions for them. They’re causes in which Millennials have direct personal stakes.(Photo: Light Brigading/flickr/cc)  … Continue reading

Pussy Riot Activist May Have Been Poisoned, German Doctors Say

Pyotr Verzilov received medical treatment after arriving in Berlin on Saturday. German doctors said on Tuesday it was “highly plausible” that he had been poisoned.CreditCreditCinema for Peace Foundation, via Associated Press By Christopher F. Schuetze and Melissa Eddy Sept. 18, 2018 (NYTimes.com) BERLIN — German doctors treating a Pussy Riot activist who lost his… Continue reading

Endorsements from Gayle McLaughlin, Former Two-Term (Corporate-Free) Mayor, City of Richmond

It is with great pleasure that I endorse the below corporate-free candidates for various offices throughout Northern California. Please check out their websites and volunteer and donate generously to their campaigns! STATE ASSEMBLY Jovanka Beckles AD 15 https://www.jovanka.org/ Dan Monte AD 10 http://danmonteforassembly2018.org/ MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL TEAM RICHMOND (these are the Richmond… Continue reading

Ajit Pai seems really upset about the California net neutrality bill that passed with bipartisan support

Posted 13:57 EDT on September 15, 2018 (fightforthefuture.org) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14, 2018 Contact: Evan Greer, 978-852-6457, press@fightforthefuture.org Yesterday, FCC chairman Ajit Pai spoke at an event where he ranted about SB 822, the California bill that rebukes his repeal of net neutrality, which passed the state legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support…. Continue reading

Special Report from the Occupied Forest: Meet Activists Fighting Europe’s Largest Open-Pit Coal Mine

Reporting from COP23 in Bonn, Germany, Democracy Now! travels to the nearby blockade of the Hambach coal mine, the largest open-pit coal mine in Europe. Activists say the mine extracts an extremely dirty form of coal called lignite, also known as brown coal, which causes the highest CO2 emissions of… Continue reading