Democracy.Earth product launch: we’re live on the testnet!

 Dear Earth Citizen,

We’ve just completed our most successful launch ever – the Democracy Earth beta platform went live on the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet from the stage of the C20 Blockchain and Bitcoin conference in Buenos Aires 🇦🇷 where Santi Siri delivered a keynote and our beta blockchain-based global governance platform.


We thank you for your support during this critical time and invite you to join more than three hundred citizens already experimenting with censorship-resistant token-based liquid democracy. Our mainnet release is planned for December. Until then, we’ve created a simple three step process for getting free test tokens and logging on – click below and add your voice to the conversation!

Vote on the Testnet
Governance anidentity

The need for censorship-resistant political expression has never been more vital. As Santi noted from the stage of Devcon4 in Prague 🇨🇿, we are experiencing a profound change in the way we control our identities in the digital world. 

Around the world, the conversation is about governance and the killer app is democracy. From Facebook exposed as a primary source driving propaganda influencing elections, to Venezuela and a cohort of countries embracing the Chinese model of extensive censorship and control, events confirm the internet can be used to disrupt democracies just as it can destabilize dictatorships…or even establish a surveillance society.

The Democracy Earth platform offers an alternative to the risks the social behemoths and nation-states pose to privacy and even democracy itself.

Decentralized AM
We hope you’ll join us at our inaugural decentralized Ask Me Anything, today at 3p EST, hosted on and powered by Blockstack. You’ll need a Blockstack ID to participate – when you sign up for the Stealthy dapp, you’ll be automatically taken through the Blockstack login, an easy three step process that will take just minutes to complete. Click the button below to watch a short tutorial – and drop in to say hi!

Join the Decentralized AMA
Press and Events  🇲🇽🇨🇿🗽🌉
We were pleased to be selected to take part in the inaugural Consensus Invest 2018 Deal Room November 27th, where Santi teamed up with Eric Turner of Messari. to talk about the core governance challenge of formalizing human identities in decentralized networks You can watch the video here.

Some key DEF press mentions you won’t want to miss: 

Thank you for reading! Follow us on Medium to stay up to date on the latest product development and launch news. As always, thanks for being part of the Democracy Earth community!

Democracy Earth Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in San Francisco, California. Democracy.EarthOn twitter.
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