Articles ~ 6 Petitions ~ Events for Friday, Sept. 30 – Sunday, Oct. 2

By Adrienne Fong

Am not back posting on a regular basis

Francis Collins died on September 26:

From Susan Witka, one of Francis’s closest friends:

4 the love of Francis❤ and to all of you who showed your love & support, in various ways,to him these past weeks……

After a celebratory day of singing to Francis❤, talking and touching as he prepared 4 his Journey….. at times 8 of us surrounding him

 in his little room at UC yesterday. We all left Francis❤ by 8 pm with the day’s loving energy still surrounding him.

I got a call that at around 11 pm, Francis❤ was scooped up by his Angels, flying him to the other side where he will still be our Troubadour…

From Tommi Mecca

So sad. Veterans for Peace activist Francis Collins has died. He was a gentle man who fought for a world without war and hate. He went everywhere with his guitar.


Francis and I singing “Imagine” at a protest of SF’s sit/lie ordinance, an anti-homeless law, at Harvey Milk Plaza in the Castro, May, 22, 2011, Milk’s birthday.

The video is by Carol Harvey.

Keep on singing, my friend.



 Francis Collins Presente!

Please hold the following people in your thoughts:

Victor Picazo, dealing with health complications

Susan Witka, as she recovers from surgery

Jackie Barshak, battling stage 4 metastatic lung cancer, as she continues chemo therapy.

Melvin Starks recently released from the hospital!

   – Still needs housing!

Rodger Scott as he gains strength. Open site to see telephone number Meal Train for Rodger Scott

   He welcomes noon time visits

 Good visiting time is early afternoon around 1pm to 2pm, please see calendar to choose a day. Also, Rodger has a meal service and bringing meals is not necessary.

Hold the people:

– in Pakistan, Mississippi and Florida in your thoughts

-in Africa in your thoughts as they are experiencing drought and famine..

In Puerto Rico and the Dominican  Republic affected by Hurricanes

in Yemen

Please include Accessibility and ASL info in your events! And if your action is ‘child friendly’ This is a JUSTICE issue!!

*** ASL interpretation – Let me know if your event needs this service .***

Please post your actions on Indybay:

 See Indybay  for  other listings of events


A. US puts energy operators on ‘heightened alert’ – September 29, 2022

US puts energy operators on ‘heightened alert’ — RT World News

  The warning comes after the apparent sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream gas pipelines

B. DPR Civilians On Why They Wanted A Referendum To Join Russia  – September 29, 2022

DPR Civilians On Why They Wanted A Referendum To Join Russia – In Gaza (

By Eva Bartlett –

 “It’s mainly the people themselves talking, over the course of 5 days, including door-to-door voting (no, not at gunpoint) and voting in voting stations on the 5th day.

Western commentators would do well to listen to them (but we know they won’t)….)”

C. Newsom relents, signs farmworker union bill after pressure from Biden and labor

Newsom relents, signs farmworker bill after pressure- CalMatters

D. Anti-government protests in Haiti enter sixth week – September 27, 2022

Anti-government protests in Haiti enter sixth week : Peoples Dispatch

E. Large Rallies In Support of Putin’s Referendums And Mobilization 50x Larger Than Protests Against – September 27, 2022

Large Rallies In Support of Putin’s Referendums And Mobilization 50x Larger Than Protests Against – YouTube

  – By Kim Iversen

F. Treasure Island resident: It’s test time for Matt Dorsey – September 27, 2022

Treasure Island resident: It’s test time for Matt Dorsey (

G. Coalition on Homelessness sues city over its treatment of homeless people – September 27, 2022

Coalition on Homelessness sues city over its treatment of homeless people – Mission Local

H. Advocates call on DA to drop murder charge against Tehachapi woman accused of killing ex-husband – September 27, 2022

  See Petition # 2

I. Breed’s Been Forcing Appointees to Sign Undated Letters of Resignation, Says She’ll Stop Now that She’s Been Busted – September 26, 2022

Breed’s Been Forcing Appointees to Sign Undated Letters of Resignation, Says She’ll Stop Now That She’s Been Busted (

J. Western media continues to ignore how Ukraine is using NATO weapons to kill innocent civilians in the Donbass – September 23, 2022

   By Eva Bartlett

L. Cop Watch: Mayor Breed pulls strings — wins some, loses some – September23, 2022

Cop Watch: Mayor Breed pulls strings — wins some, loses some (

K. Military Whistleblower Challenges Pentagon’s Warrantless Purchase Of Internet Data – September 22, 2022

Whistleblower Objects To Pentagon Purchases Of Browsing Data (

M.The CIA is not your friend By Edward Snowden – September 20, 2022

America’s Open Wound – Continuing Ed — with Edward Snowden (

N. La Raza employees call for executive director’s ouster – March 2022

La Raza employees call for executive director’s ouster – Mission Local

  This article gives good background to event # 6


1. Urge the Senate to repeal the 2002 Iraq war authorization


  This outdated war authority is unnecessary for ongoing military operations, but as long as it remains, it can be used and abused by this or future administrations.

  Earlier this summer the House passed a provision led by Rep. Barbara Lee to repeal this dangerous authorization as a part of its National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). 

 we need the Senate to act.  Urge senators to pass S.J. Res. 10

2. Justice for Domestic Violence Survivor, Wendy Howard

  SIGN: Petition · Justice for Domestic Violence Survivor, Wendy Howard ·

3. Save Maryam from death by stoning

  SIGN: Avaaz – Save Maryam from death by stoning

4.President Biden must address Puerto Rico’s power grid failures.


5. Tell Your U.S. senators to pass the BURMA Act

  SIGN: Tell Your U.S. senators to pass the BURMA Act – Action Network

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Representatives Gregory Meeks (D-NY) and Steve Chabot (R-OH), have led the introduction of the Burma Act of 2021 in both the Senate (S.2937) and the House (H.R.5497). The bills will, not only sanction and hold accountable the Myanmar military, but also provide support to Burmese civil society and much needed humanitarian assistance directly to the Myanmar people.

6. Stop the Execution of John Ramirez in Texas

SIGN: Stop the Execution of John Ramirez in Texas – Action Network

   Petitions will be delivered Wednesday, October 5


Friday, September 30 – Sunday, October 2

Friday, September 30

1. Friday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm, JUSTICE NOT Interim SF DA Brooke Jenkins

In person

SF Interim DA Jenkins office
350 Rhode Island

Stand up for REAL JUSTICE NOT Brooke Jenkins! With Mothers On The March and the Community at interim Brooke Jenkins office.

We need to RESIST and expose her agenda:

   – For not holding police accountable for abusing and executing people in our communities. She fired most of the lawyers who were working on cases involved in holding sfpd accountable.

        – Twp pf the cases were om various stages of court hearings for trial

   – For deceiving San Franciscans from the time the Guido trial didn’t go her way and she quit the DA’s office to work on the Recall Boudin campaign. Her campaign is based on many lies.

   – For contributing more to AAPI hate and divisions between the Asian, Black and Brown communities.

All are welcomed.

2. Friday, 1:00pm (PT); 4:00pm (ET), The Developing Situation in Ukraine – A webinar with Scott Ritter and Joe Lombardo

Webinar registration: Webinar Registration – Zoom

In recent weeks, there have been important developments in Ukraine.  In four territories in the Eastern and Southern part of the country there have been referenda for the people to choose if they want to become part of Russia, there has been a partial mobilization of reserve forces in Russia, a Ukrainian offensive in Kherson and economic fallout from the US/EU imposed sanctions that seem to be sinking the economies, especially of NATO countries.

  Please join us to hear an analysis of developing events, what we can expect in the future and how to we get peace in the region.

Host: The United National AntiWar Coalition

Info: UNAC_092522 (

3. Friday, 6:00pm, Memorial gathering for Cecile Pineda (Event by some of her Codepink friends)

In person

UC Berkeley campus

RSVP by text or phone: 510-365-1500 for exact location.

See also Event # 7  from Cecile’s family

Saturday, October 1

4. Saturday, 11:00am – 12:30pm, Keep Laguna Honda OPEN! Discharges = Deaths Say Labor, Community & Families – Press Conference

In person

Laguna Honda Hospital
(Old building entrance)
375 Laguna Honda Blvd

The continued threatened closure and discharges of the 700 bed public Laguna Honda Hospital is a healthcare emergency. The mismanagement by the top officials of the DPH and HR of San Francisco is now connected with the US Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra who is former California Senator. He ordered the stop of payments to for Laguna Honda patients and demanded that the Laguna Honda patients be discharged. This has directly led to the death of 9 residents. THESE ARE FORCED DISCHARGES INCLUDING TO HOMELESS CENTERS.

This order was supported by Mayor London Breed, San Francisco DPH head Colfax and the Healthcare Commission and President of the commission led by Congresswoman Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Dan Bernal. While House Leader Pelosi can send tens of billions of tax dollars to Ukraine apparently she can’t send more money to Laguna Honda to keep it open. What is going on?

Laguna Honda patients are being sent to privately run nursing homes which have much worse care than publicly run Laguna Honda Hospital

Governor Gavin Newsom and his Department of Public Health has gone along with the closure and there is virtually no oversight and protection of patients in California Nursing Homes by the State Government. It has been captured by the billionaire investors and rogue operators who really run the regulatory agencies under Newsom.

We will also be speaking out about the ongoing strike and struggles at Kaiser where NUHW members have been on strike over a month and NNU CNA nurses are without contract. All union members who are Kaiser members and all working people are effected by short staffing to make more profits for Kaiser bosses. Patients annd workers are paying the costs.

See Indybay for more info

Initial Sponsor
United Front Committee For A Labor Party

Info: Press Conf Keep Laguna Honda OPEN! Discharges = Deaths Say Labor, Community & Families : Indybay


In person

24th & Mission BART Plaza

La Lucha Sigue/The Struggle Continues! Rosie Jimenez died on October 1, 1977 from a back alley abortion after the Hyde Ammendment took away federal funds for the procedure. She was a low-income student, struggling mother of three, and could not afford to have another child. This story is not new. Now, with the loss of Roe v. Wade, stories just like Rosie will be even more horrendous with the criminalization to this healthcare right. We honor her and want to fight like hell for free, quality, safe abortion with no apology!

We Demand:

-No forced sterilization!

-Repeal the Hyde Amendment; full access to abortion

-Uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act

-End racism in reproductive health care!

-Affordable childcare, Reunite immigrant families

-Solidarity against bigotry and homophobia/transphobia 

Host: Mobilization for Reproductive Justice

Info: Rosie Jimenez, Presente! Community Speak Out : Indybay

6. Saturday, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, Day 12 of Hunger Strike for Workers Rights to Organize – Conversation with Mama Cristina

In person

Black & Brown Social Club
474 Valencia St.

All are welcomed to support 24/7.

Maria Cristina Gutierrez, a Frisco five hunger striker, has been on a hunger strike to demand THE FIGHT FOR NON-PROFIT WORKERS RIGHT TO ORGANIZE.

Learn about the next steps to support the Hunger Strike for Workers to Organize

Why is this important?

Info: Facebook

7. Saturday, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, “Tombeaux and Other Delights” for Cecile Pineda and Her Friends October 1,2022

In person and Online (From Cecile’s family)

In person:

2550 Dana St.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 8102 5116
Passcode: 082575
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Meeting ID: 892 8102 5116

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Hello Everyone

Many of you have asked if there will be a memorial for Mom and if remote attendance is possible.  Yes and yes: please see announcement below; Zoom link to follow in a subsequent email.

Warm regards,

Michael, Indira & David

Order of Event

3:00     Welcome: Roger Herried  (“Cecile’s shared moment in History”)

3:15     The Barefoot All-Stars: Viol players Peter Hallifax and Julie Jeffrey 

4:05     Enjoy refreshments as you relish Cecile’s memories

4:50     Closing remarks: Pasqua Jey 

8. Saturday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, In solidarity with the Womyn of Iran – Candlelight vigil

In person

SF Union Square
Corner of Geary Blvd. & Powell St.

Over 240 people have been slain & 12,000 arrested & detained during the Iran Protests, ignited by Mahsa Amini’s brutal murder in the hands of the dictators and mullahs ruling Iran.
Join us to honor fallen heroes & in support of a Free Iran 2022

Host: Iranian American Community of Northern California

Info: In solidarity with the Womyn of Iran : Indybay

Sunday, October 2

9. Sunday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Support the Courageous Uprising in Iran

In person

Revolution Books – Berkeley
2444 Durant Ave.

Support the Courageous Uprising In Iran
“Women, Life, Freedom!”
Break the Chains! Unleash the fury of women as a mighty force for revolution!

Video from the Revolution Nothing Less Show, voices of support for the courageous struggle in Iran, poetry and music

“Righteous, angry and defiant mass protests are spreading across Iran. Over 80 cities rose up on Saturday alone, as women and men with nothing but fists, sticks
and a hatred for oppression faced off against brutal riot pigs and religious fanatics armed with clubs, tear gas and guns. These protests have grown, intensified and
spread to all areas of the country in the face of heavy and violent repression from the armed authorities of the theocratic and oppressive Islamic Republic of Iran

Info: Support the Courageous Uprising in Iran : Indybay

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