Extinction Rebellio • Streamed live on Apr 23, 2023 • Westminster streets are filled with thousands of people using their collective power to demand an end to the fossil fuel era and that the UK Government create emergency citizens’ assemblies! We will be bringing you full live coverage for the duration of the Big One 21-24 April. 11:00 – Running Out of Time Rally 10:00 – 15:00 – Connect with spectators of the marathon 15:00 – CHOOSE YOUR FUTURE ALARM! 15:00 – Daily Mass Gathering, Parliament 16:30 – Join the action at the Home Office Find out all about the Big One and the demands: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/the-bi… Help XR mobilise and donate: https://chuffed.org/xr/uk Extinction Rebellion UK: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/xrebellionuk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XRebellionUK/ Map of UK XR groups: https://map.extinctionrebellion.uk/ International: https://rebellion.global/
LIVE – Day 3 – THE BIG ONE – Running out of time
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