Hoping Everyone is taking care and OK!
NOT back posting on a regular basis
– Please post events on Indybay even if event is digital: https://www.indybay.org/calendar/?page_id=12
Thank you to all who are – See Indybay for other events.
Please hold♥ Clark Sullivan ♥ in your thoughts. No visitors are allowed at the facility at this time Info below if you would like to send him a note. He is getting stronger each day and the trach was removed and he can now eat!
Clark remains hospitalized at:
Kindred Hospital San Francisco Bay Area
2800 Benedict Dr., Room 415-2
San Leandro, CA 94577
Clark’s FB page: https://www.facebook.com/clark.sullivan
A. Judge Urges Release of Migrant Children After 4 Test Positive for Coronavirus in Detention – March 29, 2020
See Action # 3
B. Israeli Forces Demolish Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians – March 28, 2020
See Action # 2 and Event # 2
C. Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right – March 28, 2020
D. Newsom’s Eviction Moratorium ‘Useless, Misleading’ Tenants Groups Say – March 27, 2020
E. ‘What Oakland’s new eviction moratorium does (and doesn’t) do for renters – March 27, 2020
F. San Francisco DA Joins Calls to Release ICE Detainees During Pandemic – March 27, 2020
G. Microsoft divests from Israeli facial-recognition startup– March 27, 2020
H. Civil Rights Icon, Dr. Joseph Lowery Has passed – March 27, 2020
Rev. Lowery on elections … “I think that before the election that the American people are going to come to themselves like the prodigal son came to himself. I think the American people are going to realize that we must not listen to the people who care more about their own agenda than they do the welfare of this country. They care more about their personal good than they do the common good.”
Rev. Lowery on human rights … “We’ve got to recognize number one that the struggle is not over. We’ve won some great victories. We’ve won some great battles, but we’ve never won the war. The war is still raging and we have to continue to fight. I think we have to form alliances, coalitions with other groups – White, Hispanic and otherwise. We have to form coalitions to fight on common ground for common goals,” said Lowery
I. Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge – March 27, 2020
“…National Guard members will be stationed at the T.F. Green airport, Amtrak train stations and at bus stops. The citizen-soldiers will be following up with people at local residences. The maximum penalty for not complying: a fine of $500 and 90 days in prison.
Raimondo signed an executive order Thursday that applies to anyone who has been in New York during the past two weeks and through at least April 25. It doesn’t apply to public health, public safety, or health-care workers.
White House Calls For 14-Day Quarantine For All Leaving New York…”
J. To Fight This Pandemic We Need To Take Over The Military’s Resources – Not The Other Way Around / Opinion – March 23, 2020
1. Stand With the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the very tribe that welcomed the Pilgrims in the 1600s, is at risk of losing what is left of their homelands due to a determination made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
From Move-on.org
2, Defund Israel’s human rights abuses, Re-fund life-saving services for Palestine
SIGN: http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/51044/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=22716
From: American Muslims For Palestine Empowerment Through Education and Action
3. Save Migrant Children From COVID-19
From Project Lifeline
4. SCOTUS: DELAY DACA Decision During Covid-19 Pandemic
Right in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, the Supreme Court is scheduled to issue a ruling that could put 800,000 immigrant youth in danger of being deported and put their jobs at risk.
Trump has tried to end the DACA program that protects immigrant youth and so far we’ve been able to slow him down.
Now it’s up to the Supreme Court but their decision could not come at a worse time.
Amidst this public health crisis, DACA recipients need to stay protected from deportation and continue working, driving, and providing financial and emotional stability to themselves and their loved ones.
5. Tell Congress: Demand COVID-19 sanctions on Iran be suspended NOW!
From Win Without War
6. Prisons must suspend copays for incarcerated folks seeking medical attention
7. Liberty Mutual must stop insuring tar sands
8. Tell the FCC to Stop the Spread of Misinformation About Coronavirus
SIGN: https://act.freepress.net/sign/journ_misinfo_trump/?akid=14314.9502321.XxPyZd&rd=1&t=15
From: Free Press
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Relief Funds For Undocumented Workers in California
Alvivo Financier Para Trabajadores Indocumentados De California
Know Your Rights
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Info on Free Student Meals in SF & OAKLAND during Covid19 school closures:
Note: This was posted on 3/19. This past week some SF neighborhoods have stepped up to help their vulnerable neighbors in need.
SAN FRANCISCO: Where Families Can Get Free Breakfast and Lunch in San Francisco During School Closures
OAKLAND: Free Student Meals During COVID-19 Closure
Local volunteers offer delivery service to elderly, at-risk-population in San Francisco – March 18, 2020
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From the Anti Police-Terror Project
Here are some resources that could be of use to you during this crisis:
- Community Ready Corps is a Black grassroots organization that works to build community safety and resilience, and they have strategies in place for addressing COVID-19.
- Disability Justice Culture Club has developed the East Bay Disabled Folks COVID19 Support Request Form.
- Oakland at Risk is a local organization that delivers free groceries to low-income seniors.
- California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance (CIYJA) put together COVID-19 resources for undocumented people.
- If you otherwise need support or can provide it, check out the SF Bay Area Mutual Aid Form.
Actions during this time to help the most vulnerable:
- If you’re a salaried worker or otherwise financially stable, consider giving to the National Domestic Workers’ Alliance’s Coronavirus Care Fund to help out domestic workers in need.
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Healing Sanitation, Cleaning Supplies, Tents & Sleeping Bags Needed for Radical Redistribution to Po & Houseless Folks (From Poor Magazine)
Items needed: Hand sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, gloves, masks, vinage, disinfectant wipes. Poor Magazine also continues to feed people in West Oakland.
Sunday, 3/29 – Tuesday, 31
Sunday, March 29
1. Sunday, 1:00pm, ZOOM (online) organizers meeting
Join us for a ZOOM (online) organizers meeting Sunday March 29, 1 PM
Meeting ID: 595 156 553
Email NorCal@refusefascism.org for password
Register at https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/register/uJ0oduyuqz4pyILqf5cUwxZyvQ6kahinsw
We hope everyone is well. Thanks to the new signers of the 2020 Refuse Fascism Statement of Conscience/Call to Act. We urge you to discuss and debate it, take it out where possible, and overall develop creative means, especially through social media, to make the statement a pole around which millions stand and act.
We recognize that the Trump/Pence regime’s fascist program now poses an even greater danger to humanity. We believe that the Refuse Fascism Statement of Conscience is the best expression of what the people of the world face and what is needed; it remains both timely and true. While not calling for millions to take to the street at this moment, we recognize the need to put this forward now as ultimately the only way that this fascist regime can be driven from power.
The movement to drive out the dangerous and illegitimate Trump/Pence regime depends on ordinary people like you getting involved and doing things that perhaps you didn’t think you were capable of. It’s up to us to develop plans for mass, nonviolent protest at the earliest possible time.
Host: Refuse Fascism Bay Area
Info: 510-926-8144 NorCal@refusefascism.org
Monday, March 30
2. Monday, 10:00am – 11:00am (PDT) Online Rally to End the Blockade on Gaza
Sign up for our Zoom-based rally
We’ll be joined by the Executive Director of MPower Change, Linda Sarsour; the Executive Director of Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy, Salem Barahmeh; the Executive Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Ben Jamal; Jehad Abusalim of the American Friends Service Committee; and Jewish Voice for Peace, Executive Director, Stefanie Fox.
Help us mobilize support for Palestinians in Gaza! Sign up for our Zoom-based rally (1-2pm ET / 5-6pm UK / 7-8pm Palestine) and Twitterstorm (1-3pm ET / 5-7pm UK / 7-9pm Palestine).
Gaza is home to nearly 2 million people, yet has access to only 60 respirators and 2,800 hospital beds. After 13 years of embargo, war, and bombings by Israel, Palestinians in Gaza face a severe shortage of resources and medical personnel.
Health officials warn that containment and treatment under the Israeli blockade will be nearly impossible. There are now confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Gaza – Israel’s blockade MUST end immediately
Host: Jewish Voice for Peace
3. Monday, 10:00am – 11:30am, Organizing Against Toxic Imprisonment in the Face of COVID-19
How to Join:
Pre-register here to join the Q&A.
Follow this Link to join on Monday:
Join by Phone:
(646) 558 8656
Meeting ID: 706-313-003#
Join us for a webinar sharing campaign updates, strategies and tools from organizers across the country. Our panel of speakers will discuss efforts organizing for decarceration. We hope they can help inform and inspire local organizing and a strong national movement.
Amber Piatt, Health Impact Partners, Decarcerate Alameda County
Eunisses Hernandez, JusticeLA Coalition
MK Orsulak and Tifanei Ressl-Moyer, Decarcerate Sacramento
Kyle Neil, CUAV, No New San Francisco Jail coalition
Sharlyn Grace, Chicago Community Bond Fund
Amber-Rose Howard, CURB (Californians United for a Responsible Budget)
Laura Whitehorn, RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison)
Andrea James, National Council For Incarcerated & Formerly Incarcerated Women & Girls
James Kilgore, Challenging E-Carceration
Critical Resistance Portland chapter, Care Not Cops Portland
Lara Kiswani, Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)
Host: Critical Resistance
Tuesday, March 31
4. Tuesday, 11:30am, Honk For Justice: Covid-safe Car Rally
Meet at:
50 Broadway
This is a COVID-safe, car-only rally! We will be driving to the ICE office and Civic Center Plaza to call on public officials to protect immigrants from this virus, for their own safety and for public health.
Make signs, art and banners to attach to your cars! Post to social media @CAGovernor and @GavinNewsom using the hashtags #FreeThemAll #DetentionIsDeadly and #ReleaseThemNow
Note: We are fighting to slow the spread of this disease and save lives, so please only drive with people you are already living with, and/or wear masks!
EMERGENCY: There are 52,000 undocumented immigrants in detention right now across the country.
52,000 people trapped in deadly close quarters without access to medical care.
52,000 people in the exact conditions that allow COVID-19 to spread.
Right now in California, well over 6,000 immigrants are being held in ICE detention centers without adequate health and sanitation measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In partnership with a broad coalition of groups in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, we are calling on Governor Newsom to use his emergency powers to release all immigrants from these detention centers before COVID-19 turns them into death camps.
Host: Never Again SF