Extinction Rebellion

International Highlights (rebellion.earth)

XR Australia

16 May | Melbourne

Five rebels glued on outside coal lobbyist group Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) demanding government tell the truth about the climate emergency. The activists caused disruptions during the lunch hour protesting the negligence of the current Australian government in protecting its people, environment, and depleting natural resources in the face of the global climate emergency.


Ahoy, rebels! Last Friday, Extinction Rebellion and Vote For The Planet pirates took over the iconic Sydney Harbour to tell Australians to vote for their future in the federal election. 

Here’s some quick videos of the action for your pirate viewing pleasure.

XR Belgium

19 May – Brussels

Nine rebels peacefully disrupted a live broadcast of De Zevende Dag TV-program at the VRT News HQ in Brussels. They wore T-shirts representing the 9 planetary boundaries and silently stepped in to bring these to the discussion table in an effort to demand the truth from media and politicians.

XR Germany

21 May | Munich

Rebels and FFF Munich came together to occupy an open space in the city, planning to camp out for a week.

22 May |Heidelberg

Rebels blockaded a bridge in Heidelberg.


More than 1.5 million young people in over 2000 cities of 125 countries across world in a Global Climate Strike for the Future on May 24. Below are some photos from international XR groups’ participation:

XR Melbourne

More than a thousand people have marched through Melbourne’s CBD and staged a mock “die-in” for climate change. The protest disrupted tram services across the CBD including Swanston, Collins and Bourke streets as well as City Circle trams. About a thousand people gathered outside the Victorian Parliament at the start of the protest

XR Gambia

XR Gambia preparing for the strike.

XR India

XR Delhi preparing for the strike.

Rebels in Delhi took to the streets to demand action from those in power.

XR Australia

26 May | Brisbane

Around 250 environmental activists have laid down among the dinosaurs at the Queensland Museum.

XR Canada

27 May | Montreal

Rebels glued their hands onto the doors at the Quebec Oil and Gas Association.

XR Taiwan and China

XR China and XR Taiwan have just launched official websites! You can find them at http://extinctionrebellion.tw/and http://thebaide.org/extinctionrebellion.cn/.

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