Hope Everyone is SAFE!
Am not back posting on a regular basis
– Please post your events on Indybay: https://www.indybay.org/calendar/?page_id=12
Thank you to all who are – See Indybay for other events.
ACCESSIBILITY: Please include Accessibility Information on events!
A. Violent explosion in Afrin – November 29, 2019
B. Israel to build 11,000 new illegal housing units in Jerusalem – November 29, 2019
C. Dozens of CCSF part-time instructors lose benefits, jobs after spring class cuts – November 28, 2019
D. Abby Martin- Netanyahu Should Be Indicted for War Crimes! ‘Gaza Fights for Freedom!’ –November 23, 2019
E. Battle brews within SF police union over leadership style – November 18, 2019
1. Stop the EPA from putting farmworkers and their families in danger!
2. Stop the Evictions of Chronically Mentally Ill Residents of South Van Ness Manor!
3. Demand Congress support climate-displaced communities.
Sunday, December 1, – Wednesday, December 4
Sunday, December 1
World AIDS Day
1. Sunday, 9:30am – 11:00am, UUSF Forum: Hong Kong: The world’s eyes are focused on Hong Kong, what is really going on there?
Unitarian Universalist Society – SF
1187 Franklin @ Geary
Hong Kong: The world’s eyes are focused on Hong Kong, what is really going on there? (The first of 2 discussions exploring different perspectives on the upheaval in Hong Kong.) Two natives of Hong Kong and long time residents of the U.S., James Hsue and Johnson Choi will speak about their views of what is happening in Hong Kong and, especially, take issue with U.S. media’s representation of the upheaval there.
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2019/11/20/18828315.php
2. Sunday, 10:30am – 12:30pm, Town Hall Meeting on Hong Kong (China)
6501 Telegraph
Sunday morning at the Marxist Library
Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rep Jim McGovern (D-MA) are sponsoring the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019,” but many believe that the U.S. should not be interfering in the internal affairs of China. After a brief introduction by ICSS member Eugene E Ruyle, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Asian Studies at Cal State Long Beach, and perhaps a few additional speakers, we will have an open discussion of the issue with all opinions welcome.
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2019/11/24/18828403.php
3. Sunday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm, World AIDS Day film screening & discussion of “5B”
330 Ellis St.
At the heart of the HIV/AIDS crisis and widespread hysteria, a single number and letter designated a ward on the fifth floor of San Francisco General Hospital, the first in the world designed specifically to treat AIDS patients. The 5B nurses’ compassion and consideration of holistic well-being amounted to a small miracle amid a devastating epidemic and the ensuing panic about risk and infection that followed in its wake.
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1426586067494332/
4, Sunday, 3:00pm – 7:00pm, Mercado de Cambio/tha’ Po Sto-Holiday Art Market 10th Annual
East Side Arts Alliance
2277 International Blvd.
$1 -$20 – no one turned away
Poverty, Indigenous, Youth, Elder, and Disability skolaz- altho struggling to even BE/Stay /Live in this stolen colonized Ohlone /Lisjan Land (Oakland) will be putting on our 10th annual revolutionary art market for the holidaze!
Launched with Indigenous Prayer from From revolutionary Hip Hop to the debut of a film by Youth Poverty Skolaz from Deecolonize Academy called “Animal Eviction” to the release of Volume #14 of Decolonewz on Black Land Theft from The Amazon to Oakland – original art & crafts for sale from over 30 indigenous and poverty skola artists-
Yummy food for donation and there will be Po’Kies & the Debut of PoNuts!!! – we will have a whole afternoon of fun.
Hosts: POOR Magazine + 7 Other groups
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2375692836003217/
Monday, December 2
5. Monday, 8:30am – 11:00am, Pack the 9th Circuit! Stop Trump’s Asylum Ban
9th Circuit Court
95 7th St.,
Courtroom 1, 3rd Floor, Rm. 338
Arrive before 9:00am
The court will hear arguments in our case to block Trump’s asylum transit ban.
After multiple victories to halt the new rule, in September the Supreme Court temporarily sided with Trump while the 9th Circuit considers East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. William Barr, thus blocking folks who must transit through a third country from seeking asylum in the United States.
As you all know, the policy is part of a larger effort to effectively end the ability of immigrants of color to seek protection in the United States. We must continue to fight against this atrocious program and organize for just solutions instead.
Hosts: Innovation Law Lab, East Bay Sanctuary Convenant, Al Otro Lado, Caracen SF
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1519150308223462/
6. Monday, 9:00am, Press conference for #HousingJusticeVillage
Oscar Grant Plaza
14th St. & Broadway
Hear from the unhoused & housed advocates/organizers, hear from unhoused oakland residents who have had their homes destroyed and vehicles towed, hear from the unknowing bystanders who were swept up in the arrests, find out how we were treated by police and jail guards, hear our response to the city’s silly press statement, find out what our next steps are.
Come for the press conference, stay for a day of education.
Info: Village in Oakland #feedthe people
7. Monday, 5:00pm – 6:00pm, World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil
Meet at:
SF AIDS Foundation
1035 Market St.
Participate in a Candlelight Vigil to commemorate World AIDS Day with San Francisco AIDS Foundation. We will walk from 1035 Market Street to City Hall. Candles will be provided.
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1320263138155354/
8. Monday, 5:00pm – 12:00am, MARIO WOODS 4th Angelversary
5:00pm – 8:00pm at 3rd St. & Fitzgerald, SF (where Mario was executed by SFPD)
Open mic for artists with words for Mario. Bring love, poetry, offerings, sage and candles.
9pm-12am 518 Valencia St, SF
Hosted by EQUIPTO
Live music, food, refreshments and community.
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/414098195925564/
9. Monday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, JCV General Community Meeting
Justice Coalition of Vallejo
1220 Georgia St.
We will be meeting at 1220 Georgia Street. Tentatively on the agenda is to debrief our 11/26 action, discuss necessity to go back to City Council Meetings, next trainings and next actions.
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/588451618364037/
10. Monday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Raíces Youth Cohort Report Back
Instituto Familiar de la Raza Inc.
2919 Mission St.
RAÍCES Youth Cohort Report Back
The members of our RAÍCES Youth Cohort will be hosting this event where they will be reporting back on their recent, life-changing journey and cultural exchange with young artists and activists in Mexico City.
There will be: ART, PHOTOS, VIDEO, POETRY and FOOD
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2546746522250540/
Tuesday, December 3
11. Tuesday, 10:00am – 11:00am, Tell EPA: Stop Air Pollution from the Dirty Plastic Industry
75 Hawthorne St.
Rising plastic production in the United States is spewing toxic air pollution into frontline communities, fueling the climate crisis with carbon emissions, and harming our oceans.
The plastic industry is currently planning to expand their North American production by at least 35 percent by 2025. And some of the biggest projects are ethane cracker plants, which pollute nearby communities by turning fracked gas into single-use, throwaway plastics.
Join us to deliver a legal petition signed by more than 300 groups to the U.S. EPA demanding they do their job and curb air pollution from the dirty plastic industry.
Bring a sign and a friend, and help us make our voices heard loud and clear!
Host: Center for Biological Diversity
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2437283763177829/
12. Tuesday, 5:30pm – 9:30pm, City Council to allow Vallejo PD to destroy documents!
555 Santa Clara
5:30pm –Press Conference
6:00pm – Meetomg
The Vallejo city council is holding a special meeting on December 3rd to consider the shredding of documents. They will have automatic purge cycles for city email and calendar records. They will destroy old records.Make no mistake, this is a direct response to the passing of SB1421, Public Records Act request.
Justice Coalition of Vallejo
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2184626931840223/
13. Tuesday, 5:30pm – 10:00pm, No Coal at the Council!
440 Civic Center Plaza
T shirts, pizza, and talking points in the parking lot at 5:30, doors open at 6, meeting starts at 6:30.
Round trip transportation available: email us at action@sunflower-alliance.org and put “Transportation 12/3” in the subject line.
the Richmond City Council votes whether to phase out coal and petroleum coke (pet coke) handling and storage at the Levin-Richmond Terminal. The State Building Trades say they’ll bring 500 construction workers to the hearing!!
Because coal and pet coke dust affect children most of all, many of us will be bringing our kids—within a mile of the terminal, there are 5 schools with a combined total of 1,789 children!
Richmond residents, business owners, workers, and health professionals: Please come testify about health impacts, visible dust, lost business, and other concerns. Be sure to mention past or present union membership. For talking points, please email action@sunflower-alliance.org and put “City Council testimony” in the subject line.
Hosts: No Coal Richmond + 9 Other groups
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/998083117199148/ or https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2019/10/25/18827601.php
Wednesday, December 4
14. Wednesday, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, Soul of the City: Our Grandparents Deserve an Affordable Home!
SF City Hall
1 Dr. Carleton B. Goodlett Place
Our grandparents deserve truly affordable homes–they shouldn’t pay more than 30% of their income on rent.
Host: Faith in Action Bay Area
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/497917870812204/
15. Wednesday, 5:30pm – 8:30pm, Movement Lessons Since the Battle of Seattle (1999)
The Greenlining Institute
360 14th St.
To register, click here: https://politicaleducation.org/movement-lessons-from-the-battle-of-seattle-1999/
Happy Hour from 5:30 to 6pm
ADA accessible space.
• We will do our best to provide a reduced scent space and will designate a fragrance-free seating area. Please support our efforts to support the participation of community members with chemical sensitivities by coming to the class as low- or no-scent as you are able.
• To request language interpretation, CART transcription, childcare, or other access needs, please include that information on the registration form.
On November 30, 1999, more than 40,000 activists spanning organized labor, climate justice, migrant justice, indigenous organizing, the peace movement, and the global justice movement, joined forces to disrupt the trade negotiations scheduled to take place at the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in Seattle. Inspired by mass mobilizations across Asia, Africa, and Latin America against neoliberal policies developed by the WTO and similar financial institutions, the takeover of downtown Seattle re-energized the fight against neoliberalism and strengthened international alliances.
Twenty years later, in the context of an intensified neoliberal offensive by the same institutions and revived resistance against them in countries such as Ecuador, Chile, Lebanon, and Haiti, this panel discussion will help us analyze the events and organizing that led up to Seattle, take stock of the movements and alliances that grew out of that mobilization, and draw lessons from the past two decades that will set our movements up for more decisive wins.
Confirmed speakers include:
Confirmed speakers include:
Colin Rajah, International Coordinator of the Civil Society Action Committee
Sharon Lungo, Former Executive Director of the Ruckus Society
Bill Fletcher Jr., Former president of TransAfrica Forum
Endorsing organizations: Catalyst Project and Bay Resistance
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/444007416528594/
16. Wednesday, 6:30pm, Food Not Bombs Food Sharing – Every Wednesday
16th & Mission
BART Plaza
We are resuming weekly sharings on Wednesdays at the 16th/Mission BART Plaza
We will prepare and cook at St. John The Evangelist Church, 1661 15th Street (at Julian) beginning at
4:00 PM every Wednesday, except for the 4th Wednesday of the month
We will continue preparing and cooking at Station 40, 3030B 16th Street (between Mission and Julian) beginning at
3:00 PM on the 4th Wednesday of the month
We always need volunteers.
Info: https://sffnb.org/serving-schedule/
17. Wednesday, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Don’t Register For War: Legacy of Anti-War Actions
UC Berkeley
126 Barrows Hall
Wheelchair accessible
Please avoid wearing scents
Presentations and discussions on the legacy of past and present anti-war actions focusing on strategies to consider for the future. What is the future of anti-war activism? How do we stop the war machine?
David Miller In October, 1965, David Miller, a Catholic pacifist affiliated with the Catholic Worker movement, was the first publicly to burn his draft card after the new law against this action went into effect. He spent 2 years in prison as a result
Edward Hasbrouck (Resisters.info) One of millions of young men who refused to register with the Selective Service System in the 1980s, and one of only nine people imprisoned for organizing resistance to the registration law before enforcement was abandoned.
Maxina Ventura From Anti-nuke activism at UCLA, to D.C. lobbying, involvement in Plowshares Disarmament actions, blocking munitions trains and trucks at the Concord NWS, Nevada Test Site actions using decentralized organizing with affinity groups and spokescouncils, to the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Labs 1993 Shadow Painting action (with 2-months and solitary confinement for refusing to accept any restrictions to full freedom)
Liam Curry 6 year Navy submarine veteran, volunteered with Food Not Bombs after first Gulf War, became active with People’s Park movement during UC’s attempt to develop the park. Joined Veterans For Peace at the start of the second Gulf War. Worked on counter recruitment and various anti-war programs with Veterans For Peace
Soul (Susan B. Rodriguez) At 14 founded first homeless project, Hayward. At 15 was President of Brown Berets, Hayward. Co Founded Free Lunch, Hayward, and Berkeley Liberation Radio 104.1fm. 1990 Anti Nuclear Dove of Peace Disarmament Action. People’s Park Activist 1990-present. Founded Murals of Life N Hope, W. Oakland, G.I. Suicide Awareness Campaign, Co Founded Occupy Oakland, Marine Recruitment Action, Berkeley, and works with Restorative Justice, Oakland
Niusha Hajikhodaverdikhan is a 20-year old artist, and UC Peace and Conflict studies student. From Nezamabad, Tehran, Iran, her family, deeply affected by the U.S. sponsored Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), she investigates war crimes using open-source investigation at UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center. Her work in academia, art, and community focuses on mutual aid, decolonization, and 3rd world liberation with an anti-capitalist, anti-fascist approach.
Hosts: People’s Park Committee, Berkeley People’s Park
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/411469809740282/ or https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2019/11/21/18828337.php
18. Wednesday, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Shaping SF Public Talk: Seattle/WTO Shutdown—20th Anniversary
The Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics
518 Valencia St. (nr. 16th St)
FREE – Donations appreciated
On November 30, 1999 the World Trade Organization was prevented from meeting in Seattle by unprecedented phalanxes of self-organized protesters who filled the streets, tied up key intersections, blockaded the convention center, and used video and the internet in ways they’d never been used before. Bay Area activists were in the middle of it all, and veterans of that experience will revisit that moment to help us rethink this moment.
With Anuradha Mittal, David Solnit, Eddie Yuen, Steve Stallone, and Starhawk.