
Information, discussion, community


September 2012 – May 2017


1. 9/10/12 Jerry Mander: Is Capitalism Obsolete?

2. 9/17/12 No Forum: Occupy 1 year anniversary at Wells Fargo!!

3.  9/24/12 Tom Ward, Michael Ditmore: The Working Class Anarchist Tradition

4. 10/1/12 David McReynolds: Socialism In Its Many Forms

5. 10/8/12  Maria Gilardin and Christine Garcia: The Alarming Effects of the Corporatization of our Food Supply

6. 10/15/12  Connie Field: Strategies and Tactics of the Anti-Apartheid Movement: Bringing Down an Immoral System

7. 10/22/12  The Positive Peace Warriors: MLK Jr.’s Strategy and Philosophy for Sustaining Social Movements

8.  10/29/12 Forum Planning Meeting

9. 11/5/12  Cecile Pineda: How the Nuclear Industry Gets Away with Irradiating and Annihilating Us All

10.   11/12/12  Steve Zeltzer and Professor George Wright: Education for Profit: How the 1% is Privatizing Public Education and Commodifying our Children

11. 11/19/12  Ethan Davidson, Prasadchita, David Nelson: Buddhist Activism: The First 2,500 Years (from Tibet to Thailand and Myanmar to Occupy Oakland)

12. 11/26/12  Ahmed Salah: From Tahrir Square to Occupy Wall Street: What the SF Movement Can Learn From Arab Spring

13. 12/3/12 Positive Peace Warriors: MLK Jr.s Strategy and Philosophy II

14. 12/10/12  Rebecca Solnit and Scott Crow: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster: The Implications for Everyday Life and the New Vision of what Civil Society Could Become


15. 1/7/13  Ian Boal (historian), Shannon Biggs (Global Exchange), Katherine Howard (SF Ocean Edge), Ed Dunn (HANC), Space Transformers: Defending Our Commons from Corporate Plunder

16. 1/14/13  Phil Hutchings (SNCC), David Hartsough (lunch counter sit-ins, bus boycott): The Civil Rights Movement and Beyond: How Can The Occupy Movement Keep our Eyes on the Prize for the Long Term?

17. 1/21/13  Steven Zunes and David Solnit: The Strategies and Tactics of Successful Civil Resistance and Revolutionary Movemets Around the World

18. 1/28/13  350.org (Michael Marx), The Sierra Club (Jess Ackerman), and Clean Power SF (Jason Fried):Bringing on the Demise of Dirty Energy Corporations and the Rise of a Sustainable Future

19. 2/4/13  Greenaction for Environmental Health and Justice and Environmental Justice Activists: The Fight Against Environmental Racism: Updates from the Frontlines in Bayview Hunters Point, Richmond, and Kettleman City and How to Stop the 1% from Poisoning Us

20. 2/11/13 Homes Not Jails SF// Alyisha Pelpon, Ted Bullickson, SF Tenants Union: A City of the 1% Or For Us All?

21. 2/18/13  Mark Kitchell: Film: A Fierce Green Fire: Battle for a Living Planet / The Strategies and Tactics of the Environmental Movement: What Can Occupy Learn, Adapt, Apply? 

22. 2/25/13  John Curl and Members of Local Co-Ops: The Surprisingly Rich History of Worker-Owned Co-Operatives and Communes: Making our Workplaces More Democratic

23. 3/4/13 Nancy Mancias/CODEPINK: Drones: Killing By Remote Control

24. Rootstrikers: Getting to the Root of the Problem

25. 3/18/13  Keith McHenry and Father River Sims: Beloved Community: Radical Volunteerism in the Age of Neglect

26. 3/25/13  Arthur Stamoulis, Citizens Trade Campaign: The Trans Pacific Partnership: What Corporations Want and Why People on Four Continents are Saying “NO!”

27. 4/1/13  JJ Massar, Cassie Thornton, Margaret Rossoff (Strike Debt): Strike Debt: Why are we in debt, The Perception vs. The Reality, and What Can We Do About It?

28. 4/8/13 Cecile Pineda and Steve Zeltzer: News from the Anti-Nuclear Campaigns from the People Out Front

29. 4/15/13 Jane Smith and Niels Hahn: Above the Law: High Crimes of International Financiers and the Neoliberal Connection

30. 4/22/13  Victor Menotti (The International Forum on Globalization): Outing the Oligarchy: The Battle of Seattle, the WTO, and the Koch Brothers’ Scale of Influence

31. 4/29/13  Victor Menotti (The International Forum on Globalization): Outing the Oligarchy II: Mobilizing for Seattle, Weak Links and Unifiers

32. 5/6/13   Jerry Mander, Koohan Paik (The International Forum on Globalization): Peoples of the Pacific: Confronting Globalizaiton, Militarization, Resource Theft and America’s “Pacific Pivot”

33. 5/13/13. The Bradley Manning Support Network and Courage to Resist: Update on the Trial of Bradley Manning

34. 5/20/13  Earth First! Founder Mike Roselle and Darryl Cherney: “Who Bombed Judi Bari?” Film: Stopping California’s Chainsaw Massacre in the Redwoods

35. 5/27/13  Servio Cruipoma (Ecuador), Adam Zuckerman (Amazon Watch), Alex Goff (Amazon Watch), Sven Eberlein (Bike the Math, 350.Bay Area), Bill Pinkham (350.Bay Area), Dr. Henry Clark (West County Toxics Coalition): Tipping Point or Turning Point: The Crimes of Chevron and the Campaigns to Stop Them

36. 6/3/13  Earth First! Steve Jacobson, Mokai, Karen Pickett, Air, Dennis Cunningham (attorney), Ben Rosenfeld (attorney): “No Compromise In Defense of Mother Earth!” Insiders and Outsiders: Allies or Inadvertant Antagonists

37. 6/10/13  John Lindsay Polin, Michael Eisenscher, Sandra Schwartz: Jobs Not Wars

38. 6/17/13  Gifford Hartman: Bread Riots in Cairo and the Oakland Port Shutdown: What’s the Connection?

39. 6/24/13  Andres Thomas Conteris, Sherri Maurin: CloseGitmo.net: Organize to Close Guantanamo and End US Torture

40. 7/1/13  Mehmet Bayram, Sharat G. Linn, Ahmed Salah: The People Awake! Laying the Groundwork for the Recent Uprisings in Turkey, Brazil and Egypt

41. 7/8/13  Shannon Biggs: Rights-Based Organizing: California Communities Rising Against Fracking

42. 7/15/13 Jane Smith: Bitcoin

43. 7/22/13  Strike Debt and Direct Defense Action Team: The Corporatocracy and the U.S. Post Office

44. 7/29/13  Ryan Smith: Occupy Labor

45. 8/5/13 Clark Sullivan: Livestreaming (including workshop)

46. 8/19/13  Bruce Neuberger, Rick Baum, Nancy Reiko Kato: Save City College: An Update on the Struggle

47. 8/26/13  Scott Parkin and Todd Zimmer: Direct Action in the Climate Movements // Extractive Industry Protest

48. 9/2/13  ???Sarah Menefee??? Homeless Struggle?

49. 9/8/13 Pirate Mike (Veterans for Peace) and Fran Strine: Film “Battlefield of the Mind”: An Examination of Veterans’ Homelessness and the Struggle of PTSD

50. 9/.16/13  Jill Stein: The Green Shadow Cabinet: Strategies for Movement vs. Money Politics

51. 9/23/13 Marco Vangelisti: How Do We Build A Better Economic System?

52. 9/30/13 Movie Night: The Secret of Oz: The History of the Monetary System

52. 10/7/13 Carol Smith: Occupy Movements of the 1930s and 1940s: The Struggle for Free Speech at the City College of New York”

53. 10/14/13 Ryan Smith and Darwin Bond-Graham: Brutal and Unequal: Disruption, Precarity and the New Tech Boom

54. 10/21/13 Paul Boden and Mike Zint: The Fight for Homeless Rights 

55. 10/28/13 Anne Donjacour // Schooling for Oppression/Education for Freedom // Home Schooling vs forced public schooling. Panel: Adults and kids from San Francisco Homeschoolers

56. 11/4/13  JoAnn McAllister: The Movement Action Plan: A Model for How Successful Movements Work

57.  11/11/13  Javier Ocasio: Making Observations: Seeing the World As It Is…

58. 11/18/13 David Hartsough: screening of “American Autumn: An Occudoc”

59. 11/25/13  Ryan Smith and Ethan Davidson 4 Revolutions (American, Russian, France and Cuba

60. 12/2/13  Jiwon Chung and the Community Democracy Project: Take Back Democracy – Occupy the Budget!

61. 12/16/13 Nancy Mancias and Inder Comar: The Spirit of CODEPINK: More Than Marches! The class action lawsuit to hold Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell and Wolfwotiz accountable for the illegal invasion & occupation of Iraq and more creative ideas from “Beautiful Trouble”

62. 12/9/13  Don Bechler: How Market Ideology and Corporate Power are Killing Our Health Care System

63.  12/23/13 Jane Smith and Panel: “FED UP” (Location: Federal Reserve Building at 101 Market) // Action: Surround the FED // The illuminator // Speakers // Light Brigade

xx.  12/30/13 No Forum//Holiday


64.  1/6/14 Mayor Gayle McLaughlin Making Local Democracy Work in The City of Richmond, also, Skype with Robert Hockett, originator of Eminent Domain Tactic to fight foreclosures

65.  1/14/14 “What’s That Stench?” Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Expansion in the North Bay and Pittsburg and the Campaign to Stop it in its Tracks

Diane Bailey (NRDC), Ernest Machen and Damien Luzzo (Sunflower Alliance), Henry C. Clark (West County Toxics Coalition), Martin Macherel (Pittsburg Defense Council):

66. 1/20/13 Andrea Pritchett and Gerald Smith: Film:  “Berkeley To Soweto” on the divestment movement to stop Apartheid in South Africa

67.1/25/13 Shannon Biggs: Democracy School

68. 1/27/14 Javier Orozo “Debates”

69. 1/3/14  Jiwon Chung: Theater of the Oppressed (when was this? ’13?)

70. 2/10/14 Karthik Ramanathan and Ahmed Syed: Hindu Extremism in India and its Tentacles in the Indian American Diaspora

71. 2/17/14 Miguel Altieri // The Food Supply CANCELLED /DID WE SHOW A FILM?/ DISCUSSION?

72. 2/24/14 (Steve Jacobson panel) David Rovics at Occupy: “We’re Gonna Stay Right Here!!”

73. March 3 /14 OccupyForum at La Pena: Winona La Duke, Victor Menotti, Lyana Monterey

74. March 10 /14 Anne Donjacour’s panel on Water/Water rights

75. March 17 /14  Bradley Angel Greenaction // Hunter’s View Mothers and Fathers // We Are Bayview Hunter’s Point!! // Peoples Earth Day March and Rally

76. March 24 /14  What is Money? Part II // Jane Smith and Spencer Veale, members of Politics Of Debt Reading group from Strike Debt Bay Area

77. March 29th /14  Paul Kangas // Fukushima: Facts and Fiction

78. April 7th /14  Orion and Albany Bulb Panel: Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win! Save the Albany Bulb! (Steve Jacobson’s Panel)

79. April 14 /14  Our Homes, Our Neighborhoods–The Fight to Wake up the City, Stop Displacement,and Take Back Control of Our Communities // Julien Ball / SF ACCE and foreclosure and eviction fighters like Eviction-Free SF

80. April 21 /14  Field Trip to hear… Author Nomi Prins: All the President’s Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power

81. April 28 /14  David Hartsough // Screening and discussion: “How to Start a Revolution” — a film on the work of Gene Sharp

82. May 5 /14  Strike Debt Bay Area introduces The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual Hannah Appel, Cassie Thornton and Jane Smith

83. May 12 /14  Anarchism: Its Effects: Past, Present, and Future! Ramsey Kanaan, Joey Cain and Liz Highleyman  (Steve Jacobson’s Panel)

84. May19 /14  In conjunction with the Global Day of Action Against Chevron — Chevron Not Chagrined: What next? Victor Menotti from the International Forum on Globalization, Grant Wilson from Earth Law Center / Rights of Nature and community rights ordinances as legal alternatives, Eric Brooks from CleanPowerSF, Sven Eberlein from Ecocity Builders re: sustainable cities and bicycles, Stephanie Hervey from Richmond CA: What it’s like to live near Fossil Fuel Refineries

85. May 26 /14  “There are Solutions”: Hear from 5 Green Party Candidates for the June 3rd Election: Ellen Brown, candidate for California State Treasurer, Laura Wells, candidate for California State Controller,Jena Goodman, candidate for California State Lieutenant Governor, Luis Rodriguez, candidate for California State Governor, Barry Hermanson, candidate for US Congress, District 12

86. June 2nd /14  Conversation with David Korten: A New Story for a New Economy — To Find Our Human Place in a Living Universe

87. June 9th /14  Ryan Rising & Ivy Anderson // Story Telling and Discussion: Land Access, Food Autonomy,Permaculture and Direct Action

88. June 16  /14  Jade Batstone and Jessica Nuti 99Rise: Building the Nationwide Movement Waging Nonviolent Struggle to get Big Money out of American Politics

89. June 23 /14  Brainstorming Session: Where Are We Going Next? (Internal discussion on where to take the OccupyForum in the future)

90. June 30th /14  Patrick McKercher // Leverage Poins & Tipping Points: Deconstructing Politiacal Influence with Patrick McKercher –Social network analysis of people, orgs and their info and money flows in global warming “debate” propaganda, which gives us a sort of map of the death star that would be good in strategic planning.

91. July 7 /14  The Surveillance Industrial Complex/OccupyGoogle Zaigham and Roots Ryan

92. July 14/14  Eric Brooks Private Fossil Fuel Monopolies or Community Choice Energy: Our Path to Renewables is Under Attack!

93. July 21st /14  Anne and Laurie Baumgarten The Peoples Climate Curriculum (How to do teach-ins about fossil fuel and the climate crisis)

94. July 28th/14 Jiwon Chung: Theatre of the Oppressed: Internal Oppression

xx. August 4 /14 Forum is on vacation

xx. August 11/14 Forum is on vacation

95. August 18th Roots Rising and Zaigham Kabir: Creating the World We Want to See, including Block the Boat

96. August 25th Film by Stephen Vittoria/ Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary: A Journey with Mumia Abu Jamal

97. September 8/14 film “Just Do It” in honor of KinderMorgan direct action

98. Sept 15th/14  Meg Whitaker Forum “The Ghosts of Jeju Island”

99. Sept 22/14  Kim White Film: Climate Refugees

100. Sept 29th/14  Naomi Klein Field Trip: This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate KPFA in Berkeley First Congregational Church

101. Oct 6/14 David Braun and Tia Lebhertz Food and Water Watch /Fracking: Building a Diverse Movement to Win Hosted by Californians against Fracking

102. Oct 13/14 Occupy the Food Supply:Two films on the politics of food

Ripe for Change — a film by Emiko Omori & Jed Riffe and Occupy the Farm (Trailer) by Todd Darling

103. Oct 20th/14 Field Trip: Vandana Shiva The Rights of Mother Earth

104. Oct 27/14 Addressing the Housing Crisis Head-On: Prop G and CARES Campaigns // Attack Roots of San Francisco’s Housing Woes

105. Nov 3/14 Field Trip: Occupy the electoral process!! YES on G (Night before the Election) Meet at Prop G headquarters to Addressing the Housing Crisis Head-On Continued

106. Nov 10th/14 From divestment to… well, er… divestment: Discussion with long-time activist Billy Nessen RE: divestment from South Africa/Divestment from fossil fuels

107. Nov 17t/14h Film: The Black Road — on the Front Line of Aceh’s War — the struggle for independence with Billy Nessen

108. Nov 24th/14 Film: Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices

109. Dec. 1 /14 Panel: The Kurdish Struggle (against ISIS)

110. Dec. 8th/14 Field trip to 518 Valencia SF Climate Forum: From Lima to Paris –The Road To Climate Justice in 2015 Teach-in & Fundraiser for the Caravana Climatica and the People’s Climate Summit in Lima, Peru

111. Dec 15th/14 Pia Mancini on DemocracyOS (Democracy Operating System) via Skype from Buenos Aires, Argentina

112. Dec 22 Is Diablo Canyon our Fukushima Waiting to Happen?

 Harvey “No Nukes” Wasserman Author of Solartopi,a

Linda Seeley San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Cynthia Papermaster

Codepink Golden Gate, organizer of the PG&E Ratepayer Revolt to Decommission Diablo

xx. Dec 29th/14 Global Exchange is closed


113. January 5th/15 Susan Harmon “Reckoning with Torture” Abu Ghraib Dramatic Reading of related documents in a film produced by CodePink, ACLU, The National Lawyers Guild & World Can’t Wait  –“Berkeley Says No to Torture.”

January 12th /15 President of the Board of Trustees, San Francisco City College, John Rizzo CCSF

114. January 19th/15  MLK day Global Exchange is closed (Hartsough’s house for film on MLK) From Selma to Montgomery / another film was shown.

115. January 26the/15  Mark  / “We cannot remain silent” at the UU Climate Refugees Surviving Climate Chaos: Reframing the Climate Question // Groups: Americans Against Fracking (David Brown), 350 Bay Area (Jed Holtzman), Sunflower (Margaret Rossoff), Roots Rhyzing on Permaculture, Rising Tide (Scott Parkin)

116. January 27th/15 Harvey Wasserman at GX Shut Down Diablo Canyon Nuke Harvey Wasserman, Linda Seeley, Larry Fahn, Cynthia Papermaster

117. February 9/9th/15 Ahmed /film: The Square Tahrir Square with Ahmed Salah /Egypt update

118. February 2/15/15  Gifford Hartman Shutting Down the Fossil Fuel Industry via its Supply Chains

119. February 16/15  WRAP Western Regional Advocacy Project: Housekeys Not Handcuffs (Paul Boden’s Group)

120. February 23/15  Dennis Rivers (met at Hartsough’s) Resilience Resources in the face of “Slow Violence”and “Enduring Emergencies”

A Dialogue with Dennis Rivers, Writer, Activist & Communication Skills Trainer

121. March 2 /15   Film: SEABROOK 1977 The Creation of the Grassroots Antinuclear Power Movement //In anticipation of the accelerating campaign to shut California’s last nukes — the two reactors at Diablo Canyon, near San Luis Obispo — we will view Seabrook 77, the story the of attempt to block construction of a nuclear power plant. With Donna xxx from Clamshell Alliance

122. March 9/15   Stopping a Pipeline: Effective Resistance at the Unis’tot’en Blockade Bryan Day

123. March 16/15   Film: The Hidden Enemy: The covert Operation Behind Military Suicides

124. March 23/15  Film: My Brooklyn: Film and Discussion with Anti-Gentrification Activists (couldn’t screen it! Oops!)

125. March 30/15   Deep Green Resistance (Trans community got this changed…. Contending with Differences Between Individuals and Groups in the Movement: Deep Green Resistance and Members of the Trans Community

126. April 6/15   Black Lives Matter: The Origins, The Present and the Future Steve Jacobson, Gerald Smith, Antionette Gaggera, Jenny Ryan and xxx from Open Circle (unite and help families of people murdered by police)

127. April 13/15   Anne: BAAQMD Do Your Job! The Failure of Regulatory Agencies to Protect the Public

128. April 20/15   Forum cancelled: Goldman Environmental Awards

129. April 27/15   SDS Film: Rebels with a Cause // Helen Garvy

130. May 4/15   Kathy Kelly field trip

131. May 11/15   Jeffrey and Action Council on Mayors Conference

132. May 18/15   Harvey Wasserman David Braun Nukes/Fracking at Local 2

May 25 Memorial Day GX Closed

133. June 1st Ryan Smith: 2011: Understanding the Role of Cybersppace and Social Change

134. June 2nd extra occupy forum Don’t NUKE/FRACK Our Mother Earth Harvey, David Braun, Linda Seeley from Diablo Local 2

135. June 8th David Hartsough Discussion on Civil Disobedience

136. June 15th Film “1971” Film and discussion about the 1971 Burglary which exposed massive FBI corruption

137. June  22 Eva Donjacour on Greenpeace Camp / TWAC

138. June 29th Ryan Smith Confrontation with Fascism: The Spanish Civil War (Dress rehearsal for Julie fisher My Brooklyn!)

139. July 6 Julie Fisher 415 307 1213 to show My Brooklyn

140. July 13 Andy Blue Monster in the Mission with Peter Menchini and his video coverage of Mission Takes City Hall

141. July 20 Environmental Justice for Oakland: Environmental Justice with Natalie Berns, Jennifer Fassbinder, Gifford Hartman for Oakland Fossil Fuel Resistance

142. July 27 Bob Rowen  Nuclear Whistleblower

143. August 3 Melvyn’s Forum Crisis in Ukraine:

Prologue to World War III? Presentation and Dialogue with Dr. George Wright, Political Science Professor Emeritus

144. August 10 Melvyn’s Forum PETER MATHEWS: Dollar Democracy: With Liberty and Justice for Some

145. August 17 “On Company Business” – a Documentary

146. August 24th   Documentary “All Power to the People” Lee Lou Lee

147. August 31st  Who Killed Sandra Bland? Panel: Gerald Smith, Antonia Gaggero, Nancy Mancias, Frances Collins, James Garrett

September 7 closed for labor day

148. September 14 Unist’ot’en field trip Omni commons

149. September 21 (Melvyn’s Forums) Stop Mass incarceration

150. Bruce Neuberger and other reps from Stop Mass Incarceration Bay Area to speak about their work and two upcoming actions in October.

151. September 28th Green Party Candidates Fernando Herrera and Sherrif Hennesy

152. September 26   ??? Stop Mass Incarceration Bay Area National Director Carl Dix who will be in the Bay Area (HOPEFULLY) the following Saturday September 26

153. October 5 Dr. Raymond Tompkins/Bradley Angel Marie Harrison Greenaction on The Bayview

154. October 12 Steve Martinot (Marteeno) The Machinery of Whiteness

155. October 19 Erica Marcus The People Make the Peace
Rennie Davis, Frank Joyce and Judy Gumbo. Erica Marcus linkerica@gmail.com

Met with MK at Berkeley Barb Anniversary in Berkeley

156. October 26th JP Masser and Debbie Notkin: Strike Debt Bay Area:

How The Other Half Isn’t Allowed to Bank

157. November 2 COPWATCH Andrea Prichett Fieldtrip to Berkeley

158. November 9 Bernie Sanders and The Democratic Party:

Limited Choices? Or Other Possibilities? With Members of The Peace and Freedom Party and Independent Panelists Gerald Smith

159. November 16 Paul Kangas on Charlotteville AME Church murders/racism Only a Pawn in Their Game:First-hand report from the Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C.

160. November 23 Steve Martinot: The Machinery of Whiteness The foundations of racism in America:“Race” is not a noun, it is a verb (“to racialize”)

161. November 30 Get together to discuss renewing faith in our activism at Pueto Alegre Reassessing and Recommitting To Your Activism in Dire Times

162. December 7 Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition

163. December 14th Movie Night: “Where the Spirit Lives”

 A film about aboriginal life in Canadian residential schools

164. December 21st Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition

165. December 28th Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition


166. January 4 Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition

167. Thursday, January 7th, Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition

168. January 11 Susan Harmon: Urban Shield: Stop Urban Shield Coalition. Ali Oak Baba, from Oakland Circle, representing families of murdered black children; Susan Harmon: Oakland Privacy Working Group and CodePink (Local 2)

169. January 18 MLK Day MLK Day March in Oakland / (Bay Bridge Takeover)

170. January 25 “What They Never Learned in Their History Books” — A film on Ray Fadden and his Mohawk People shown by Steve Jacobson

171. February 1 Cecile Pineda reads from Apology to a Whale

172. February 8 Orange Revolution: Film on stolen election

February 15 GX closed: holiday

173. February 22 Melvin’s Forum on Malcolm X “Make it Plain” film

174. February 29 HEIST with Don Goldmacher

175. March 7, Steve Zeltzer: Racist roots of Flint’s water crisis.

176. March 14 Gerald Smith: Fascism What it is and How to Fight It

177. March 21 Deni Leonard Indigenous and Tribal Issues in the United States and around the world: Regarding Sovereignty and Self-Government

178. March 28 Film: 3 ½ Minutes, 10 Bullets

179. April 4th Steve DeCaprio: Activist for Squatter Rights

180. April 11 Anne Donjacour shows Kogi film “From the Heart of the World – the Elder Brothers’ Warning”

181. April 18 Palestinian graphic novelist Leila Abdelrazaq thru Erica Marcus (Ruthie to Goldman Environmental Awards

182. April 25 Gerald Smith Working Class Defense:  Building a United Front to Stop Police Violence

183. May 2 David Cobb: Move to Amend: Waging Non-Violent Revolution through Constitutional Amendment on Move to Amend Booked Local 2

184. May 3rd Tuesday, Greg Suhr, Michael Krasne, Adache panel at Sherith Israel (Just Jeff Adachi: Greg Suhr bailed)

185. May 9 “You’re Under Arrest for Masterminding the Egyptian Revolution” With Ahmed Salah

xx May 16 Ruthie in Frankfurt

xx May 23 Ruthie in Frankfurt


186. JUNE 6 Harvey Wasserman: No Nukes and Election Fraud: Discussion: Will the 2016 election be stolen (again)?

Will voting for Bernie help shut Diablo Canyon?

Author/activist Harvey Wasserman

187. JUNE 20 Harry Bridges A Man and His Union with Longshoreman Ted Frazier (he did not show up but we saw the film)

189. June 27th Forum on the Forum

190. June 11th Report from Zapatista Territory With Maria Donjacour

191. June 18th Gerald Smith The Sacramento Protest: Victory over Fascism Gerald and panel on Sacramento anti-Fascist Action

192. July 25th:  Field Trip: Sea Level Rise, Flooding, and Justice in the Bay Area – policy workshop we are doing with coalition allies on July 25 : Greenaction is part of a regional climate justice coalition called the Resilient Communities Initiative, and RCI will be having a workshop on sea level rise, flooding and justice. This is an important opportunity to engage/challenge some of the government agencies who should be dealing with this issue, especially how sea level rise will impact the toxic and radioactive waste sites along the Baview Hunters Point and southeast waterfront.

August 1st: Closed

August 8th: Closed

193. August 15th: “Forum on the Forum Meeting”: bring your ideas

194. August 22nd: Francis Collins “Occupation of the American Mind” and “Five Broken Cameras” on Israel-Palestine.

195. August 29th Melvin will show a film / Michele Alexander

September 5th: Labor Day Weekend: Closed

196. September 12th: 9/11 films from the Truth festival

197. September 19th: Steve J and Dwight program: The History of Socialism in America:
from Robert Owens’ Utopian Experiment of 1825 to Bernie’s Political Revolution of 2016 With Eugene Ruyle and Bruno Ruviaro

198. September 26th: Ruthie // Debate… … Bernie debate? Hillary/trump? Ralph nader?

Reschedule: Eric Brooks on Rooftop Solar/ Community Choice public broadband vs monopoly internet companies, and pesticides being used in our parks. And I can update people about CleanPowerSF.

199. October 3rd: Bruce Neuberger  COMMUNISM Bob Avakian’s new book

200. October 10 Making a Killing documentary Guns, Greed, and the NRA: The Impact of Guns on America (Melvin)

 (OccupyOakland Omni Commons on October 9th 7pm)

Film #OO (OccupyOakland Kevin Pina)

201. October 17  David Welsh on Haiti election Haiti Action Committee // You have his number in your phone! 510 847 8657 ?????  Pierre Labossiere co-founder of Haiti Action Committee, put it up on craigslist,

202. October 24 Report from The Homeless People’s

Popular Assembly with Bilal Ali: The Homeless People’s Popular Assembly (HPPA) is a gathering of the homeless, formerly homeless, and their supporters for self-determination to create solutions for encampments.

October 31 Halloween No Forum

203. Nov 7 Film: Let the Fire Burn

In 1985, when a longtime feud between the city of Philadelphia and the controversial radical urban group MOVE came to a deadly climax.

204. Nov 14 American Indian Genocide and Standing Rock with Deni

205. Nov 21 The 13th, Ava DuVernay’s documentary: Exposes Glaring Loophole in the Constitution (Ruthie) ask Chuck if he can show this Netflix film

206. Monday, November 28 from 6-8 p.m

All Hands Meeting for the Amor for Alex Memorial at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center

207. Dec 5 Gerald Smith: The New Path to Mumia’s Freedom

208. Dec 12, Al Hamer on SDS and Port Huron Statement

209. Dec 19 Harvey Wasserman on Election follies


210. Jan 2 Field Trip to OmniCommons Earth2Trump

211. Jan 9 George Wright: International Relations and Big Oil in the Trump Administration

212. Jan 16

213. Jan 23 Father River Sims and young dude on Ministering to the Homeless

214. Jan HEIST Donald Goldmacher via phone

215. Feb 6th Meg Whitaker-Greene: Standing Rock report back // Standing Rock:” Every Footfall Is a Prayer “

216. Feb 13 Film: Climate Refugees 2017


217. Feb 27 FILM At the River I Stand sanitation workers strike and MLK Discussion with George Wright

218. March 6 VJ Burma (Ethan’s film about Ahn Sang Su Ki and the Burmese monk revolution)

219. March 13th ruthie will go to Karen Fleshman’s meeting of CEOs about UNITY, how to get along with each other, sisterhood, and racial equity training

Film and Discussion: The People Speak (Based on Howard Zinn’s books) Discussion: Strategy For Resistance

222. March 20 “What Is To Be Done?” Michael Goldstein will present his challenging, promising, and unusual view of the path forward for those seeking fundamental social transformation, and then lead discussion.


223. April 3 (The 1st Anniversary of the SFPD Killing of Luis Gongora with Adriana and Luis first for 15 minutes)

Steve Zeltzer: Workers and Activists demand BAAQMD Execs be prosecuted for destroying records and illegally retaliating against agency whistleblowers

224. April 10 Film: 30 Seconds to Midnight / David Hartsough’s friend Regis Tremblay’s film http://registremblay.com/kudos-thirty-seconds-midnight/ (at Local 2)

225. April 17 Refuse Fascism: Driving the Trump Regime from Power

with speakers from No on Fascism! Bruce Neuberger, and Joey

226. April 24  (Ruthie at Goldman awards ceremony)

Film in Celebration of Earth Day:

A Fierce Green Fire by Mark Kitchell

xx. May 1 MAY DAY NO FORUM! We are at MARCHES!

227. May 8 Michael Goldstein:  Nuts and Bolts of Transitions of Power:

Initiating a Just and Sustainable Society:  Part I

228. May 15th Visualize Impeachment: Film: The Final Days  (on the impeachment of Nixon)

229. May 22nd George Wright: Why Is There No Socialism in the US?

230. May 29th Gerald Smith: Transition to ?

xxx. June 5 Toby Blome CODE PINK report back from Creech Airforce Base

xxx. June 12 Film: BOOM The Sound of Eviction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FfOHVu_noY

xxx. June 19 Film: From the Ashes against Coal and Fossil Fuel. Premiers on National Geographic Channel June 25th 2017

xxx. June 26 Pearl Ubungen dancer activist

xxx. July 3 Peter Papadooo about Monster in Mission (?) Andy is asking him.

xxx. July 10 Who Killed Park Merced? Nick Pasquariello?

xxx. July 17 David Hartough Occupations and sit-ins // Labor fest

Hartsough <davidrhartsough@gmail.com>, can do it!
 Gifford Hartman <giffordh@yahoo.com>,
Gerald Smith <gsmith1917@gmail.com>,
“Wright, George (Retired)” <gwright@csuchico.edu>,
“Dr. Raymond Tompkins” <rtomp@sbcglobal.net>,
Donald Goldmacher <donald.goldmacher@gmail.com>

July 24

July 31

Sandra Decker, Laura Wells, Green Party

Corazon: Scottie Parkin’s friend from Rising Tide

George Wright series on Socialism and how to implement it.

Berkeley in the ‘60s…

Have You Heard From Johannesburg? FILM

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