Mission Marchers mourn Breonna Taylor, killed by the ‘institution of policing’

By Juan Carlos Lara | Sep 24, 2020 | MissionLocal.org  Alex Karim, from Defund SFPD Now, addressed the crowd in front of the Mission Police Station. Defund SFPD Now advocates for much more extensive cuts to the police budget, including firing at least 200 officers this year, according to Karim. Photo by Juan Carlos Lara… Continue reading

Articles ~ Actions ~ Events for Friday, Sept. 25 – Sunday, Sept. 27 (from Adrienne Fong)

*** ASL interpretation – Let me know if your event needs this service .*** Please include Accessibility and ASL info in your events! And if your action is ‘child friendly’  Am NOT back posting! Please post your actions on Indybay even if event is digital: https://www.indybay.org/calendar/?page_id=12  See Indybay also for other listing of events. Listing of… Continue reading

Ruth Bader Ginsburg… If only she had supported equal rights for everyone

ALISON WEIR  SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 (israelpalestinenews.org) Ruth Bader Ginsburg receives top Israeli award in Israel, July 4, 2018, after Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman had said “in good conscience” she could not accept it. (L-R: former Israeli Supreme Court Judges Miriam Naor & Esther Hayut; chairman of Genesis Prize Foundation Stan Polovets; RBG;… Continue reading