Articles ~ Actions ~ Announcements, Sunday, Feb. 24 – Wednesday, Feb. 27 (from Adrienne Fong)

Periodic Announcements

Please encourage groups you are involved in to post events on Indybay:

Thank you to all who are posting there!

     Check Indybay for other events that might interest you.

ACCESSIBILITY: Please include Accessibility Information on events! 

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A.  A Call to Halt an Illegal Invasion of Venezuela  – February 24, 2019

   See action #1

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  ♥ Jeff Adachi ♥


ABC7 obtains San Francisco police report on death of Public Defender Jeff Adachi – February 24, 2019

SF Chronicle

Jeff Adachi’s biggest fights: An innocent man, ‘Textgate’ and a shooting on Pier 14 – February 23, 2019

SF Chronicle

Matt Gonzalez to lead SF Public Defender’s Office after Adachi’s death – February 23, 2019

Mission Local

Public Defender Jeff Adachi dies

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C.  How Police Violence Paves The Way To Authoritarianism – February 23, 2019

D.  US lawmakers bully Ireland over move to ban Israel’s settlement goods  – February 23, 2019

E.  Gov. Newsom orders new DNA testing in Kevin Cooper’s 1983 quadruple murder case out of Chino Hills – February 22, 2019

F.  Migrant Youth Go From A Children’s Shelter To Adult Detention On Their 18th Birthday – February 22, 2019

G.  Vallejo officer in Willie McCoy shooting killed another man in 2018 – February 21, 2019


 ♥ Willie McCoy♥


1.  Tell Congress: Don’t let Trump use the military to intervene in Venezuela


2.  Keep the Redstone Labor Temple a Community Center!


3.  Tell Congress to Pass a Green New Deal



Sunday, February 24 – Wednesday, February 27

Sunday, February 24

1.  Sunday, 11:00am – 4:00pm, Teachers Strike ART BUILD

Oakland Education Association

272 E. 12th St. (at 3rd Ave. 6 blocks from Lake Merritt BART)


Join us to paint and screen print flags and banners for the 80 school sites on strike. Wear clothes you can paint in. We will be in a parking garage, so dress warm. Please bring your used plastic yogurt type container for paint. Snacks and drinks to share welcome.

Teachers are the frontline cutting edge fighting the austerity, privatization and corporatization that threatens education and all public goods, our climate and planet and communities. Let’s make sure they have good art for the picket lines.

Host: David Solnit


2.  Sunday, 12Noon – 1:00pm, Anti-Trafficking Coalition at Berkeley: Open Training

The Blum Center for Developing Economics

UC Berkeley

100 Blum Hall


Our Education Committee will be hosting an open training for anyone who is interested in learning more about the basic details of human trafficking

Topics that we will be covering include: Labor Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Points of Vulnerability, and “The Individual vs The Movement,” and will give a brief overview of a variety of important topics in the field. This is a training designed for those with little to no knowledge of human trafficking.

Sponsor: Berkeley Anti-Trafficking Coalition


3.  Sunday, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, Poverty Scholarship /POOR Press Book Release Events

San Francisco Main Library

100 Larkin St., Koret Auditorium


Poor, Unhoused and Disabled “Poverty Skolaz” release a book sharing their truly innovative solutions to homelessness and poverty and launch a national theatre production on poverty, homelessness and criminalization of poor people

“Us poor and homeless people in the US are in a state of emergency- between the demolitions of thousands of units of public housing,the extreme rise in gentrification and evictions of low-income and working class elders and families and the concurrent rise in the criminalization of unhoused encampments and our bodies, which is why it is so urgent for people to listen to our own innovative solutions to poverty and homelessness- solutions like Poverty Scholarship and the Homefulness Project, said Lisa Gray-Garcia,formerly homeless single parent, author of Poverty Scholarship – Poor People-led Theory Art, Words and Tears Across Mama Earth and Criminal of Poverty – Growing Up Homeless in America

“Poverty Skolaz” while also teaching, sharing and offering workshops in academic institutions and organizations on the equally innovative funding strategies outlined in Poverty Scholarship, seeking to learn how to form, create, support, serve in a different relationship with communities in the deepening crisis of poverty and homelessness across the US and beyond.

The notion of poverty scholarship was born in the calles, prisons, street corners, community centers, welfare offices, shelters, kitchen tables, assembly lines, tenements, favelas, projects, and ghettos—all the places people don’t look for educators, experts, leaders, researchers, lecturers, linguists, artists, creative thinkers, writers, and media producers

With this powerful book Tiny and other poverty skolaz at POOR Magazine hope to change the discourse on poverty and homelessness, land use, service provision, education, advocacy and philanthropy for communities in poverty and has included original art and words from known and unknown poverty, disability, indigenous skolaz, poets and teachers such as Leroy Moore, Al and Tony Robles, Corrina Gould, Joey Villarreal, Muteado Silencio, Vivian Flaherty, Queennandi Xsheba Shabazz, Frances Moore and many more.


4.  Sunday, 2:00pm – 4:30pm, Visionaries: Indigenous organizers protecting land


1721 Broadway


Sliding scale donation of $0-$15 suggested.
Childcare will be available (please RSVP to by Tuesday the 19th)
We will be providing projected live transcription (CART)
This event is fully wheelchair accessible. 
We will be livestreaming this event from the Facebook event page.

From Hawaii to New York and beyond, Indigenous people are leading and winning fights to protect people, the planet and what is sacred. At a time when the need to confront rising climate chaos, a white supremacist state and a white nationalist movement is incredibly clear, Indigenous people are showing the way forward. As our friends at the NDN Collective say, “If we want to transform the world, our vision has to be as great as the challenges we are faced with.” 

Come listen to, learn from, and be inspired by the visionaries who have been organizing at the forefront of these movements, from Ohlone territories in Oakland, to Standing Rock to Bayou Bridge. We will be joined by Corrina Gould, Chochenyo-Ohlone, Mark Tilsen, Oglala Lakota, and Wahleah Johns, Navajo

Sponsor: Catalyst Project


5.  Sunday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour

Revolution Books Berkeley

2444 Durant Ave.


Price: $5 – $10

This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!” 

The Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour 

To you who are fed up with this society and “solutions” that are no solution… 

To you who are angry and defiant and want to see an end to the white supremacy, the patriarchy and its many forms of gender oppression, the persecution of immigrants, the imperialist wars and occupations and threats, and the capitalist plunder and destruction of the environment—an end to all, or any, of the horrible forms of oppression and exploitation that define and intertwine with this capitalist-imperialist society… 

Read the whole call at


Monday, February 25

6.  Monday, 5:30pm, All out at the school board to stop spending cuts and AB 1840

1050 2nd Ave.


5:30 Rally
6:00 Meeting starts

The school board will be holding a special meeting to approve over $20M in spending cuts in 19-20. These cuts include $3M in cuts directly from schools and laying off nearly 150 central staff. They plan on making this vote even though there is currently an unexplained $60M increase in expenditures and our teachers are on strike. This is unacceptable and as we say it’s#FailureByDesign.

We need an all out effort to stop the school board from voting on spending cuts for next year. The school board has until March 1st to approve these cuts to qualify for AB 1840. We also need to demand that the school board direct the superintendent to settle a fair contract with our teachers.

Sponsor: Oakland Public Education Network


Tuesday, February 26

7.  Tuesday, 10:45am – 1:45pm, Urban Shield is Gone – Let’s Keep it That Way!

Alameda County Offices – Board of Supervisors

1221 Oak St.


The Alameda County Board of Supervisors voted to “end Urban Shield as it is currently constituted” in March of 2018 
They appointed a task force (the second one) to figure out how to do that.
The task force has created a set of recommendations that would radically transform Urban Shield from a militarized SWAT and weapons expo.

Recommendations include:

1. An end to the weapons show and the use of the exercises to feature weapons and privatized military-like gadgets and devices for crowd control and surveillance. 

2. An end to the SWAT competition

3. The re-allocation of $5 million dollars to public health and social services agencies for disaster preparedness and resilency after catastrophe.

It is now upon the Supervisors to make good on their committment by approving the Task Force’s recommendations. To do this they will likely have to overcome intense opposition and pushback.

If you can’t attend, you can write to the Board with an easy one-click action here: (hosted by Media Alliance)

Sponsors: Oakland Privacy, Media Alliance, Stop Urban Shield, Stop Watching Us, The Day We Fight Back


8.  Tuesday, 6:00pm – 7:15pm, Four years later: Remembering Amilcar

Start at where Amilcar was killed.

Folsom St. (between 24th & 25th Streets)


Then walking to site of his new mural 24th & Capp Streets

On February 26, 2015, SFPD Officers Craig Tiffe and Eric Reboli killed Amilcar on Folsom Street, firing six bullets to his back as he was fleeing for his life. For many months after his killing, our community marched, picketed, stood in vigils, held press conferences and many, many meetings, all in the hope of obtaining justice through the legal system. That legal process utterly failed; the DA filed no criminal charges against the officers, and the civil case was settled out of court.

But we have not forgotten. And we won’t. We are creating a beautiful mural to remind us of this young Guatemalan immigrant’s story.

Four years after his killing, on Tuesday, February 26, we will gather once more at the site where Amilcar was killed. We will remember his story and hold his family in Guatemala in our hearts. Then we will walk a short distance to 24th and Capp Streets where Amilcar’s mural is being created. We will see the latest sketches and hear from Precita Eyes muralist Carla Wojczuk who has been designing the mural with input from the youth from H.O.M.E.Y. And, now that the actual painting is about to begin, we will offer a brief blessing of this work of love.

Bring whatever songs, poems, stories, and reflections you may have, and, if you like, a small snack to share.

About Amilcar:

Amilcar Perez-Lopez was a 21-year-old Guatemala immigrant shot to the back six times by San Francisco police on February 26, 2015 as he was running for his life.

Amilcar came to the U.S. when he was 17 to earn money for his family in Guatemala. He worked at construction sites and restaurants throughout San Francisco. Friends and coworkers remember him as a hardworking, thoughtful, generous young man. He provided for his family, sending remittances back home, fruit of his hard labor.

Amilcar is survived by his loving parents and five younger siblings back home in Guatemala. He also had a significant other in San Francisco. His close family and friends affectionately called him “Mica”.

Sponsor: Justice for Amilcar Perez-Lopez


9.  Tuesday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Meeting of Labor Rise for Climate, Jobs, Justice & Peace

Unite Here Local 2

209 Golden Gate Ave.


At this meeting we will decide campaign priorities, including Green New Deal and anti-militarism campaigns, and the Alameda Labor Council Climate Convergence on April 13. We will decide whether to become an affiliate of Labor for Sustainability. 


Draft Proposals:

Green New Deal:


Affiliation with LNS:


10. Tuesday, 6:00pm – 9:00pm, Don’t Displace Oakland’s Black Community!

Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy

360 14th St.


Email or Call David Brazil to see where the meeting is.

All out for City Council on Tuesday, February 26 to demand written commitment to community benefits for the proposed Mandela hotel. 

Development without community benefits = displacement of Oakland’s Black community!

To get involved please contact Pastor David Brazil at 510-508-7104 or


11. Tuesday, 6:00pm – 9:00pm, Deport ICE Berkeley – The Vote

Berkeley City Council

1231 Addison St.


The item is the first item on the action calender and will likely be heard between 7:30pm and 9:00pm

The Sanctuary City Contracting Ordinance will keep the money of Berkeley’s residents from lining the pockets of companies that collaborate directly with the Trump administration’s
lawless and unconstitutional immigration policies. 

The contracting ordinance will phase out gradually the use of vendors that supply ICE with information that helps them to better terrorize immigrant communities. Combined with similar actions by other Bay Area cities, the ordinance will send the message that it isn’t good business to separate young children from their parents,
violate asylum seekers constitutional rights and lock people up in private immigration detention facilities like Adelanto and Otay Mesa that don’t conform to UN human rights standards.

Berkeley’s money should not be spent on feeding the deportation pipeline when there are alternatives available and the contracting ordinance will make sure as little of our money as possible will be going to ICE data brokers.

Sponsors: Oakland Privacy, Freedom for Immigrants Bay Area + 4 Other Groups


Wednesday, February 27

12. Wednesday, 11:30am – 1:00pm, Commemoration of Wounded Knee 1973

Department of Justice

450 Golden Gate Ave.


“Liberation Day” Commemoration of the Warriors At Wounded Knee 1973, February 27, 2019, held at noon time rally/vigil from11:30-1 pm at Dept. of Justice, 450 Golden Gate Street. Speakers, Drum, songs, sage, Dancers and poetry! Call 415-577-1492 for more information!

For more event information:


13. Wednesday, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Lobbying for Sweeps Hearing

SF City Hall

1 Dr. Carleton B. Goodlett Pl.


Come to City Hall to encourage the Supervisors to show up and support Matt Haney’s Hearing on Rainstorm Sweeps. We’ll walk around to each Supervisor’s office and convey the importance of this hearing. All are welcome, there’s no need to speak if you don’t want to. We’ll meet outside the front entrance of City Hall at 2pm.

Background: SFPD and the Department of Public Works (DPW), collaborating with the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, have continued the cruel and inhumane practice of “sweeps”, forced relocation and property confiscation of those living on the streets. During the last two rainstorms we know that DPW and SFPD confiscated tents, sleeping bags, and survival gear handed out by DSA SF and allies, leaving people with no way to protect themselves from the elements. Very few politicians in SF have been willing to own up to sweeps being official city policy, but Sup. Haney has given us a rare opportunity to spotlight the lack of services available during winter storms and the ensuing sweeps

Sponsor: DSA of SF, Glide, Harvey Milk LGBTQ, Coalition on Homelessnes, Indivisible SF


14. Wednesday 6:00pm – 9:00pm, Honoring 104 Years of the Redstone Labor Temple!

2940 16th St.



Join us and the rest of the community to honor 104 years of organizing towards social and economic justice by the tenants of San Francisco’s historic Redstone Labor Temple!

live music, artists, dancers, poets y performers


15. Wednesday, 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Boycott Manny’s and its “Woke-Washing” of the Mission


16th & Valencia St.



We are a group of black and brown folks, Jews, Mission Housing tenants, trans and queer people, and many others, who are committed to collective liberation. We are 
calling for a community boycott of Manny’s (3092 16th at Valencia, SF) because this new upscale wine bar is yet another gentrifying attack on our community. While Manny’s bills itself as a “community space”, it’s marketed toward white ruling class techies, and its programming often features right-wing politicians who are supported by the luxury condo industry. While Manny’s is on the ground floor of a low-income building run by Mission Housing, its residents had no say in its placement. While countless Latinx cultural spaces are evicted from the Mission, Sam Moss who runs Mission Housing, gave Manny’s a reduced rent. 

The owner of Manny’s has worked with Bay Area Zionist organizations. Zionism is a racist ideology that believes Palestinian people have no claim to their land. Zionists, through the state of Israel, enforce this ideology by murdering, arresting, torturing, and displacing generations of Palestinian people. We stand against Zionism, gentrification, anti-Semitism, and all other forms of oppression. 

Manny’s is part of a systematic attempt to make gentrification and racism seem “cool” through woke-washing. Woke-washing is the strategy of putting a “social justice” façade on oppressive politics.


Endorsed by 
Black and Brown for Peace Justice and Equality; 
The Lucy Parsons Project; 
Palestinian Youth Movement – Bay Area; 
Brown Beret National Organization; 
National Brown Berets; 
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network; 
Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism; 
Jews Against Zionism; 
GAY SHAME: A Virus in the System 

Please honor this Boycott! By NOT attending or scheduling events there. Let Manny know why.

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