Won’t be back till sometime next year. Few actions are listed.
Please encourage groups you are involved in to post events on Indybay: https://www.indybay.org/calendar/?page_id=12
Thank you to those who are posting on Indybay!
Check Indybay for events not listed here that might interest you.
ACCESSIBILITY: Please include Accessibility Information on events! This is a JUSTICE ISSUE!
KID FRIENDLY / CHILDCARE Please indicate for events. This is also a JUSTICE ISSUE!
A. 5-year prison terms sought for former TEPCO executives – December 26, 2018
B. 8-year-old Guatemalan boy dies in US custody – December 25, 2018
C. CA Gov. Brown Orders New DNA Testing In Murder Case Involving Kevin Cooper – December 25, 2018
D. Israel green-lights plans for 1,300 settlement homes, hundreds more pending – December 25, 2018
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December 25th (Christmas) is Adolfo Delgado Duarte’s born day. He was murdered by SFPD on March 6, 2018, at the age of 19 years old. May he rest in peace. Please keep his family in your thoughts during this holiday season.
Written by Victor, Aldolfo’s brother:
“I’ve been struggling all day to figure out what to write, but nothing seems enough, there are really no words to express all the emptiness we feel inside. There is no reason big enough for you to not be here today on your birthday. Celebrating your life through your bday today was one of the saddest thing i have experieced. Marry Christmas and happy BDay ‘DOPH’ all the way to the sky. Miss and love you always.”
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Wed. 12/26, Thurs. 12/27, Fri. 12/28
Tue. 1/1, Thurs. 1/3
Wednesday, December 26
Wednesday, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Boycott Manny’s and its “Woke Washing” of the Mission – Every Wednesday
3092 16th St. (@ Valencia.)
We call for a community boycott of “Manny’s”. “Manny’s” as a gentrifying wine-bar, cafe and fake “social justice” space in the Mission District, will only accelerate the raising of rents and the displacement of Black, Latinx, disabled and trans/queer people in the Mission. Additionally, the proprietor of Manny’s, Emmanuel Yekutiel, has unequivocally espoused racist, Zionist, pro-Israel ideals that we will not tolerate or accept in our community.
Further, “Manny’s:
Claims to be a “community” space, yet no one in the Mission, long a poor and working-class, Latinx and black community, asked him to open this gentrifier wine bar. In fact, Emmanuel Yekutiel previously attempted to open Manny’s in the Bayview and the Tenderloin but was told to leave by community members and organizations.
· Even with no community support and no connection to the Mission, Manny’s was given a “reduced rate rent” by Sam Moss, executive director of Mission Housing, the landlord of the space.
Claims to be a “cultural space” specifically for the local community of San Francisco and the Mission District. However, so far, the space has almost exclusively hosted Washington DC politicos TED-talks catering to the ruling-class Tech-elite. As longstanding Mission District cultural spaces like Galería de la Raza are forced out of their spaces due to the eviction crisis, the owner of Manny’s, a well-connected, Washington DC corporate and political consultant for companies like Facebook and the Hilary Clinton campaign are helping turn the Mission into a rich-only zone fueled by tech-gentrification.
We will not tolerate gentrifiers and Zionists attempts at invading and destroying our community through “woke-washing”!! The Lucy Parsons Project from this moment forth is calling for a boycott of Manny’s, until it is shut down!
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/12/21/18819913.php
Thursday, December 27
Thursday, 8:00am, Court support for Nia Wilson
Rene C. Davidson Courthouse
1225 Fallon St., 7th Floor, Department 11
This Court could Decide to Dismiss The Criminal Case Against John Coward For The Death Of Nia Wilson. His Lawyer’s are Gonna Be Claiming Mental Insanity.
Nia Wilson is the young woman who was stabbed to death by John Lee Cowell at the MacArthur BART Station in July 2018. Her sister was also injured by him.
Nia Wilson’s suspected killer unfit to stand trial, attorney argues
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2301740263179301/
Thursday, 6:00pm, SF Food Not Bombs Food Share
16th & Mission BART Plaza
For information or to volunteer: send email to sffnbvolunteers@riseup.net.
Cookhouse: Station 40, 3030B 16th Street (between Mission and Julian).
Food Pickups: Help Needed!
Cooking: 3030B 16th Street–3:00 pm to 6:00 pm–Ring doorbell for entry–Help Needed!
Sharing: 16th and Mission BART Plaza — 6:00 pm–Help Needed!
Webpage: https://sffnb.org/serving-schedule/
Friday, December 28
Friday, 12Noon – 2:00pm, Mothers on the March Against Police Murders – Week 116
Hall of Injustice
850 Bryant St.
All are invited to join us to demand that District Attorney George Gascon charge police officers with murder. Stand with ALL families who have lost loved ones to police murders. Since Gascon has been the DA in San Francisco, he has not charged any police officers
January 1, 2019
Tuesday, 12Noon – 4:00pm, 10th Annual Oscar Grant Vigil: Gone But Not Forgotten
Grant Station
(Fruitvale BART Station)
“Keep Fighting Until Victory is Won!”
Come out and support
Youth Speakers | Poets | Artists | Community Leaders | Activists | Lawyers | Educators | Family & Friends
Commemorating the Life of Oscar Grant. We are ALL Oscar Grant.
Host: Oscar Grant Foundation
Info: https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2018/12/19/18819875.php
Thursday, January 3
Thursday, 4:00pm, One Year Later…We Still Want Justice 4 Sahleem Tindle
West Oakland BART Station
We don’t celebrate the death or the day Sahleem was murdered,but we want to let them know on the same day that he was tragically taking from us,Jan 3rd 2018,that we still want JUSTICE,We STILL WANT ACCOUNTABILITY,and REMEMBRANCE of the life that is no longer here with ourselves.We love Sahleem,we miss Sahleem and we want to remind them that we will never forget the day Joseph Mateu took him away!Join us for a protest in Sahleem’s Honor followed by a Candlelight Vigil…More Details to follow.(Please Wear All White)
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2428459927232031/
Thursday, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Planning Meeting: The Peoples March-5th Annual Reclaim MLK
Greenlining Institute
360 14th St.
At the first planning meeting on 12/12, we were able to establish several committees to begin the work of planning this major event.
We’ve established committees working on policy & program, outreach, logistics and security, media, and fundraising. If you have some time before the 3rd, please dm us if you’d like to jump in to one of these committees right away.
Host: APTP