Articles ~ Petitions / Actions (including pending executions) ~ Events for Tuesday, Nov. 30 – Friday, Dec. 3 (from Adrienne Fong)

Few Events – NOT back posting on a regular basis

Please include Accessibility and ASL info in your events! And if your action is ‘child friendly’

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Please post your actions on Indybay:

 See Indybay  for  other listings of events.


A. Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein were ‘partners in crime,’ prosecutor says in opening statements of trial

Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein were ‘partners in crime,’ prosecutor says (

B. Pfizer is Lobbying to Thwart Whistleblowers Exposing Fraud – November 29, 2021

Pfizer Is Lobbying to Thwart Whistleblowers Exposing Fraud (

C. Self-Defense? After Rittenhouse, Calls to Drop Murder Charges Against Black Teen Chrystul Kizer – November 29, 2021

Self-Defense? After Rittenhouse, Calls to Drop Murder Charges Against Black Teen Chrystul Kizer | Democracy Now!

D. Supes face key affordable housing vote  – November 28, 2021

Supes face key affordable housing vote – 48 hills

   Plus: more taxpayer dollars for bad cops, and 248 people locked up beyond the legal time for a speedy trial because SF courts are lagging … that’s The Agenda for Nov. 29-Dec. 5

E. Indian Farmers Score a Victory Against Modi Government on Strike Anniversary – November 28, 2021

Opinion | Indian Farmers Score a Victory Against Modi Government on Strike Anniversary | Shiney Varghese (

F. S.African doctor says patients with Omicron variant have “very mild” symptoms

S.African doctor says patients with Omicron variant have “very mild” symptoms | Reuters

G. WHO, South Africa Urge Nations to Lift ‘Naive’ Omicron Travel Bans –November 28, 2021

H. WATCH: Israeli soldiers describe their actions in Hebron – Novembe 17, 2021

WATCH: Israeli soldiers describe their actions in Hebron (


1. Free Leonard Peltier

  SIGN: Petition — Free Leonard Peltier

  Urge President Biden to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier

For info about the case: About — Free Leonard Peltier

In violation of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The United States Bill of Rights, and the American Constitution and its Amendments, the case of Leonard Peltier is unparalleled in the history of constitutional violation. In particular, the Constitution’s 8th Amendment clause, designed to protect people from “cruel and unusual” punishment being meted out in a “wholly arbitrary” fashion. “Cruel and unusual” is the only term that can describe Leonard’s far too lengthy imprisonment. “Wholly arbitrary” is the only way to describe the fact that he remains in prison long after the point when most inmates convicted of similar crimes are paroled or released. Distinguished judges in Canada and the U.S. have called for leniency and compassion. For years now, Amnesty International has been calling for Leonard’s immediate and unconditional release.

2. Legalize abortion once and for all!

  SIGN; Abortion rights petition – PSL (

   See events # 2 & 4


December 9, 2021: Bigler Stouffer in Oklahoma

January 6, 2022: Wade Greely Lay in Oklahoma

January 27, 2022: Donald Grant in Oklahoma

January 27, 2022: Matthew Reeves in Alabama


Tuesday, November 30 – Friday, December 3

Tuesday, November 30

1. Tuesday, 9:00am, Justice 4 Sean Moore

Hall of Justice
850 Bryant St.

Officer Kenneth Cha will be arraigned for homicide charges in the death of Sean Moore.

The family of Sean Moore is asking for support from the community.. The killer cop is being brought into court on homicide charges so you know the POA (Police Officers Association) etc will be there in support of the killer cop. We need folks to come out & support the family.!!! If you believe in accountability & justice, please share & show up if possible..

Wear black

Bring signs: Jail Killer Cops!

Brief History:

On January 6, 2017, SFPD officer Kenneth Cha and his partner responded to a noise complaint. Sean Moore was un-armed. He was beaten and shot at on his own property.

DA George Gascon at the time initially set bail at 2 Mill.

January 20, 2020, Sean Moore died from his injuries.

On May 3, 2017, officer Cha shot and killed another man, Nicholas Flusche after Nichloas attempted to steal a sandwich.

Officer Cha remains on active duty with the SFPD.

Sean Moore: January 14, 1974 – January 20, 2020

 – Sean is survived by his father and mother, Amos and Cleo and his brother Kenneth

For more info about Sean: (1) Facebook

Article: DA files homicide charges against SFPD officer in shooting death of Sean Moore – November 2, 2021

Notice is from Equipto on facebook

Wednesday, December 1

2. Wednesday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm, Rally for Reproductive Justice at the Federal Courthouse in SF

Phillip Burton Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse
450 Golden Gate (at Larkin)


On Wed., December 1, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case aimed at overthrowing the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion throughout the land. 

The National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice calls on all feminists, working-class people, and defenders of human rights to come out that day to add their testimony and “Tell it to the Judges: Uphold and Expand Abortion Rights.”

Legal, free and accessible abortion should be guaranteed for all—what’s more it is a real survival issue for the poor, women of color, and trans people. We need to tell the courts they have no right to deny or restrict this basic need. We assert it’s #MyDecisionAlone. 

• Protect & expand Roe v. Wade; safe, legal abortion on demand without apology
• Repeal the Hyde Amendment
• Overturn state barriers to reproductive choices
• Stop forced sterilization
• No to caged kids, forced assimilation, & child welfare abuses
• End medical & environmental racism; for universal healthcare
• Defend queer & trans families
• Guarantee medically sound sex education & affordable childcare
• Sexual self-determination for people with disabilities
• Uphold social progress with expanded voting rights & strong unions

Host: National Mobilization 4 Reproductive Justice

Info: Rally for Reproductive Justice on the Steps of the Federal Courthouse in San Francisco : Indybay

3. Wednesday, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, World AIDS Day March & Candlelight Vigil

Meet at:

SF City Hall
1 Dr. Carleton B. Goodlett Pl.

Accessibility needs please reach out to Ande Stone ( ).

March is to St. John’s the Evangelist Episcopal Church for the AIDS Memorial Quilt display, dinner and Revival Dance.

Join us this year for World AIDS Day on the steps of San Francisco city hall to remember those we’ve lost to the HIV/AIDS crisis and to issue a call to action for justice for our communities.

We will have a series of speakers to lift up the voices of people living with HIV and to verbalize the challenges our communities still face 40 years after the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Please bring a photo of loved ones you’d like to remember. We will provide candles for the candlelight vigil.

This will be an outdoors event. We will have masks available and ask that everyone please wear a mask.

Host: SF AIDS Foundation

Info: World AIDS Day March & Candlelight Vigil | Facebook

4. Wednesday, 5:00pm – 7:00pm, SF: Defend Roe v. Wade! National Day of Action

Powell & Market St.

Abortion rights are under siege by the right wing in this country. The reactionary-stacked Supreme Court is considering multiple cases which threaten Roe v. Wade. On Wednesday, December 1st the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in a Mississippi case banning abortions after 15 weeks. The decision in this case could spell the end of Roe v. Wade protections by allowing states to defy the federal ruling.

Roe v. Wade was passed due to a massive national movement organized to push for legal rights to bodily autonomy and access to abortion services. We must continue showing up in the streets to defend abortion rights!

Host: Party For Socialism & Liberation

Info: SF: Defend Roe v. Wade! National day of action : Indybay

Thursday, December 2

5. Thursday, 12Noon – 1:00pm, Defend Argentina Political Activists Cesar Arakaki & Daniel Ruiz – Drop the Charges

SF Federal Building
90 7th St.

Two Argentinian socialist and human rights activists,Cesar Arakaki and Daniel Ruiz,have been framed in false accusations of intimidation,and rioting for being at a rally protesting against a neoliberal pension reform legislation by the neo colonial regime back by the U.S.A.,E.U. and the I.M.F.

They have been sentenced by a court in Buenos Aires to three years and a half imprisonment.They are free on appeal and they are in danger of imprisonment in the Argentinian dungeons where the could be tortured and possibly killed.

The US and the AFL-CIO through the AIFLD worked with the CIA to support the last military dictatorship in Argentina which led to the imprisonment, murder and deaths of trade unionists and political activists.

For articles / links see info on Indybay

Sponsor: United Front Committee for A Labor Party

Info: Defend Argentina Political Activists Cesar Arakaki & Daniel Ruiz-Drop The Charges! : Indybay

6. Thursday, 5:00pm, Mario Woods ~ Memorial & Vigil

2915 Keith St. (nr. 3rd St.)
Site where Mario was executed.

Community, please come out to pay respects for the Mario Woods memorial. It’ll be 6 years since he was executed by the SFPD. Bring candles, sage & your positive healing energy.

Facebook message is from Equipto: Facebook

7. Thursday, 6:30pm, Food Not Bombs Food Share

16th & Mission Sts (BART Plaza)

We are switching days for one week only. We will not have a sharing on Wednesday, December 1. Instead, we will share food at 16th/Mission BART Plaza at 6:30 PM on Thursday, December 2.

For more information about our weekly sharings, please visit the following webpage:

Serving Info | San Francisco Food Not Bombs (

Friday, December 3

8. Friday,1:00pm – 2:00pm, Shut Down the Police Officers Association

In person

SF Police Officers Association (outside)
800 Bryant St. (@ 6th Street)

RESIST with “Mothers On The March”, “Black and Brown for Justice and Equality”, Family’s whose love ones have been killed by cops from SFPD, and the Community.

– Demand the San Francisco Police Officers Association be Shut Down!

– The SF Police Officers Association Be Declared a Non Grata Organization

– Call for the abolishment of the ‘Officers Bill of Rights’

– Jail Killer Cops – demand killer cops be charged with murder.

– Abolish the Police 

The POA has supported and defended officers who have executed people in our communities.

If you can’t attend contact Mayor London Breed tell her that you oppose funding for SFPD:

Mayor London Breed

Telephone: (415) 554-6141

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