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Nour coordinates CODEPINK’s Palestine campaign that offers a toolkit for petitions, ceasefire resolutions, film recommendations for teach-in’s and more. A graduate from DePaul University in Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in international studies, Nour has been organizing with campus protesters in Chicago and providing support nationwide with letter-writing campaigns to back up student demands for university divestment from corporations profiting from Israel’s genocide.
Moataz Salim is a PhD student in clinical psychology at George Washington University whose family is from Gaza, has been an organizer of the encampment at GWU that began on April 25. Before that, he had been joining CODEPINK in Congress almost every day for the past 3 months, pushing for a ceasefire and no more weapons to Israel.
Julia Norman is a MA student at American University studying Global Environmental Policy, and the new DC Coordinator for CODEPINK. She joins CODEPINK each day lobbying in Congress ans spends her free time at the ongoing protest outside the Israeli Embassy.