Here There camp 2nd anniversary celebration

Here There camp in Berkeley, California

First they came for the homeless on Facebook

February 22, 2019

Today at camps second anniversary celebration, I noticed a few familiar faces. The faces belonged to homeless I have seen on the streets of Berkeley for years. I remember how they looked. Stressed, tired, worn out. Today I saw smiling eyes in all of them. I saw enjoyment. They were happy. They were relaxed. Why? Because they were home. Without a house.

The city has done very little voluntarily to help us. They spent a lot of money trying to stop us. Now it’s been two years. Every time I go there, it’s a little further down the block. Every time I go there, I see a lot of new faces. To me, that means a decent amount of people are moving on.

And a few have come back. I saw a few old friends. Considering these peoples issues, I’m very happy camp has become a safety net for them. Without camp, it would be a doorway, to a mental breakdown.

Thank you to all the current and former residents of the Here There camp. This is happening because of you. You made it work.

See you in a year.

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