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Please post your actions on Indybay even if event is digital: https://www.indybay.org/calendar/?page_id=12
See Indybay also for other listing of events.
Listing of other Bay Area Protests & Rallies
A. Trumps Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance – September 27, 2020
B. Provocation on the High Seas: U.S. Naval Adventures Near the Shores of Russia, China and Iran – September 25, 2020
C. New York Judge Orders Renewed Inquiry Into the Death of Eric Garner – September 26, 2020
D. Political violence and U.S. policy in Haiti – September 25, 2020
E. City Encourages Corporate Homeless Sweeps by Failing to Condemn Them, Critics Charge – September 24, 2020
F. Justice for Some, Not for All: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Indigenous Rights – September 23, 2020
G. US Tells Kenya to Support Israel or Forget Free Trade Deal – September 23, 2020
H. In Breonna Taylor grand jury decision, Berkeley scholars see grave racial injustice – September 23, 2020
I. He fought wildfires while imprisoned. California reported him to Ice for deportation – September 22, 2020
1. Hold ICE accountable for forced sterilizations
2. Tell Your Senators: No Confirmation Before Inauguration
Monday, September 28 – Wednesday, September 30
On Going Action:
Occupy Antioch Police Department – 24/7 Occupation
Antioch Police Dept. (outside)
300 L Street
(nr. BART’s last stop in Antioch)
On Friday, September 4th, five young activists from the City of Antioch—Shagoofa Khan, Maria Brown, Michelle Parmenter, McKenna Peterson, and Lacey Brown—and Michael James, a former resident of the Mission District of San Francisco, now an East Bay resident, began a hunger strike.
On September 9th the Hunger Strikers officially ended the Hunger Strike but continue to OCCUPY the front of the Antioch Police Department 24/7.
1. The immediate termination of Officer Michael Mellone from Antioch Police Department for his known record of illegally using lethal force in the killing of Luis Góngora Pat in San Francisco, and new surfacing allegations of abuse of force in Antioch;
2. The immediate resignation of Steve Aiello as President of Antioch Police Officers’ Association for promoting violence against peaceful protesters;
3. The integration of community representatives as equal participants (unaffiliated with the City of Antioch & its government) to the “Bridging the Gap” forum during which a third-party facilitator will be assisting a discussion on racial injustice and police community relationships. We demand also that the next forum meeting happen within the following 30 days and be publicly announced through the appropriate outlets to maximize attendance.
This year it became known that Ofc. Mellone left the San Francisco Police Department on August 18th—a day before SFPD’s Internal Affairs was set to hand down a historic suspension for violating almost every SFPD rule in the book when he fired two different lethal weapons that resulted in the killing of Luis Góngora Pat—and began working days later with the Antioch Police Department. According to San Francisco D.A. Boudin “…the timing makes very clear that the resignation was aimed at and was effective at avoiding accountability.”
Since the activist started their demonstration they have received multiple threats, have had eggs thrown at them and have also received death threats.
Support welcomed!
Monday, September 28
1. Monday, 6:00am – 11:45pm, #ShutDownKKR Day of Action #WetsuwetenStrong – all day action
Join the #ShutDownKKR communications blockade and rise up for the Wet’surwet’en hereditary chiefs!
Here’s what you can do to join the KKR communications blockade:
Email KKR today by using our easy messaging tool: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/messagekkr
Call KKR by dialing their NYC office at 212-750-8300
Tweet at @KKR_Co and tell them just how awful they are for ignoring Wet’suwet’en concerns about their rights, the climate, land air and water.
In addition KKR also invests in NYPD pension funds,
Suggestion for call script:
#ShutDownKKR – Call scrilpt:
“Hello KKR, I am calling to demand you respect Indigenous rights and the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs, and drop the risky Coastal GasLink pipeline from your portfolio immediately. It would lock us into decades of increased fracked gas. It also disregards the lack of consent by the Wet’suwet’en community and negative impacts on the climate, air, water, and Indigenous women who face violence from man camps being built along the route. Lastly, ongoing construction and lack of social distancing is putting the Wet’suwet’en community at greater risk of contracting COVID-19.”
See site for Tweet suggestions & more info
Hosts: Rising Tide North America, Stand.earth, Wet’suwet’en Solidarity UK, Seeding Sovereignty, United for Respect
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/348877819570861
2. Monday, 3:30pm – 6:00pm, We Are Essential (March & Car Caravan)
Meet at
16th Street & Capp
4:00pm – Rally at SF City Hall
The SF Latino Parity Equity Coalition and Latino Task Force invite you to join us for a car caravan and march to City Hall to commemorate our loss, celebrate our survivors and share our plan going forward to recovery.
COVID has taken a sledgehammer to the Latino community in San Francisco
– lost housing, lost jobs, lost lives – lost dignity! The pandemic has hit Latino families disproportionately – we are 15% of the population and 51% of the COVID cases.
Info: SF Living Wage Coalition, Alliance for Social and Economic Justice
3. Monday, 4:00pm (PT); 7:00pm (ET), What’s Happening in ICE Detention
Online register:
Recently, a whistleblower shocked the world with horrifying revelations about human rights abuses in ICE detention centers in Georgia, including the performing of hysterectomies without proper consent. The whistleblower, Dawn Wooten, is a nurse and is being represented in her complaint in part by Project South.
Join Defending Rights & Dissent board member and Project South’s Legal and Advocacy Director Azadeh Shahshahan to learn what’s really happening in ICE detention. In addition to representing Ms. Wooten, Azadeh has long been involved in documenting human rights abuses at Georgia’s ICE detentions and organizing against.
In this special 15 minute update, Azadeh will explain what the whistleblower revealed, how it fits into the larger picture of abusive ICE detention, and what activists are doing about it.
Host: Defending Rights and Dissent
Tuesday, September 29
4. Tuesday,8:00am (PT); 11:00am (ET), Island Resilience Forum: #SC1.5NCEnotSILENCE
Register: https://marchforscience.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2AdvgM8VRFilrO2yvX0d-w
March For Science, Island Resilience Partnership, Island Innovation, EarthX, PVBLIC Foundation, YOUNGO, and the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) are uniting voices for a global virtual side-event that responds to the scientific imperative unequivocally set forth in the IPCC 1.5°C Special Report (SR1.5). It will illustrate the ways that island leaders and youth advocates are spearheading the global movement for science-based climate action in the midst of a pandemic.
The event will focus on three elements of the SC1.5NCE Not SILENCE campaign: engage, elevate and expedite.
We will discuss how youth leaders are adapting their organizing and advocacy efforts when in-person advocacy are no longer possible in many parts of the world. The event will also demonstrate the ways that island governments have created innovative and multi-sectoral partnerships to accelerate national energy transitions and improve resilience during the pandemic.
Host: March for Science
5. Tuesday, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, Collective Support and Tenant Clinic
Register Here:
Join us if you need any support and to learn about what is happening regarding our #CancelRent campaign
EVERY other TUESDAY from 5:30pm – 7:30pm (Beginning 8/18/20)
What to expect:
* Share updates on local, regional, state and national policies
* We will answer questions and concerns
* It will be space for sharing stories and popular education
* Collectively strategize to #CancelRent
Host: Tenants Together
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/307326950478897?event_time_id=307326950478897
6. Tuesday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Bi-Weekly Community Meeting on Police Brutality and the George Floyd Protests
Willow Park (in West Oakland)
In the past four months, cities in the U.S. and around the world have risen up in rebellion against white supremacist terror from the police following the despicable murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and now the attempted murder of Jacob Blake. Millions have taken to the streets despite strict shelter-in-place orders and they have been met with a violent response by the police.
It is important to note that the protests are not solely a response to the murder of George Floyd. They represent a revolt against the general systematic slaughter of black people by police and against the white supremacist-capitalist state as a whole
The problem is that we have been here before. In the past, mass protests against police terror and the white supremacist-capitalist state have occurred, but after initial outrage and police crack downs, the excitement and activity of the protests subsides. Those who are not consistently active in political work disappear while activists and political organizations fail to push the movement forward for the long haul. We need to come together as a community to discuss how we can build up a long-term sustained resistance to white supremacy, police brutality, and the capitalist system.
We cannot afford to tail spontaneous movement after spontaneous movement. We need to organize for the long-term, which means doing much more than showing up to protests every time a black person is murdered by police or voting every two years. The police harassing, terrorizing, and murdering working class people is the norm and politicians will not work to overthrow a system that keeps them paid.
Host: Revolutionary United Front
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2020/09/18/18836732.php
Wednesday, September 30
7. Wednesday, 10:00am – 11:00am, How California Polices Being Black, Brown and Unhoused in Public
The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (LCCRSF) announced a new report with groundbreaking data revealing how California polices being Black, brown or unhoused in public.
Police in California issued over 250,000 non-traffic infraction citations in 2019 for offenses that primarily criminalize everyday behaviors such as standing, sleeping, owning a dog, and crossing the street. Data from this report show deep racial disparities in the enforcement: These are not citations police commonly give in white, wealthy neighborhoods.
The result is hundreds of dollars in fines and fees people cannot afford to pay, and, in some counties, warrants and arrests for people who do not either pay or appear in court. This ongoing form of police harassment of Black, Latinx, homeless and disabled people is the cause of ongoing trauma, and enforcement of minor infractions has led to significant police violence.
These citations are not necessary, and in many instances, are absurd: criminally punishing a person for sleeping will not stop the human need to sleep. Californians need a safe place to sleep rather than an officer armed with military-grade weapons and a ticket book. Several categories of infraction violations already have been eliminated in recent years at the state level, including vending without a permit and possession of marijuana.
For more information, please contact Sam Lew at slew@lccrsf.org.
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/314235506564440
8. Wednesday, 10:30am -12:00pm (ET) or 6:30pm – 7:30pm (ET), Call to Action: Tell the US Army Corps of Engineers that Our Gulf is Not For Sale!
Call to Action: Tell the US Army Corps of Engineers that Our Gulf is Not For Sale!
Zoom will be provided after registration
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is preparing to issue a permit to the first industrial aquaculture facility in the Gulf of Mexico, without any opportunity for the public to weigh in. This attempt to silence stakeholders goes against democracy and existing law, and we won’t stand for it! So we’re taking matters into our own hands to ensure our voices are heard. RSVP now – Join from your phone or computer with the zoom link (to be provided upon RSVP).
Host: Friends of the Earth
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2020/09/18/18836743.php
9. Wednesday, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, (PT) 6:00pm – 7:00pm (ET), What’s At Stake: Gender, Health Care & the Supreme Court w/ Health Care Voter
RSVP: https://secure.everyaction.com/HnR6ViNo0EKVpe_6h7FGYg2
Facebook livestream: https://www.facebook.com/healthcarevoter/
What’s At Stake is a web series hosted by April Reign with partners, celebrities, experts,
patient advocates, and lawmakers to highlight what’s at stake for health care as we approach the general election in November 2020.
The coronavirus pandemic has altered the national conversation about health care in the United States. Between the steady rise of a GOP lawsuit threatening to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the middle of a pandemic, pharmaceutical megacorporations profiting off of the taxpayer-funded hunt for a vaccine, the legal battles against gender identity-based discrimination in health care, diminishing access to quality health care for low-income people, and the newest preexisting condition of surviving coronavirus, the American people are looking for answers.
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2020/09/21/18836823.php
10. Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, How Fascism Works, and How to Stop It: A Dialogue between Jason Stanley and Andy Zee
Virtual program on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/revbooksnyc/live/and
The “F” word-fascism. Can it happen here? Is it happening here? What to do?
Yale philosopher Jason Stanley, author of How Fascism Works – the Politics of Us and Them, and Andy Zee, Revolution Books spokesperson and co-initiator of RefuseFascism.org, will probe this most urgent question of our times. And you will have a chance to engage with them.
Only by understanding and fully confronting the danger we face can we act to stop it, before it’s too late.
* Donald Trump announced on September 23 that he wouldn’t commit to a “peaceful transfer of power” if he loses.
* The Trump/Pence regime spews blatant white supremacy and male supremacy, and xenophobic hatred towards immigrants.
* This regime gives racist “law-and-order” cover and support to police that murder Black men and women like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
* It moves to crush protest and dissent through paramilitary federal troops and armed white thugs.
These are the facts.
Jason Stanley and Andy Zee will explore the lessons of history and the appropriate forms of action…to stop fascism.
Host: Revolution Books Berkeley
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2020/09/26/18837031.php
11. Wednesday, 5:00pm (PT); 8:00pm (ET), The Human and Scientific Costs of the “China Initiative”
Online Zoom
The webinars will include speakers from Chinese American and Asian American advocacy organizations, civil rights groups, academia, as well as experts from scientific and legal communities. The speakers will explore the burden this pattern of investigations inflicts on targeted individuals and communities as well as consequences for the broader American society.
From the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 through the Cold War, racist and xenophobic tropes painting Chinese and Asian Americans as “perpetual foreigners” and threats to public health and national security influenced U.S. government policy. Today is no different. Through rhetoric, rapidly changing policies, and targeted prosecutions, Chinese American scientists and researchers are again caught in a pattern of suspicion and racial discrimination that has harmed Chinese and other Asian communities in the United States for more than 150 years.
As U.S.-PRC tensions have grown over recent years, we have seen increasingly aggressive and misguided investigations of Chinese American scientists resulting in sensationalized charges that allege an intended subversion of U.S. interests. While the Justice Department’s abandonment of several of these prosecutions before trial has meant falsely accused scientists experience fewer financial and emotional costs than they would from a full trial, it also deprives them of a public exoneration and an exposure of the racist assumptions underlying these investigations.
Rather than recognize the biases that drove these failed national security investigations, the Justice Department in 2018 initiated an even more assertive strategy, announcing a department-wide “China Initiative.” The Justice Department says its goal is to prioritize trade theft cases that benefit the PRC, but its rhetoric has often conflated the actions of individuals into a global conspiracy. Its prosecutions have further sought to amplify administrative oversights into federal crimes of fraud and false statements. Moreover, despite the China Initiative’s alleged goal of combating economic espionage, the DOJ’s own report on the China Initiative shows that many of the actual charges are not intellectual property theft or economic espionage. Instead, many of the charges are for minor or unrelated offenses including wire fraud, filing false tax returns, and even matters that had previously been handled administratively such as alleged inaccuracies in university conflicts of interest forms.
When the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, spread into a global pandemic, it opened another vector for the current administration to fuel anti-Chinese bias. High government officials repeatedly called COVID-19 the “China Virus,” as anti-Asian hate crimes spiked across the U.S. Once again, spurious public health and national security fears are driving anti-Asian discrimination.
Steven Chu Nobel laureate, and former U.S. Secretary of Energy)
Margaret Lewis Professor @Seton Hall University School of Law
John Yang: President and Executive Director @Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Michael German: Fellow, the Brennan Center for Justice Liberty, NY University Law School