NOT back posting on a regular basis
Please hold ♥ Clark Sullivan ♥ in your thoughts. He can use some visitors! Clark remains hospitalized at:
Kindred Hospital San Francisco Bay Area
2800 Benedict Dr.
San Leandro
– Please post events on Indybay:
Thank you to all who are – Check Indybay for other events not listed here.
ACCESSIBILITY: Please include accessibility Information on events!
A. Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials – February 27, 2020
See Actions # 1 & # 2
B. “Dead Bodies Everywhere”: Hindu Nationalist Violence Rocks Delhi as Trump Visits Modi in India –February 27, 2020
See Event # 4
C. Oakland dental surgeon arrested for human trafficking, offering to buy children for $30,000
See Event # 14
D. SF man deported to Chad may return home soon, but ICE plans to detain him again February 27, 2020
E. Court sides with Trump in ‘sanctuary cities’ grant fight – February 26, 2020
F. SF opens Bayview housing to serve pregnant homeless women – February 24, 2020
G. Minorities are Perpetuating Racism and it Needs to Stop – February 24, 2020
Note: Look at the article content – not the push for electing ‘minorities’ to government.
See Event # 15
H. ‘This Is a War Crime’: Video of IDF Bulldozer Dragging Body of Palestinian Man in Gaza Sparks Outrage – February 24, 2020
I. Monster mashed: Developer pulls plug on contentious 1979 Mission project, puts land up for sale – February 24, 2020
J. Man suing SFPD alleging officers beat him with batons
K. Italian union workers refuse to resupply Saudi weapons ship over ‘Yemen war crimes’ – February 17, 2020
1. Save The Centers For Disease Control
2. Support the U.S. Senate and House plan to respond to coronavirus
3. Free the Uyghurs!
4. Tell Congress: Repeal Trump’s Muslim Ban
House of Representatives will be voting soon on this
5. Stop Trump from dismantling the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Friday, February 28 – Sunday, March 1
Friday, February 28
1. Friday, 11:00am – 1:00pm Stop The Money Pipeline @Chase Day Of Action
Chase Bank
14th St. & Broadway (nr. 12th St. BART)
Downtown Oakland
RSVP here if you’d like to register to fill a specific role at the action:
Join us on the streets to demand that JPMorgan Chase — the #1 US Bank funding fossil fuel projects — divest and move their investments to clean, renewable energy.
Festivities will include signs, banners and chants outside the bank, a Chase Card Cutting ceremony as we demonstrate the power that We The People have the power to divest from harmful fossil-fuel driven investments. We will also be bringing the premiere of the Truth Pipeline, showing how absurd Chase’s financing of dangerous pipeline and drilling projects is and showing how easy alternatives can be.
Anyone is welcome to join us as long as you agree to act under the principles of nonviolence and inclusiveness. We usually have extra signs and banners to hold, so you can just show up and support!
JPMorgan Chase is by far the biggest funder of the fossil fuel industry worldwide – and the ONLY U.S. funder of the Jordan Cove Pipeline.
In the 3 years since the Paris Agreement, JPMorgan Chase provided the fossil fuel industry with $196 billion in financing.
They are the #1 banker of arctic oil & gas drilling, the #1 banker of ultra-deepwater oil & gas drilling, the #2 banker of fracking (right behind Wells Fargo), the #1 banker of Liquid Natural Gas and the #1 U.S. banker of coal mining. Right now they are backing a proposed RCMP pipeline that is crossing the heritage land of the Wet’suwet’en people. Indigenous matriarchs are being arrested for standing up to protect their land:
Hosts: Extinction Rebellion Bay Area + 7 Other groups
Info: or
2. Friday, 12Noon – 2:00pm, Protest the San Francisco Police Officers Association – Weekly protest.
San Francisco Police Officers Association
800 Bryant @ 6th Street (outside)
Mothers on the March Against Police Murders and Black and Brown for Justice, Peace and Equality
‘Declare the Police Officers Association a Non Grata Organization’
‘Jail Killer Cops!’
The Police Officers Association claims to be a union, in reality it is an organization that is based on racism, white supremacy and Nazi ideology. It protects police officers that come into our communities to terrorize and murder our black and brown brothers and sisters.
We demand that the San Francisco Police Officers Association be shut down!
All are welcomed to stand with us even if you can only make it for a few minutes
3. Friday, 2:00pm – 3:30pm, Mad Mob SF Meeting
TGI Justice Project
1349 Mission St.(Between 9th & 10th Streets)
Wheelchair accessible
Refrain from wearing fragrances
In order to fight stigma, the members of Mad Mob SF openly identify ourselves as consumers, patients, clients, survivors, people with mental health challenges, disabilities, barriers, mad gifts or mental illness.
Please come to our next meeting when we will plan our next direct action.
4. Friday, 4:30pm – 6:00pm, Bay Area Emergency Protest: Stop Hindu Fascist Terror
Consulate General of India – San Francisco
540 Arguello St. (nr. Geary Blvd.)
Muni # 38, 38R, # 1, # 2, and #33 bus lines
Join Equality Labs, The Alliance for Justice & Accountability and ASATA for an emergency protest to support Muslims and caste oppressed communities being terrorized by Hindu mobs and RSS goons.
As Donald and Melania Trump descend upon Delhi, Muslims are experiencing an unprecedented level of violence. Four people have been reported murdered, with hundreds being tortured and attacked by Hindu fascists. There have been several shooters across Delhi, and it is uncertain what the next period will bring. We are gathering at the Indian consulate to demand they stop their support of the RSS, BJP and Hindu fascist violence. We are demanding justice for protestors, and condemning the Citizenship Amendment Act, and the escalation of violence against protestors.
5. Friday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Weinstein Conviction and the #MeToo Movement
2969 Mission St.
$3-10 donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Refreshments provided. Wheelchair accessible.
On Monday, Harvey Weinstein was convicted on two charges and is in prison awaiting sentencing on March 11. Join us for a collective discussion of the capitalist presentation of this important victory for the #MeToo movement and how socialists analyze these critical developments.
Every day the media spins a story, a story shaped by the profit motive and capitalist politics. Sit down with activists, students and workers and read between the headlines to apply working class and socialist analysis about the events happening right here and right now that are affecting our lives. Collectively, we will investigate and discuss the biggest media topics of the day, but from a revolutionary perspective, not the one handed to us by the corporate media.
6. Friday, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Richard Wolff: Understanding Socialism
First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley
2407 Dana St.
KPFA Radio 94.1 FM and Democracy at Work present:
Understanding Socialism
With Sabrina Jacobs
advance tickets: $12: T: 800-838-3006 or independent bookstores, $15 door, benefits KPFA Radio 94.1FM info:
“Richard Wolff’s book is the best accessible and reliable treatment we have of what socialism is, was, and should be.” – Cornel West
A blend of history, analysis, and theory, Understanding Socialism is an honest and approachable text that knocks down false narratives, confronts failures and the challenges of various socialist experiments throughout history, and offers a path to a new socialism based on workplace democracy. The crises of global capitalism (inequality, instability, unsustainability, and incipient fascism) deepen daily. Consider Trump’s and Boris Johnson’s desperate extreme-right efforts to be re-elected, and consider that total global debts (of corporations, governments, and households) tripled between 1999 and 2019. Brazil’s Bolsonaro blames Leonardo di Caprio for burning the Amazon. Vast crowds in Chile, Lebanon, and France are in the streets demanding basic economic change. These and many other symptoms expose a declining system in mounting troubles.
For more event information:…
Saturday, February 29
7. Saturday, 9:00am – 10:50am, Heading for Extinction Talk
Sports Basement Berkeley
2727 Milvia
In this in-person, public talk, climate speakers from Extinction Rebellion will share the latest climate science on where our planet is heading and offer solutions through the study of social movements.
The talk itself goes from 9:00 – 10:15. Afterwards, until 10:50, we’ll answer any questions, including how to get involved in XR SF Bay!
Info: or
8. Saturday, 1:00pm, Rally to support Wuhan, China, to fight the Covid19 Virus an Oppose Anti-Chinese Racism
Meet at
Portsmouth Square
Rally to start at Portsmouth Square in Chinatown, followed by a 20 minute escorted walk to Union Square, SF.
Fight the virus not the people!
Info: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
Tel. (415) 982 – 6000
9. Saturday, 1:00pm – 4:00pm, TheGreenNewCity: Rally for Housing, Climate Justice and Animals
Meet at:
Southwest of Golden Gate Fields;, west of Gilman encampment
Golden Gate Fields horse track, 1100 Eastshore Hwy
ACCESSIBILITY: This event will include a 3 mile walk which will be done at a moderate pace. We have an accessibility car for anyone who may need it. If you have questions or need support to attend this event, email
1:00pm – Food serve and trash pickup
2:00pm – Rally and march begins
4:00pm – Expected end time
WEAR: Please wear a green hoodie/t-shirt
Housing, climate justice, and animal rights activists are wearing GREEN and marching from the houseless encampment at Golden Gate Fields to Berkeley City Hall to demand #TheGreenNewCity.
The city’s houseless population has increased by 42% to 1000+ people, and wildfires driven by climate change threaten thousands more. Meanwhile, the ultra rich use huge swaths of land for cruel purposes such as horse-racing, even as ordinary people live in squalor right across the street.
We are in a moment of crisis, and our community needs the government to take urgent action — NOT to cater to business interests or allow bureaucracy to bury solutions. We need, in short, to make Berkeley #TheGreenNewCity — one where we bravely confront the climate crisis, enshrine housing as a human right, and live with respect towards our planet and all its inhabitants.
The residents of the Gilman encampment have asked for our help, but remember that this is THEIR home. Please be respectful of their needs and instruction.
Host: Direct Action Eveywhere – SF Bay Area
10. Saturday, 6:00pm – 9:00pm, Revolution Books 40th Anniversary Celebration
Revolution Books Berkeley
2444 Durant Ave.
Join Sahar Delijani, Rafael Jesus Gonzalez, Julia Scheeres and Andy Zee to Celebrate Revolution Books 40th Anniversary.
6pm Reception with wine and light refreshments
7pm Program & champagne toast
This is a celebration – as well as a renewed and urgent call for people to support the bookstore. Right as now we face a moment of stark contrast between our hopes and dreams for a better world and the stark reality that great catastrophe looms as fascist regimes rise, and as we confront environmental disaster–Revolution Books embodies the potential bright future for humanity.
You feel this when you first walk through the door and find the literature
11. Saturday, 6:00pm – 9:00pm, Celebrating Black History: Black Farming Film Night
2727 Fruitvale Ave.
$10 – $25 – no one turned away
In honor of Black History Month and Black farmers globally, join Pollinate Farm & Garden and Farms to Grow, Inc. for the Fourth Annual “Black Hands in the Soil”, an evening of film, including a feature and shorts about the legacy of Black farming in the United States and globally.
Your donation benefits programming for Farms to Grow, Inc. Donation: $5–$25 sliding scale, but no one turned away for lack of funds.
Entertainment provided by the Black Banjo Reclamation Project. Light refreshments will be served.
– Shorts
African-American Land Loss
The Young Black Farmers Defying A Legacy of Discrimination
– Feature
Harvest of Shame, (1960)
Host: Freedom Farmers Market
12. Saturday, 6:30pm – 9:00pm, Witness at Tornillo Movie and Preview of Sanctuary Rising
Epworth United Methodist Church
1953 Hopkins St
Kehilla Community Synagogue Immigration Committee, The Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, iNation Media, and Epworth Sanctuary Action proudly sponsor this showing of WITNESS AT TORNILLO, an inspiring film about holding vigil to support closing the child detention camps. There will also be a preview screening of local filmmaker Theo Rigby’s new film in progress, SANCTUARY RISING, an intimate portrait of two undocumented mothers who enter Sanctuary in their local churches. For all who want to understand more about immigration activism!
Donations go to finish Theo’s film and to Witness’ work in Matamoros.
Sunday, March 1
13. Sunday, 9:30am – 11:00am, Sanctuary Rising – a new film in progress – with director Theo Rigby
Unitarian Universalist Society – SF
1187 Franklin St.
Sanctuary Rising is an intimate portrait of two undocumented mothers who go to dramatic lengths to fend off deportation and separation from their families in the United States. The film follows the stories of Jeanette Vizguerra and Ingrid Latorre, who have chosen to enter Sanctuary at local churches, rather than report to ICE to be deported. Preview clips from the coming film, be part of a discussion with director Theo Rigsby and engage with a panel discussing the work and growth of the Sanctuary movement
14. Sunday, 9:30am – 4:00pm, Freedom in Action Conference “Structural Vulnerability: The Road to Human Trafficking”
Pauley Ballroom
2495 Bancroft Way
Tickets / Agenda Info:
$5 – $10
Our upcoming Freedom in Action Conference (“Structural Vulnerability: The Road to Human Trafficking”) centers on the theme of vulnerability: deconstructing the policies and overlapping power hierarchies that make communities vulnerable to human trafficking. Understanding systemic inequities and how to engage with these social systems is paramount for activists to effectively combat human trafficking. To foster increased understanding, the upcoming Freedom in Action Conference provides an opportunity to explore why trafficked victims of color are often incarcerated; deconstruct why children under Child Protection Services and the Foster Care system are more vulnerable to trafficking; learn why substance use and being HIV positive often leads to being a victim of sex trafficking; engage with the systems that often bind immigrant victims to trafficking; and expose the systematic prejudices and social structures that cause homeless youth and those identifying as LGBTQ+ to be trafficked.
This conference will encourage discussion between people with different conceptions and experiences of human trafficking and aims to present best-practices for engaging in anti-trafficking work, and to connect with local organizations leading the anti-trafficking movement in the Bay Area.
Host: Anti-Trafficking Coalition at Berkeley
15. Sunday, 3:00pm – 6:00pm, Rally For Love and Unity in Hunters Point
LaSalle Ave. & Osceola Lane
A rally to bring love and support to a neighborhood that has experienced too much pain. This rally is for us to come together as a community and show who we really are. Hurt people hurt people and it is time to continue the healing.
There will be a brief line-up of speakers, before music and art making. And there will be Cantonese and Mandarin translation. If you are interested in supporting please comment below!
If you are not from Hunters Point, please be extra sensitive about coming into the neighborhood with your opinions. This is also an organic community event where all opinions and ideas are welcome, we are here to build.
Host: Hip Hop for Change