Scathing new SF Mime Troupe show takes on mental health, houselessness

Scathing new SF Mime Troupe show takes on mental health, houselessness

San Francisco Mime Troupe’s Jed Parsario as Felix and Kina Kantor as Yume. All photos by David Allen Studio Scathing new SF Mime Troupe show takes on mental… ‘Breakdown’ contrasts the stories of a 20-something San Franciscan on the streets with that of a conniving FOX News anchor. By CAITLIN… Continue reading

SF civil grand jury finds ‘deficiencies’ in city vetting of homelessness orgs

SF civil grand jury finds ‘deficiencies’ in city vetting of homelessness orgs

A new report has uncovered a spate of “deficiencies” in how San Francisco contracts with and vets community organizations in response to The City’s homelessness crisis. The San Francisco civil grand jury released Wednesday a 39-page investigation that determined the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing has failed to “equitably provide services to… Continue reading

Shelter, housing and how SF leaders view UCSF homelessness study

Shelter, housing and how SF leaders view UCSF homelessness study

A sweeping study published by San Francisco researchers last week analyzed the primary causes of homelessness in California and made a series of recommendations for solving the state’s most vexing problem. But it’s unlikely to end the ceaseless debates in San Francisco over how The City should address its enduring… Continue reading

Book: “Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World”

Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World Peter S. Goodman A San Francisco Chronicle Bestseller The history of the last half century in America, Europe, and other major economies is in large part the story of wealth flowing upward. The most affluent people emerged from capitalism’s triumph in the Cold War… Continue reading

All-American Slush Fund: The Government’s Latest Gift to the Pentagon and Its Already Bloated Contractors

A new budget loophole will send Pentagon spending soaring even higher.The current Pentagon budget is the biggest arms expenditure in world history. Image: Adobe JULIA GLEDHILL AND WILLIAM D. HARTUNG / TOMDISPATCH ( On June 3rd, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that lifted the government’s debt ceiling and capped some categories of… Continue reading

Middle America’s ‘doom loop’

Middle America’s ‘doom loop’

“If Midwestern cities like Kansas City want to build for the future, then leaders will have to focus on attracting residents — not businesses.” Cities in the Midwest are facing a doom loop — and without serious changes these midsize cities could quietly slide into oblivion. Getty Images; Alyssa Powell/Insider Eliza… Continue reading

How SF plans to spur housing development by slashing fees

How SF plans to spur housing development by slashing fees

Mayor London Breed and city legislators believe they’ve found a way to help dislodge thousands of unbuilt, already-approved homes currently stuck in housing purgatory. By easing the fees and affordable housing requirements The City imposes on housing developers, city leaders hope to kickstart long-stalled projects and spark new construction at a… Continue reading

Articles ~ Petitions ~ Events for Thursday, June 29 – Monday, July 3

By Adrienne Fong Am not back posting on a regular basis. Please include Accessibility and ASL info in your events! And if your action is ‘child friendly’ These are JUSTICE issues!! *** ASL interpretation – Let me know if your event needs this service .*** Please post your actions on Indybay:  See Indybay  for… Continue reading

Who needs a civil war? America is already splitting

Republican and Democratic “trifecta” states are barreling in opposite directions at an astounding rate ROBERT REICH JUN 27, 2023 ( If you want to understand the American political economy today, you need only look at what’s happening in the growing number of “trifecta” states — states where the same party… Continue reading