Please join us next week for a special online event hosted by our friends at the Labor Committee for Single Payer to hear more about how union Medicare for All activists are leading the fight for access to reproductive healthcare in the post-Roe US:
It’s a Workers’ Issue:
Abortion Access and the Right to Healthcare
Wednesday, October 19th
8:00 – 9:00pm Eastern / 5:00 – 6:00pm Pacific
RSVP here!
A panel of labor organizers from different sectors across the U.S. will be discussing the critical issue of reproductive justice, in the wake of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Sara Nelson (International President of AFA-CWA), Dee Dunn (BMWED/IBT), Maggie Carter (Starbucks Workers United, Knoxville), Martha Valadez (News Guild, CWA Michigan), and Rebekah Nelson (Minnesota Nurses Association) will share what unions have been doing in response to the Supreme Court decision, why it’s so bad to rely on your employer for reproductive health coverage, and how Medicare for All will cover not only abortion access but the broader scope of reproductive rights such as wellness visits, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and gender-affirming care.
The Campaign will be sharing resources for individuals and unions to use to help fight for these fundamental rights!