1187 Franklin
Sensible Cinema
1187 Franklin Street
A Film about Guns in America
Friday, May 19, 2023
6:30pm (PDT), 7:30 pm (MDT), 8:30 pm (CDT), 9:30 pm (EDT)
(This event will be an hybrid event with both virtual and at-the-church viewing.)
91% is the percentage of people who came out for comprehensive background checks for gun ownership. The film focuses on the massacre of young children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in New Town, Connecticut in 2013. It takes us through the debate on gun ownership in the U.S. at a time when people could see the truth about where gun ownership is going in America. It lays the blame for the country’s confusion about the 2nd Amendment on the heads of the politicians and lobbyists.
91% was directed by John Ritchie, who was the Executive Producer of the acclaimed 2013 documentary film, Shell Shocked. It delved into the killing of Black teenagers in New Orleans and the lives affected in one of America’s “murder capitals”.
Our film, 91%: A Film about Guns in America, brings some hope of solving the deadlocked gun debate. Most people are on the same side on this issue and it’s not impossible for a positive resolution.
Join Zoom Meeting: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Meeting ID: 937 7354 7229 Passcode: 283947
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/amksEMQSG
For more information please contact:
Melvin Starks (melvinstarks734@yahoo.com) or Larry Danos (415-722-6480)