Will post a few more actions for the weekend later. Am NOT posting on a regular basis.
Please encourage groups you are involved in to post events on Indybay: https://www.indybay.org/calendar/?page_id=12
Thank you to all who are posting there!
Check Indybay for other events that might interest you. There are some important events coming up that are listed there
A. ‘Grave concerns’: Assange can barely talk, moved to prison hospital, says WikiLeaks – May 29, 2019
B. Tide of Public Opinion is Turning in Assange’s Favor – May 27, 2019
C. After changes, will California bill restricting cops’ use of deadly force make a difference? – May 25, 2019
D. U.S. deploys more troops to Middle East, blames Iran for tanker attacks
E. ‘This Is Big’: 76 Retired US Generals and Diplomats Warn Trump Against War With Iran – May 24, 2019
1. Ban Saudi and Emirati Arms Sales Now!
Trump’s trying to ram through arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. And he’s doing it by claiming rarely-used emergency powers — justified by the fake emergency his administration is currently manufacturing: war with Iran.
2. UC Berkeley: Cut your ties to Palantir!
SIGN: https://action.mijente.net/petitions/uc-berkeley-cut-your-ties-to-palantir
Berkeley Law School is whitewashing Palantir’s support of ICE’s deportation machine.
Palantir is one of three sponsors of the 2019 Annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference at U.C. Berkeley, a conference of privacy scholars from across the world that brings together computer scientists, economists, philosophers, political scientists, advocates, lawyers, and many others.
Palantir has a contract with ICE that has aided in family separation by helping ICE arrest the parents and other relatives of children who crossed the border alone. Hundreds of parents and other sponsors were arrested by ICE when they tried to come forward and claim their children, arrests that were aided by Palantir’s software.
3. Increase Puerto Ricans’ access to lifesaving hurricane recovery funds
Thursday, May 30, & Friday, May 31
Thursday, May 30
1. Thursday, 11:30am – 12:30pm, Every Bee Needs a Hive – Rally to End Homelessness
Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park
2151 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
The Berkeley School’s 7th Annual Walkathon upholds our tradition of student advocacy through civic engagement with Every Bee Needs A Hive: Rally to End Homelessness
We invite you to join voices with TBS students — together with community partners — at MLK Jr. Civic Center Park in downtown Berkeley for a rally to bring visibility to the humanity of those currently living in homelessness.
Sponsors: The Berkeley School, Youth Spirit Artworks, Consider the Homeless
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/705413569914717/?active_tab=about
2. Thursday, 5:00pm – 7:00pm, People Planned Plaza // Plaza Planeada por el Pueblo
The Women’s Building
2543 18th St.
We are continuing our community planning process for the Plaza and the Marvel! Come join us as we design the next phase of making the Marvel real.
Sponsors: The Plaza 16 Coalition, Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco, PODER, The Women’s Building
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/455843488522407/
3. Thursday, 6:00pm, SF Food Not Bombs Food Share
16th & Mission BART Plaza
For information or to volunteer: send email to sffnbvolunteers@riseup.net.
Cookhouse: Station 40, 3030B 16th Street (between Mission and Julian).
Food Pickups: Help Needed!
Cooking: 3030B 16th Street–3:00 pm to 6:00 pm–Ring doorbell for entry–Help Needed!
Sharing: 16th and Mission BART Plaza — 6:00 pm–Help Needed!
Webpage: https://sffnb.org/serving-schedule/
4. Thursday, 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Why Upzoning and Density will not get us Affordable Housing
San Francisco LGBQT Center
1800 Market St. (nr. Laguna)
Why SB50 et al will not get us Affordable Housing. The new trickle-down housing economics: Build for the richest 30% and cross your fingers for everyone else.
Presenter: Michael Storper, UCLA professor of economic geography, will discuss his new study on the issue, and the future of the Wiener/Yimby agenda.
Storper is one of the most important academics challenging the notion – which oddly has become accepted dogma in the mainstream media and even places like The Nation– that more private-sector development will solve the urban housing crisis.
He suggests that: Policies such as blanket upzoning, which will principally unleash market forces that serve high income earners, are therefore likely to reinforce the effects of income inequality rather than tempering them … There is virtually no evidence that substantially lower costs would trickle down to the lower two-thirds of households or provide quality upgrading of their neighbourhoods, but it undoubtedly would enhance displacement in neighbourhoods currently at the boundary of higher-income inner metropolitan areas.
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2019/05/27/18823643.php
5. Thursday, 6:30pm – 9:30pm, Know Your Rights: Workshop + Iftar
Oakland LGBQT Community Center
3207 Lakeshore Ave. (Rand Ave. entrance)
Join Queer Crescent Healing, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus for a Know Your Rights presentation at the Oakland LGBTQ Center, on your rights at the airport while traveling as QT Black, Arab, Muslim, South West Asian and African communities who are targeted at the border.
Iftar catered by Fa Fa Dumplings
Sponsors: Queer Crescent Healing, Asian American Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/447098476040816/
6. Thursday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Press Conference for Missing Teen
Peralta Hacienda Historical Park
2465 34th Ave.
The family of Jonathan Bandabaila turns to community for help after feeling failed by the city.
On May 3rd, 2019, Jonathan Bandabaila, 19, went missing. He was last seen leaving his home in the Fruitvale District where he lives with his parents. The family filed police reports and contacted members of the Oakland City Council – as well as mainstream media – only to be met with silence and confusing/conflicting responses from law enforcement. In desperation to find Jonathan, the Bandabaila family has turned to community for support.
“To date, my family doesn’t feel as though we have received the level of attention and urgency this case deserves,” said Harrison Bandabaila, Jonathan’s older brother. “We are glad that following a meeting last week – that only came about because we went with community support to City Council – that things appear to be moving now – but it’s three weeks late. Three weeks is a long time for a missing person. That is time we can never recover.”
Jonathan’s 1998 Honda Accord was found on the San Mateo Bridge on May 4th but this fact has not gotten the family any closer to knowing what happened to him. Police speculated suicide but found no evidence of that in early investigations and it seems as if there was a rush to judgment just to close the case.
See site for details about Jonathan
Sponsor: Anti Police – Terror Project
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/385799322029630/
Friday, May 31
7. Friday, 12Noon – 2:00pm, Mothers on the March Against Police Murders
Hall of Injustice
850 Bryant St.
All are invited to join us to demand that District Attorney George Gascon charge police officers with murder. Stand with ALL families who have lost loved ones to police murders. Since Gascon has been the DA in San Francisco, he has not charged any police officers.
Calling for Justice for:
Joshua Smith, Kenneth Harding Jr., Peter Yin Woo, Steven Michael Young, Dennis Hughes , Pralith Prolouring, Dale Stuart Wilkerson, Alex Nieto, Giovany Contreras Sandoval, O’Shaine Evans, Matthew Hoffman, Amilcar Perez-Lopez, Alice Brown, Herbert Omar Benitez, Javier Lopez Garcia, Mario Woods, Luis Gόngora Pat, Jessica Nelson, Nicolas McWherter, Nicholas Flusche, Damian Murray, Keita O’Neil, Jesus Adolfo Delgado, Jehad Eid, and Derrick Gaines (killed by a police officer hired by SFPD)
The above named all were killed by SFPD during DA Gascon’s reign – NOT ONE police officer has been charged!
8. Friday, 12:45pm, PACK THE COURT for SERGIO!
630 Sansome St.
Sergio came to the U.S. over 15 years ago from El Salvador. He settled in the Bay Area and worked tirelessly to financially support his parents and younger siblings who he left behind.
On December 3rd, 2018, Sergio was arrested for a misdemeanor charge and posted a $1,500 bail in order to maintain his employment and continue to support, care, and provide for his family. However, Sergio was turned over to ICE by the San Mateo County Sheriff due to his previous record and has been detained in Mesa Verde Immigration Detention Facility in Bakersfield since December 4th, 2018.
Sergio is far away from his fiancée and three young children. It has been five months since he last saw his family. Sergio, his fiancee and attorney have been working diligently in gathering evidence and documentation to prevent his deportation to El Salvador.
RSVP to Lourdes at lbarraza@im4humanintegrity.org if you can support on the 31st.
Sponsor: Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/662352884213910/
9. Friday, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Vigilia Para Roxsana / Vigil for Roxsana
16th Street BART Station
16th & Mission St.
Please join El/La staff and participants as we honor and celebrate the life of Roxsana Hernández during the National Week of Action. Roxsana lost her life while in ICE custody, but it will not be in vein. We must continue to fight for the rights of all trans people and immigrants who are threatened by ongoing injustices and mistreatment at the hands of ICE. We demand justice for Roxsana!