Op-Ed: Has Cover-Up General Barr struck again?

Americans seem to have a distaste for being reminded of cover-ups. They would prefer to live out their comfort seeking lives in fond delusional states. Let the mainstream media tell them what they need to know and just follow the pied piper wherever he leads them.
The recent inevitable ending of the Mueller Report needs at least some perspective for those unwilling to be completely hoodwinked by their authoritarian handlers.

I said from the beginning that there was no Russian meddling in our elections. But nobody had to listen to me. They could have just listened to the head of the NSA, Clapper or Feinstein of the Select Committee on Intelligence. When asked at the beginning of this witch hunt, “Is there any evidence linking the Russians to any election meddling in the US,” both answered NO.

Why was General Cover-Up Barr then called in to “handle” this report? Or, as the article below shows, what is his history of covering things up for the rich and powerful at the expense of the People? Is there something else that is being covered up that needs the “special skills” of this henchman? Well, the answer to that is that we may never know since the full report will not be revealed to us, unless we demand it en masse.

AG Barr was first called in to “cover-up” for Reagan, HW Bush, Weinberger, Abrams, etc. concerning the Iran-Contra scandal. Does anyone remember then Special Counsel, Lawrence Walsh’s futile attempts to hold the perpetrators accountable? And HW’s pardoning of above perps? And note the recent return of Elliot Abrams to operational stature surrounding the US attempt at Venezuelan “meddling”.

Our American history is riddled with cover-ups that so many of us would just like to see go away: JFK, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, the Iran Contra scandal, the Oklahoma City Bombing, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon Bombing, San Bernardino, Orlando, Parkland HS, to name just a few. And our revered Fourth Estate has failed us at every incidence by not pursuing the evidence, but instead serving their profit seeking masters instead.

Thom Hartman’s article might give those strong enough to confront the truth some perspective on how individuals like Barr are sent in to COVER-UP. It might also project some of us to ask the question what NEEDED TO BE COVERED UP? When Mueller said,  “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”, what is being left out?

And let’s not forget when Mueller made his first appearance into serving the deep state right after 9/11 to COVER-UP that LIE.

It would appear that the Knights are perfectly aligned to protect the King and all his entourage.

Forget check mate. The pawns, The People, have been placed out of the game as inconsequential.

–Bob of Occupy

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