You are invited to join our Tuesday CODEPINK CONGRESS Calling Party to talk with journalist Sharif Abdel Khouddous, Jim Rine of Veterans for Peace, and Teddy Ogborn of CODEPINK’s War is Not Green (WING) about COP 27 and the politics of protest in a police state.
Chat with peacemakers and experts Tuesday, November 1st at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET:
From Nov. 6-18, COP 27, the 27th conference of the parties, will be held on Egypt’s coastal strip along the Red Sea. Sounds lovely, right? Until you pull the curtain back to see a police state where demonstrators and strikers are routinely arrested, tortured, jailed or killed.
Join CODEPINK Congress as we discuss the politics of protest in a police state, as well as what’s on and off the official UN climate change conference agenda. On the agenda –fulfillment of a promise made by the US and Western nations to pay the Global South $100 billion every year to address the disproportionate impact of the West’s burning of fossil fuels. Off the agenda – requirements countries of the world report their military greenhouse gas emissions as part of their total emissions count.
Sharif Abdel Kouddous, independent journalist based in New York and Cairo. He has reported from across the Arab world for a number of print and broadcast outlets and is a part-time editor and reporter at Mada Masr, Egypt’s leading independent media outlet.
Jim Rine, cofounder of Veterans for Peace’s Climate Conference and Militarism Project (CCMP). Prior to a +35 year career as a research geologist, he served in the US Army in West Germany 1970-73. Jim is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Geology at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI.
Teddy Ogborn, CODEPINK coordinator, War is Not Green (WING). They are a climate activist and coordinator based in New York City.