Free Assange!
Stop the Extradition! Drop the Charges!
Saturday, June 26, 2021
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
1433 Madison St. (Between 14th & 15th Streets)
(nr. Lake Merritt BART)
Livestream: Home Run for Julian – Assange Defense
Admission $10 – $20 – sliding scale at door / no one turned away
Wheelchair accessible with advance notice
Masks / Social distancing
Freedom for Julian Assange
Journalism Is Not A Crime War Crimes Are
John and Gabriel Shipton, the father and brother of award-winning Australian journalist Julian Assange, as their nationwide tour stops in the Bay Area. They are raising awareness of the importance of protecting whistleblowers and journalists and calling on the U.S. government to drop its prosecution and finally let Julian come home.
Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Alice Walker will be joining the Shiptons live. Daniel Ellsberg – Pentagon Papers defendant and whistleblower, Noam Chomsky – linguist and author, and Mamia Abu-Jamal – innocent political prisoner and journalist, will be joining via Zoom.
Additional Speakers: Joe Lombardo, National Coordinator UNAC; Cynthia Papermaster, CODEPINK; Jeff Mackler, National Steering Committee,; Dennis Bernstein, host of KPFA’s Flashpoints; Nozomi Hayase, author, “WikiLeaks, the Global Fourth Estate” “History Is Happening”; and more
See site for list of event co-sponsors: Home Run for Julian 2021 US Tour – Bay Area – Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange (
Host: Freedom for Julian Assange, San Francisco Bay Area (affiliated with
Info: Home Run for Julian 2021 US Tour – Bay Area – Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange ( & Free Assange! Stop the Extradition! Drop the Charges! : Indybay
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Julian’s 50th Global Day of Protest!
(Julian’s 50th Birthday)
Saturday, July 3, 2021
British Consulate General San Francisco
1 Sansome St.
(nr. Market St.)
San Francisco
Sponsorer: Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange
Info: Upcoming Events! (
Masks / social distancing
Julian Assange has been detained in the UK since he was 39 years old. Threatened with 175 years in prison by the US Government, Julian has spent the past 2 years incarcerated in Belmarsh Prison on trumped up charges.
Join us in a Global Day of Protest on Julian’s 50th birthday as we continue to raise awareness of his plight and call on the US Government to drop the charges against him.