Fourteenth Now! is almost here, and weare beyond grateful for your support in this historic effort to save our democracy, before it’s too late. We hope many of you have or will soon be arriving safely in D.C.
Due to recent events, we were forced to divert from our original locations near the Capitol grounds on all three days. Please disregard all previous gathering locations. We’ve been working all day to securely prepare alternatives, and can now announce the following NEW locations:
January 3
We will be gathering between 11:00a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at Franklin Park for peaceful demonstration and powerful invocations from our speakers. Franklin Park is located about 1.4 miles from the Capitol, and directly adjacent to the McPherson Square Metro station. This isalso our Day of Action. Please see below for instructions for lobbying Congress.
January 4
We will be gathering between 12:00 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the iconic steps of the Lincoln Memorial for more speeches from honored speakers and peaceful demonstration. The closest Metro station to Lincoln Memorial is the Foggy Bottom – GWU station. Exit the Metro on 23rd St NW, and proceed south on 23rd St NW towards Constitution Ave.
January 5
We will again be gathering at the Lincoln Memorial between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. for continued peaceful demonstration. This is our final Call to Action before Congress votes to certify the election onJanuary 6.
We encourage you to bring your signs consistent with our messaging on all three days.
As a reminder — we can’t say it enough — this willbe a PEACEFUL demonstration. No weapons, no animosity, no conflicts. If someone tries to engage in a conflict, we are to walk away and notify security. DO NOT engage. We are 100% committed to maintaining peace throughout our demonstration.
In the unlikely event that you are detained during our peaceful event, please keep this number for the D.C. National Lawyers Guild jail support hotline: 202-850-0010. This is a resource, not legal advice.
Also, it is going to be very cold in D.C., so please come prepared withwarm clothing, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages. The event is also 100% smoke-free.
DAY OF ACTION – January 3
The new Congress will be sworn in on January 3 at noon. Whether or not you are able to join us in D.C., we encourage you to contact your lawmakers and respectfully demand that they object to the electoral votes of an adjudicated insurrectionist on January 6 as “not regularly given.” It is their Constitutional duty. You can refer to the legal authority page of our website for answers to common misconceptions, and follow theseguidelines:
How to Contact a Member of Congress (MOC):
The best way to reach your MOC is by contacting the U.S.Capitol Switchboard operator. Call 202-224-3121 for the Senate switchboard and 202-225-3121 for the House of Representatives. A live or virtual operator will connect you to your MOC.
It is best to contact your two state Senators and the Representatives in your district as they want to address their constituents.
U.S. House of Representatives (namesand office numbers)
Website: http://www.house.gov/
U.S. Senate: (names and officenumbers)
Website: http://www.senate.gov/
While it’s ideal to speak directly with your MOC, they areoften unavailable. In that case, ask to speak with one of the following:
- The Legislative Director
- A Legislative Assistant
- Their personal secretary
- If none of these individuals are available, request to speak with someone who can deliver your message. Be clear, firm, and respectful when communicating.
Message to Convey:
Demand that your MOC object to certification based on the 14th Amendment, Section 3. Emphasize the following points:
- They work for the people and areobligated to uphold their oath of office.
- Failure to adhere to theself-executing provisions of Section 3 constitutes a violation of their duty.
- The January 6th Committee’s Report and multiple legal findings conclude that Trump played the leading role in incitingand encouraging the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
- Trump is constitutionally disqualified from holding office under the 14th Amendment due to his deliberate orchestration of a deadly insurrection aimed at obstructing the peaceful transfer of power on January 6, 2021.
- Their objection to Trump’s electoral votes is not a violation of the peaceful transfer of power, but rather an ardent defense of it.
- The legacy of these lawmakers will forever be tied to their action or in action on January 6, 2025, and the ensuing effects for democracy.
- Be forceful but never rude. This approach ensures your concerns are heard and taken seriously.

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I don’t appreciate that you decided on your own that my 50 was a recurring payment. I’ll be contacting my bank.
Excellent endeavor to preserve ‘freedom’! It’s something Kamala Harris kept yelling during her campaign. I am so proud of all who are brave and gathering at Lincoln Memorial Park. Keep safe! And peaceful too.
How crazy and ineffective to not meet at the Capitol. Trump’s group could be there?!! Totally agree with this but I see no press coverage. And why not on the 6 th ? That would have more attention that’s how you put them on the hot seat.
How crazy and ineffective to not meet at the Capitol. Trump’s group could be there?!! Totally agree with this but I see no press coverage. And why no on the 6 th ? That would have more attention that’s how you put them on the hot seat.
Educate workers that they are half of Capitalism, are entitled to their share of half the profit they add to the value of their work that their Union representative makes sure they receive.
I call it 50/50 capitalism.
Also, train all employees to do as many jobs in the company or corporation as a have the ability to learn just as we did in the Seabees. More jobs learned more profit made for the company more pay for them, the workers, who make the capital $$$!
Trump ia a criminal felon, a rapist, a fraud, a liar, a cheat, an insurrectionist and by means of the 14 ammendment section 3 of our constitution is unqualified for presidency. He must not be sworn in.
This website is messed up – fix the dates. also – isn’t it too late on the 14th
Mike Johnson lied in his first address to the House yesterday.
I support Harris and Jeffries.
We can do it.
The law is on our side.
Trump make American sick with disgust.
Show the world that we are not led by criminals and thugs.
Prove that our democracy is good.
Bring Kamala Harris to the White House. Please!
The world will be Dancing in the Streets of the US and around the world if we block Trump from the White House.
Let’s do it.
The Constitution makes it our duty.