Please hold ♥ Clark Sullivan ♥ in your thoughts. No visitors are allowed at the facility at this time Info below if you would like to send him a note
Clark remains hospitalized at:
Kindred Hospital San Francisco Bay Area
2800 Benedict Dr., Room 415-2
San Leandro, CA 94577
Clark’s FB page:
NOT back posting on a regular basis
– Please post events on Indybay:
Thank you to all who are – See Indybay for other events.
ACCESSIBILITY: Please include Accessibility Information on events
At this time am not posting events that are being held indoors, unless the event is made available on the internet.
A. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Prevails As Federal Judge Strikes Down DAPL Permits – March 25, 2020
B. Its coronavirus response provides more evidence of Israel’s racism – March 25, 2020
See Action # 6
C. Bay Area school closures to be extended through May 1
D. Blocking medical aid to Iran isn’t just immoral, it’s stupid – March 24, 2020
See event # 4
E. Disability Groups File Federal Complaint About COVID-19 Care Rationing Plans – March 23, 2020
F. How Cuba is Leading the World in the Fight Against Coronavirus – March 16, 2020
1. G20: Forgive the debt of the world’s poorest to fight coronavirus
2. Drop charges against Chris Kearney. (Info about Chris’s case and petition)
3. Protect Incarcerated Loved Ones from COVID-19
Tell governors, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, mayors, and sheriffs not to leave anyone behind and take immediate COVID-19 action at prisons, jails, and immigrant detention centers.
4. To Colombian authorities denouncing the March 21, 2020 massacre at La Modelo Prison by Colombian authorities that left 23 dead and over 90 wounded.
5. Salvadorans Need Clean Water
6. Israel must release all Palestinian child detainees amid COVID-19 pandemic
7. Tell all NBA team owners to pay all laid-off arena workers!
8. Housing Action Needed in California
Thursday, 3/26 – Saturday 3/28
New SF Muni Service Changes – Starting Monday, March 30
Thursday, March 26
1. Thursday, 2:00pm PDT, How to Beat Coronavirus Capitalism
Register via Evitebrite:
An online teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor.
About this Event
Please join an online teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, with a musical performance by Lia Rose
The current crisis is laying bare the extreme injustices and inequalities of our economic and social system.
We are in a battle of visions for how we’re going to respond to this crisis. We will either be catapulted backward to an even more brutal winner-takes-all system — or this will be a wake-up call.
Ideas that were dismissed as too radical just a week ago are starting to seem like the only reasonable path to get out of this crisis and prevent future ones.
We need to use every tool that we have that allows us to hear each other’s voices, to read each other’s words, to see each other’s faces, even if it’s just on screens, to stay organized and stay connected. We have to create spaces where we’re able to deliberate and strategize about what it means to protect our neighbors, our rights, and our planet.
We have to have the confidence to say this is the moment when we change everything.
sponsored by Haymarket Books, The Leap, and Debt Collective
2. Thursday, 4:00pm – 5:00pm, Online: Powerful Lessons from the Extraordinary Women of Rawanda (UN)
Online via Zoom (FREE, register below)
Robbin Jorgensen, UNA-Atlanta SDG Advocate, Founder and CEO of Women Igniting Change will share the powerful lessons learned from working with the extraordinary women of Rwanda. She is currently in the process of establishing an Economic Empowerment Center for Women in Rwanda, the CORA Women’s Center. Ms. Jorgensen is a status quo disruptor, women’s leadership strategist and local leader with a global impact. She’s an advocate for the economic empowerment, rights, and well being of women and girls around the world and is the U.S. Ambassador to Rwanda’s AVEGA Agahozo, an organization comprised of 20,000 widows of the Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsi. She was also honored as United Nations Association of Atlanta’s Human Rights Champion in 2018.
3. Thursday, 4:00pm – 5:30pm PDT; 7:00pm EDT, Capitalism Is Killing Us!
Via Webinar
REGISTER to watch via Zoom:
Stream on WWP FB page:
Join Workers World Party this Thursday, March 26 at 7pm Eastern for a webinar on the COVID-19 crisis, crashing markets and their twin cause: the crumbling capitalist system.
Speakers will include:
Larry Holmes, First Secretary, Workers World Party
Monica Moorehead, Managing Editor, Workers World Newspaper
Sara Flounders, Co-Director, International Action Center
Makasi Motema, Organizer, Peoples Power Assemblies NYC
Taryn Fivek, Solidarity Coordinator, International Action Center
Nathaniel Chase, Organizer, Workers World Party
Info: or
4. Thursday, 4:00pm (PDT); 7:00pm (EDT) Coronavirus: Time to End US Sanctions on Iran
Please join 15 minutes early to make sure your equipment is working.
As the US tightens sanctions on Iran, the nation’s ability to fight off the coronavirus pandemic is impacted. We will hear from Dr. Shahin Tabatabaei, an Iranian-American urologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, and from a representative of National Iranian American Council (NIAC).
Shahin Tabatabaei
Urologic Oncologist @Massachusetts General Hospital
Born in Tehran, Iran, Shahin Tabatabaei now serves as the director of the Prostate Health Program at Massachusetts General Hospital where he performs Urologic Oncologic surgery. He is also an assistant professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School.
Jamal Abdi
Executive Director @National Iranian American Council (NIAC) Action
NIAC Action is the grassroots, civic action organization committed to advancing peace and championing the priorities of the Iranian-American community. NIAC Action works to maximize the political influence of Iranian Americans and the pro-peace community to ensure we have a powerful voice on the issues that matter to us most, using direct lobbying efforts in Washington, grassroots advocacy led by NIAC Action Chapters nationwide, and organized engagement with political candidates by NIAC Action members.
Friday, March 27
5. Friday, 12Noon – 1:00pm, Friday Regenerative Activism
From Extinction Rebellion
Join us: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 643 718 376
Password: 007554
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,643718376# US (San Jose)
Call Agenda (high level):
– 10m check-in & land acknowledgement
– 10m calm the limbic system (Guided meditation, poems, qigong, laughter yoga)
– 15-20m digital activism in breakout rooms
– 15-20m mutual aid (Sharing what you need with the group, in breakout rooms & sheet)
– 10m calm the limbic system (Exercise, meditation, gratitudes)
Saturday, March 28
6. Saturday, 5:00pm – 6:30pm, Decarceration in the time of COVID-19 with Ivette Ale from JusticeLA (Webinar)
Join this interactive webinar to learn about the inspiring work of JusticeLA getting hundreds of people released from the LA Jails in response to the threat of the spread of COVID-19. While the right is well practiced in disaster capitalism and taking advantage of moments like this to push systemic far reaching changes that will have lasting impacts, we have a chance and responsibility to push for both the immediate needs of people most impacted to be met, and also to push our own transformative long-term demands forward.
Host: San Jose Peace Center