Forget Mueller. Forget Impeachment. A Million People Should Surround the White House and Demand Trump’s Resignation

March 27, 2019 by Common Dreams Even the master distractor himself could not have distracted the mass dittohead media any better from his true crimes. by Ralph Nader U.S. President Donald Trump stands in the colonnade as he is introduced to speak to March for Life participants and pro-life leaders… Continue reading

“This is not an elitist issue” AOC on Republican inaction on climate change

Guardian News Published on Mar 26, 2019 Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gives a fiery speech during a committee hearing in response to Republicans push-back on her climate change policy, The Green New Deal. ‘You want to tell people that their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist?’, yells a… Continue reading

Strike Debt Bay Area on Track to Eliminate Millions in Medical Debt for East Bay Residents.

March 26th, 2019 For Immediate Release Contact: Debbie Notkin, T: (510) 418-0627 E: Contact: JP Massar, T: (510) 883-0580 E: Strike Debt Bay Area: Oakland: Strike Debt Bay Area (SDBA), an organization devoted to working against unjust debt, in conjunction with national non-profit RIP Medical Debt (,… Continue reading

Liberal Feels Like Idiot For Placing Entirety Of Hopes On Mueller Probe Instead Of New York Prosecutors’ Investigation

March 26, 2019 ( MORENO VALLEY, CA—Kicking himself for focusing all his energy on the wrong thing, local liberal Brian Whitmore reportedly felt like an idiot Tuesday for placing the entirety of his hopes on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into President Trump instead of the New York state prosecutors’… Continue reading

Over 300,000 Internet Users Tune In as Net Neutrality Bill Clears Major Hurdle ‘Unscathed’

March 26, 2019 by Common Dreams Digital rights group Fight for the Future said so many people were watching the hearing online that they “broke the counter” by Jake Johnson, staff writer “The eruption of grassroots support had an impact, and the bill passed the subcommittee vote without issue,” Fight… Continue reading

To Defeat the Far-Right and the ‘Inane Establishment,’ Progressives Launch ‘Citizen Takeover of the EU’

March 25, 2019 by Common Dreams “We have come together despite our diverse political traditions—Green, radical left, liberal—in order to repair the EU.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer “Europeans are losing their faith in the possibility of European solutions to European problems. At the same time as faith in the… Continue reading

William Barr Declares Mueller Investigation Fully Exonerates Members Of Reagan Administration From Iran-Contra Involvement

March 25, 2019 ( WASHINGTON—Following the completion of the special counsel’s 22-month probe, Attorney General William P. Barr declared Monday that Robert Mueller’s investigation fully exonerates all members of Ronald Reagan’s presidential administration from involvement in the Iran–Contra affair. “I’ve reviewed Mr. Mueller’s findings and have determined conclusively that neither… Continue reading

Articles ~ Actions ~ Announcements, Monday 3/25 – Friday 3/29 (from Adrienne Fong)

There will be one more set of announcements after this one listing some upcoming events – then I will be taking an extended break. Please encourage groups you are involved in to post events on Indybay: Thank you to all who are posting there!      Check Indybay for other events that… Continue reading

The Cardboard Turntable and the Memorial Toilet

( By Carol Denney on March 22, 2019 Marcia PooleArtist and poet Gary Turchin, “Two Gloves and Trumpets” Carol DenneyArtist and poet Carol Denney, “Memorial Toilet” Carol DenneyArtist and teacher Krystal McKinney Marcia PooleArtist and printmaker Joanna Ruckman Don’t miss the cardboard turntable[1], the robot that speaks, or the Memorial… Continue reading