55 Friday Kahlo Way
Rally for City College This Thursday
This Thursday, Oct. 26 at 5 pm: City College Rising Rally for a Fair Contract for CCSF Teachers, Librarians, & Counselors
Please join the SF City College workers and students who are rallying to demand that college administrators provide living wages and commit to reasonable class sizes. At a time when the district’s own finance team shows a $9 million surplus, it is egregious not to provide these basics and commit to reasonable class sizes! For three years, City College faculty have been without raises, and are now ready to strike in defense of our college.
The San Francisco Education Alliance is joining forces with other orgs pushing for a big turnout to show support for educators and students. Please sign up here, spread the word, and invite friends to join you!
Location: 55 Friday Kahlo Way, in front of the east entrance of the Multi-Use Building, Ocean Campus.