1187 Frankin St
Sensible Cinema
1187 Franklin Street
Celebrating James Baldwin At One Hundred
James Baldwin
The Price of the Ticket
Friday, December 20, 2024
6:30pm (PDT), 7:30 pm (MDT), 8:30 pm (CDT), 9:30 pm (EDT)
An emotional portrait, a social critique, the film James Baldwin: The Price Of A Ticket by director Karen Thorsen is an autobiographical portrait of writer activist James Baldwin.
The film probes into Baldwin’s personal life, writings and perspectives on race in America. The film allows Baldwin to tell his story in his own words (minus narration) drawing extensively from Baldwin’s own words speeches and interviews – many of the words were written from his various homes in France, Switzerland, Turkey and Harlem.
With rarely-seen archival footage from over a hundred sources and nine different countries the film shows viewers the life, works, and beliefs of James Baldwin, who was a major twentieth-century American author, Civil Rights activist, and a prophetic voice calling on Americans, Black and White, to confront their shared racial adversity.
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For more information please contact:
Melvin Starks (melvinstarks734@yahoo.com) or Larry Danos (415-722-6480)