Articles ~ Petitions ~ Event for Thurs. 12/30 & Sat. 1/1/2022 (from Adrienne Fong)

Sending Renay Davis and Jackie Barshak healing thoughts.

Both women are battling cancer. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

 2 Events – NOT back posting on a regular basis

Please include Accessibility and ASL info in your events! And if your action is ‘child friendly’

*** ASL interpretation – Let me know if your event needs this service .***

Please post your actions on Indybay:

 See Indybay  for  other listings of events.


A. 2021 was deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014 – December 29, 2021

2021 was deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014 (

B. Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty – December 29, 2021 

Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty ( role in Jeffrey Epstein’s abuses

C. ‘Big Win’ as Shell Ordered to Stop Seismic Blasting Along South African Coast  – December 28, 2021

‘Big Win’ as Shell Ordered to Stop Seismic Blasting Along South African Coast (

D. ‘Alarming’ Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water Near US Bases in Okinawa – December 28, 2021

‘Alarming’ Levels of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Water Near US Bases in Okinawa (

E. LAPD Releases Footage From Police Killing of 14-Year-Old Girl – December 28, 2021

LAPD Releases Footage From Police Killing of 14-Year-Old Girl (


 ♥ Valentina Orellana-Peralta ♥ 

14 Y/O

♥ Daniel Elena Lopez ♥

24 y/o

F. NATO preparing for war, Russia claims – December 27, 2021

NATO preparing for war, Russia claims — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

G. Anti-apartheid icon Archbishop Tutu dies. Here is what he said about Israel-Palestine

Anti-apartheid icon Archbishop Tutu dies. Here is what he said about Israel-Palestine | Middle East Eye


 ♥ Archbishop Desmond Tutu ♥

H. Why A UN Torture Expert Changed His Mind On Assange – December 26, 2021 (9.30min YouTube)

Why A UN Torture Expert Changed His Mind On Assange – YouTube

I. Supes approve mayor’s emergency declaration for Tenderloin – December 24, 2021

Supes approve mayor’s emergency declaration for Tenderloin – 48 hills

Thank you Sups. Dean Preston and Shamann Walton who voted NO.

J. Hawai’i’s $12M Fine for Monsanto – December 22, 2021

Hawai’i’s $12M Fine for Monsanto (

K. It’s Awfully Convenient for Shippers that Longshore Workers Get Blamed for Delays, As Contract Fight Looms – December 21, 2021

It’s Awfully Convenient for Shippers that Longshore Workers Get Blamed for Delays, As Contract Fight Looms | Labor Notes

L. Kellogg strike ends as workers approve new labor agreement

M. 300 Doctors Implore Australia to Bring Assange Home


1. Tell the SBA: Hold Wall Street accountable by forcing private equity big businesses to pay back Covid relief money now

  SIGN: Tell the SBA: Hold Wall Street accountable by forcing private equity big businesses to pay back Covid relief money now. (

2. Renfe, Ineco and Deustche Bahn get off the Maya Train

  SIGN: Renfe, Ineco and Deustche Bahn get off the Maya Train (

3. President Biden: Cut the Pentagon Budget!

  Sign: President Biden: Cut the Pentagon Budget! | Win Without War

  President Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act late in December 2021 (12/27), setting next year’s Pentagon spending levels at an ASTRONOMICAL $778 BILLION.

It’s the LARGEST war budget in recent history.

4. President Biden: Honor your campaign promise and BAN landmines.

  SIGN: President Biden: Honor your campaign promise and BAN landmines. | Win Without War

Thursday, December 30

Thursday, 6:00pm, Nationwide Vigil for Christian Hall

In person

San Francisco Civic Center

A multi-city national vigil to honor Christian Hall on the 1 year anniversary of his passing.

Brief History

Christian Hall was adopted from China by multiethnic parents, Fe Hall (Filipina-American) and Gareth Hall (African-American), shortly before his first birthday.

Christian Hall, a 19 year old Chinese American teen, experienced a mental health emergency on December 30, 2020. Pennsylvania State Police were called by Christian as a cry for help. The police were called on a suicide call and were supposed to help de-escalate the crisis. But rather than providing aid or assistance, the troopers shot and killed Christian.

Christian was alone on the bridge and holding a pellet gun. The police shot at him twice with missing the first round due to the far distance.

As soon as the first round was shot, Christian put his hands up in the air in an act of surrender as he stood on the SR-33 southbound overpass to I-80, posing no threat to the armed officers who at a distance 70 ft away protected behind their police vehicles. And then a police commands another officer: “If he doesn’t drop the gun, take him out”. 


Info about SF Vigil: Facebook

Saturday, January 1, 2022

May we recommit to ACTIVISM and overcome FEAR this New Year!

Saturday, 12Noon – 4:00pm, Oscar Grant 2022 Vigil – January 1st

In person

Fruitvale BART Station

Oscar Grant’s 12th Annual Oscar Grant Vigil at Fruitvale Bart Station.

If you have any questions, would like to participate or be sponsor please send your inquires to

Host: Oscar Grant Foundation

Info: Oscar Grant 2022 Vigil – January 1st | Facebook

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