This announcement is for Saturday & Sunday only. Will send another announcement in a few days with assorted dates of some events and a listing of weekly and monthly events. That will be the last except for emergent actions for a while.
Please encourage groups you are involved in to post events on Indybay:
Thank you to all who are posting there!
Check Indybay for other events that might interest you.
ACCESSIBILITY: Please include Accessibility Information on events!
CHILDCARE Please indicate if available for events.
A. ‘Every War Is a War Against Children’ – March 28, 2019
We, in the United States, have yet to realize both the futility and immense consequences of war even as we develop, store, sell, and use hideous weapons. The number of children killed
is rising.
B. Severe Flooding Hits South Dakota American Indian Reservation – March 27, 2019
C. Mario Woods’ Family Settles Lawsuit Over Fatal 2015 San Francisco Police Shooting – March 26, 2019
D. With elections weeks away, Israel pounds Gaza – March 25, 2019
See item # 3
1. Hands Off SNAP. Don’t Let Trump Take Away Food From Struggling Workers and Families
2. Sign the petition: #RepealTheBan and support the NO BAN Act
Saturday, March 30
1. Saturday, 10:30am – 1:00pm, What does Zapatista autonomy mean for us in the US?
Omni Commons
4799 Shattuck Ave.
You’re Invited to a Breakfast of Waffles & Zapatismo!
* 10:30am Waffles, coffee, getting to know each other
* 11:00 a.m. Pablo Gonzalez presentation with discussion.
Zapatista Autonomy:
Challenging Solidarity & Organizing in the U.S.
Pablo Gonzalez teaches at UC Berkeley. A first generation Chicano scholar-activist/anthropologist, Pablo is immersed in studying the political and cultural resonance of social movements. In particular, the resonance of Indigenous social movements on Chicanas/os and people of color in the U.S.
The Chiapas Support Committee invites you to join us for a community breakfast and a discussion to deepen our understanding of and relationships with the struggles of Zapatista and Indigenous communities in Mexico and what solidarity looks like in the current political and economic climate. Expressing and organizing solidarity has many race, gender, class facets. How do we speak about Indigenous struggles, how are they linked to our struggles in the U.S., what is the task and responsibility (if any) of U.S.-based social justice movements, anti-racist, environmental justice, racial justice and Indigenous struggles and movements?
Sponsor: Chiapas Support Committee Oakland
2. Saturday, 11:00am – 4:00pm, Black Girls March
Meet at:
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
We are organizing a youth-centered rally and march to bring awareness to the issues so many Black girls face but are often ignored. We are showing up to demonstrate that we love and support each other and that we will not be disappeared. Most importantly, we want to celebrate all the unique characteristics that make us beautiful – will you be there?
3. Saturday, 12Noon – 3:00pm, All Out for Palestine
Meet at:
24th St. Mission BART
We will be meeting at 24th and Mission Bart station, then marching through the Mission
Saturday, March 30, 2019 will mark the first anniversary of the Great March of Return in Gaza and the 43rd anniversary of Land Day in Palestine. Since March 30, 2018, more than 240 Palestinians have been killed, thousands wounded by live fire and thousands more by tear gas and other weapons.
Despite being trapped inside the largest open-air prison in the world and confronting one of world’s most powerful militaries, the Palestinians in Gaza have continued their heroic resistance.
The Trump administration and the Democrat party leaders in Congress have not only supported Israel’s murderous assault, but also continued to provide the weapons to carry it out. They are seeking to criminalize the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign.
We are calling for a march and rally in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian struggle as a whole, March 30, 2019 .
End the Blockade – Let Gaza Live!
Stop all U.S. aid to Israel!
Defend the BDS-Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Campaign
Support Palestinian self-determination including the right of return
Sponsors: Palestine Action Network, AROC and 6 Other Groups
Info: &
4. Saturday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Warriors for Justice Community Report Back
Homies Empowerment Program/Adelante
7631 MacArthur Blvd.
We will also discuss youth activism and our recent work on the Youth Climate Strike in SF on 3/15 to support the Green New Deal
Harvard Alumni of Color Conference
Blackyard Arts in Camden
Wah Lum Kung Fu, USA in Malden
Harvard Arts in Education Class
5. Saturday, 7:00pm – 10:00pm, GenderKrip Planet: Krip-Hop mixtape release w/rapper AJ420
La Peña Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave.
Sliding scale: $ 5 – $10 – no one turned away
Mobility and Physical Spaces:
La Pena’s rooms, doors, and corridors are all at least 32 inches wide and ADA compliant. All doors in the building open manually.
There will be an ASL interpreter translating the performances. All printed material will be available in English and Spanish. All performances will be in English.
Live performance event (music, poetry, skits, dancing, speaking to our ancestors and more) of Disabled Women, Femmes and Warriors
with headliner AJ420 hear AJ’s music
with MC Joy Elán, performances and appearances by AJ420, the Welfare Queens from POOR Magazine, Lisa Ganser, dancer India Harville, Rowan Katz, Juju, Collander and more!!!!
we are celebrating the release of Hell Y’all Ain’t Talmbout: A Krip-Hop Anthology of Women, Femmes, and Warriors
Sponsors: Lisa Ganser & Leroy Moore
Sunday, March 31
6. Sunday, 9:30am – 11:00am, Sunday Forum: The Mueller Report and what it means?
Unitarian Universalist Society of SF
1187 Franklin St.
The Mueller report has been issued. Trump claims he has been exonerated and is using the report to lash out at critics and consolidate a more authoritarian regime. By raising false hopes that it would derail a fascist express and diverting the outrage and keeping people passively waiting, the Mueller investigation has actually weakened the movement against the Trump Pence regime. This is the view of Refuse Fascism.
Local spokesperson, Barry Thornton of Refuse Fascism will be speaking. Come discuss this serious turn of events.
7. Sunday, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, No to War & Racism; U.S. Hands Off Venezuela
Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building
1301 Clay St.
In conjunction with those mobilizing in Washington D.C. we will gather to say NO TO WAR & RACISM; U.S. HANDS OFF VENEZUELA; and
declare our opposition to the military leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) celebration of NATO’s 70th anniversary with its annual summit meeting in Washington, D.C.
April 4, 2019, will mark the 51st anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the internationally revered leader in struggles against racism, poverty and war.
Dr. King’s words linking the three evils of American society: Militarism, Racism and Poverty, and his deeply profound remark that every bomb that falls on other countries is a bomb dropped on our inner cities, reveal the deep-rooted relationship between militarism and the social, racial, economic and environmental injustices that now impoverish whole cities and rural communities and have plagued our society and the world for a long time. It was exactly one year before he was murdered that Rev. King gave his famous speech opposing the U.S. war in Vietnam, calling the U.S. government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world” and declaring that he could not be silent.
Sponsors: End the Wars at Home and Abroad- Spring 2018 and 3 Other groups
6. Sunday, 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Non-Violent Direct Action Training
Women’s Building
3543 18th St.
This training will take participants through the strategies and tools used in non-violent direct action. It will include a know your rights training.This training will be an important place to get plugged into for upcoming actions around the Extinction Rebellion Week of Action beginning on April 15th.
This is a prep for the Extinction Rebellion action on April 15:¬if_id=1553212692684142
Sponsors: Diablo Rising Tide & Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area
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~ SAVE the DATE ~
Alex Nieto Memorial Final Vote
Parks and Recreation Operations Committee
Thursday, April 4, 2019
2:00pm – 5:00pm
San Francisco City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carleton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco
Now is the time to prove love, love for community, love for history, love for posterity.
Join us, the entire community, for the Parks and Recreation Operations Committee vote for the final step to make the Alex Nieto Memorial a reality.
We are receiving opposition about the beautiful poetry that will be on the Amor for Alex Nieto plaque on Bernal Heights. This is our last obstacle before planting the monument that will serve to inspire and educate thousands, hopefully beginning in August of this year.
We must stand up, speak out, fight back for our First Amendment freedom of speech right to speak the truth! We will not compromise La Pura Neta. Too many of our youth have been mis-educated and killed by lies. The plaque language is the beautiful truth without in any way being offensive. The message has been approved by Refugio and Elvira Nieto.
This is it in its entirety:
“Against the violence and injustice of 59 bullets, family and grassroots community arose as a movement to promote the positive spirit and to defend the honor of a beloved young man, Alex Nieto, who was killed by the police.
Amor for Alex Nieto”
We thank you always for your support and courage.