Articles ~ Actions ~ Events for Fri. 7/26 – Wed, 7/31 + In August – 30 Days of Action to Close the Camps @ ICE – SF (from Adrienne Fong)

A few upcoming events

Please encourage groups you are involved in to post their events on Indybay:

   Thank you to all who are posting there! Check Indybay for other postings.


A. Mediterranean shipwreck takes 2019 migrant death toll past 600 – July 26, 2019

B. Israel begins deportation of Filipina workers, children – July 25, 2019

C. US blocks UN vote to condemn Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes  – July 25, 2019

D. Judge blocks Trump asylum restrictions at US-Mexico border

F. Democrats overwhelmingly line up with AIPAC, to keep party on Israel’s side with 2020 coming – July 24, 2019

G. Senator Jim Inhofe says Fort Sill Plans put on hold  – July 24, 2019


1. Investigate border troops NOW!


2. Stop Wall Street Raids on Our Economy



Friday, July 26 – Wednesday, July 31

Friday, July 26

1. Friday, 12Noon – 2:00pm,  Mothers on the March Against Police Murders – 154th  Week!

Hall of Injustice

850 Bryant St.



All are invited to join us (Even if it’s for a few minutes) to demand that District Attorney George Gascon charge police officers with murder. Stand with ALL families who have lost loved ones to police murders. This is a movement towards police accountability. If we keep accepting the way things are, we’ll, never make any true progress that benefits the people. Since Gascon has been the DA in San Francisco, he has not charged any police officers.

Calling for Justice for:

Joshua Smith, Kenneth Harding Jr., Peter Yin Woo, Steven Michael Young, Dennis Hughes , Pralith Prolouring, Dale Stuart Wilkerson, Alex Nieto, Giovany Contreras Sandoval, O’Shaine Evans, Matthew Hoffman, Amilcar Perez-Lopez, Alice Brown, Herbert Omar Benitez, Javier Lopez Garcia, Mario Woods, Luis Gόngora Pat, Jessica Nelson, Nicolas McWherter, Nicholas Flusche, Damian Murray, Keita O’Neil, Jesus Adolfo Delgado, Jehad Eid, and Derrick Gaines (killed by a police officer hired by SFPD)

The above named  all were killed by SFPD during DA Gascon’s reign – NOT ONE police officer has been charged! 

2. Friday, 5:30pm – 7:30pm, “BASTA FREE CHELSEA AND JULIEN ” VIGIL DEMO  – Weekly demo

Fruitvale & MacArthur


SIGN UP for updates:

Potluck, Meeting, Music afterwards

3. Friday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Freeway Banner Art Project

Mexican Liberty Bell

Mission Dolores Park

19th & Dolores St.


Launch the sustained mass nonviolent outpourings necessary to drive the Trump/Pence regime from power.

We’ve stenciled out a 15 foot long design; help us put paint to canvas. Sign up for bannering events next week.

Sponsor: Refuse Fascism


4. Friday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Eyewitness Cuba: The New US Attacks & the Ongoing Revolution


2969 Mission St. (nr. 16th Street BART)


Wheelchair accessible

$3-$10 donation – no one turned away

In the ongoing U.S. offensive against any nation taking an independent path, the Trump administration recently labeled Cuba part of a “Troika of Tyranny”, along with Venezuela and Nicaragua, and tightened the 60-year long blockade against the island nation. Join us for firsthand accounts from activists recently returned from Cuba about the ongoing gains of the socialist revolution and how the new restrictions are affecting the Cuba economy.


5. Friday, 7:00pm – 10:00pm, Our Island’s Treasure

East Side Arts Alliance

2277 International Blvd.


EastSide Arts Alliance, the Global Uchinanchu Alliance (GUA) and the Okinawa Kenjinkai Study Group (OKSG) present: 
Final Fridays Films of Solidarity & Resistance
“Our Island’s Treasure” 

film screening, Q and A with the filmmaker, and yuntaku/talk story

Have you heard about what’s been going on in Henoko, Okinawa? What is #RiseForHenoko? Maybe you’ve heard about how local residents have been protesting the building of a new U.S. military base in Oura Bay? The ongoing landfill work to create this base is destroying thousand-year-old coral reef structures, and threatens the aquatic life in the bay, including the Dugong, a manatee-like marine mammal that is close to extinction.

A lack of U.S. media attention has meant that most people in the United States don’t know about the social and environmental crisis in Okinawa that worsens every day. Teenaged filmmaker Kaiya Yonamine created a documentary this year to shed light on what’s going on. She explains on her website,

My name is Kaiya, and I am a 17-year old Okinawan-American high school student from Portland, Oregon. I recently went back to Henoko this spring because I was frustrated with the silence of the media around this crisis. 

I wanted to make a documentary to show the world what’s happening. My documentary, “Our Island’s Treasure,” focuses on the current destruction of the beautiful Okinawan ocean in Henoko and the fight by native Uchinanchu people to protect it


Saturday, July 27

6. Saturday, 12Noon – 4:00pm, Art Build #TarSandsFreeSFBay

Bridge Storage & ArtSpace

23 Maine Ave.


Join Protect the Bay Coalition, and many others Saturday, July 27th for story telling followed by creating beautiful art for the movement!

Closest public transportation options: Richmond Bart and a 20 minute walk, 72M bus line headed towards Point Richmond and get off at 2nd street and MacDonald Ave and walk 5-7 minutes.

Protect the Bay Coalition is newly formed with a targeted campaign to stop more tar sands tanker ships from crossing through our San Francisco Bay and exporting heavy tar sands crude oil from a proposed wharf expansion project at the Phillips 66 refinery located in Rodeo.

We will start our Saturday afternoon with an informal storytelling session connecting the resistance of fossil fuels and weaving in the importance of art, music/songs and the impact it makes in our movement.

Join us in painting banners, screenprint patches and flags. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting paint on, sunblock, hats, and bring a water bottle. Open to the public, family friendly, please RSVP by clicking GOING on this event page.


7. Saturday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Commemoration of student massacre in El Salvador

Redstone Labor Temple

2940 16th St.

Second Floor Theatre (Teatro del Segundo piso)


On July 30, 1975, students from the National Autonomous University of El Salvador were marching to protest repression by the military, which had taken over the campus in Santa Ana on July 25th. During the march, more than 100 students were either killed or wounded by the military. 

This commemoration is to honor those whose lives were stolen during the struggle for liberation against military forces. It is vital to keep the spirit of the 1975 student movement alive so we can build solidarity in the fight against the current Bukele-Trump alliance. 

Join us for a panel discussion on how the events of 1975 mobilized resistance, and folkloric dance by Grupo Maiz!


Sunday, July 28

8. Sunday, 3:00pm Medicare for All – What is HR 1384 Yhr 2019 Medicare for All Act – meeting

518 Valencia St. (2 blocks fr. 16th St. BART)



A panel of Single Payer Now speakers: 

 Barbara Commins R.N., and a member of SF Berniecrats Health Committee.

 Jim Cowan: and a member of Progressive Democrats of America.

 Barry Hermanson, Green Party member.

 Jamie Sheldon, and a member of SF Berniecrats Health Committee.

 Jeanne Crawford, and a member of SF Berniecrats Health Committee.

 Don Bechler, Chair-Single Payer Now

Info: 415-695-7891

Monday, July 29

9. Monday, 8:00am – 12Noon, Pack the court for Juan Jose!


630 Sansome St.


Join us for a quick check in at 8am to prepare packing the court for Juan Jose! This will be part two of his asylum hearing. 

*Please note the content of this hearing can be triggering for some folks attending, please check in with the organizer if you have any questions or concerns, all information will remain confidential *

More about Juan Jose : 

Jose Juan Erazo Herrera came to the U.S as an unaccompanied minor in 2016. He had been suffering from child abuse from his mother and eventually became homeless in El Salvador, which made him susceptible to police violence and gangs threatening his life. When Juan Jose entered the U.S he was apprehended by ICE at the Texas border and released to his brother in New York. In New York, he was unfortunately targeted by a gang member who recognized him from El Salvador and out of fear Juan Jose participated in an assault on a classmate from school. He spent 6 months in county jail and another 6 months in juvenile hall as a result. When he was released, ICE picked him up and detained in Yolo County (ORR “secure” facility) here in California. Juan Jose has been in immigration detention since he was 17 years old, he has lost 2 years of his life to this system that does not work to repair harm and recently celebrated his 19th birthday on March 15th. Juan Jose has been fighting for his freedom inside detention and has taken part in two hunger strikes that happened in Yuba where detainees were demanding better conditions.

Sponsors: Free Juan Jose & California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance


10. Monday 8:30am – 9:30am, Stop Union Busting Bullying Attacks At SFUSD Agaist UESF Teacher Margaret Reyes

SF Superior Court Building

400 McAllister/Polk St


Press Conference / Rally

Stop The Union Busting Attacks At SFUSD Against UESF Teacher Margaret Reyes SFUSD & Vicent Matthews-Hands Off Margaret Reyes 

SHUT DOWN The Corrupt Racist PAR Program

The San Francisco Unified School District has been using the Peer Assisted Review PAR program which was supposed to help improve teacher’s profession to bully, coerce and terminate senior teachers, African American and Latino teachers. UESF member Margaret Reyes who was a grammar school teacher was being bullied by her principal. 

The district then said she had to be placed in the PAR Program and one of the “coaches” was the same principal who was bullying her. She refused to go into PAR and was harrassed and illegally terminated without a Skelly hearing which is required under the law. 

She will be having a hearing on this illegal action by SFUSD Superintendent Vincent Matthews which has been backed up by the school boar

The SFUSD also with the support of the UESF supported a parcel tax to fund the PAR program with over $1 million a year and in the parcel tax initiative allowed the district to place teachers in PAR without agreement of the union.

Former Berkeley Federation of Teachers steward and teacher Brian Crowell was also investigating program and he was retaliated against and discovered the union president Nancy Cambell was also on the payroll of PAR while she was terminating teachers. 
This program needs to be exposed and shutdown.

Sponsor: Defend Public Education Now


11. Monday, 11:00am – 12Noon, Press Conference: Justice for Armando

Daly City – City Hall

Daly City

Join us for a press conference at City Hall as we file our administrative complaint against the Daly City government for their police department’s unlawful transfer of Armando Escobar-Lopez to ICE custody in May. A complaint allows Armando the right to receive compensation and remedies for the harm inflicted on his life. 

We need justice for Armando who has been falsely imprisoned for over two months while facing deportation, and a new policy to end all collaboration between ICE and the Daly City Police Department.

Click here to learn more about Armando’s story: 


Tuesday, July 30

12. Tuesday, 12Noon – Wednesday, July 31st 5:00am, Block Party to Abolish ICE

630 Sansome St.


Stand together to demand an end to concentration camps where families and children are separated, imprisoned and abused and murdered, to demand the abolition of ICE, DHS, Police, prisons, borders and all the state apparatuses and mechanisms that serve to lock people away and oppress us. 

Join our block party to make our presence be known!!!

FREE food & agua frescas !!
DJs & Performances
Art & Crafts

Childcare & Space for Children to play together 

This is a community event to build with each other and to let ICE know will NOT let them continue to arrest, detain, deport, and kill anyone. This has to STOP NOW.

Sponsor: Abolish ICE SF


13. Tuesday, 12:30pm – 1:30pm, Boycott Manny’s – Weekly protest

16th & Valencia St. (2 Blocks from 16th St. BART)


From Black & Brown For Justice Peace and Equality / Mothers On The March Against Police Murders.

Why Are We Boycotting Manny’s?

The owner of Manny’s is occupying a place that the Latino community fought for! Residents of the Mission community have fought for many years to make sure that community organizations create venues/space that would benefit the black and brown community. We believe that this should be a cultural center for the youth of this area, especially at a time when so many are being displaced.

The owner of Manny’s also support the occupation of Palestine by a so-called Zionist state of Israel that is committing genocide of the Palestinian People. Zionist also are involved with training police in the US.

Join us, Stop the Displacement of Black and Brown People from the Mission, help us denounce Zionism and help STOP the GENOCIDE of the Palestinian People by the state of Israel.

 Do NOT be fooled on what he might tell you he supports, check his actions. Do research, study & learn. Until Palestine is free from the oppression that the Israeli government enforces, the people will fight.. Manny moved into a neighborhood that’s probably going through the most drastic change in gentrification. He’s posing as a positive figure for OUR community but is a proud Zionist.

When some of his patrons laugh at the photos of Palestinian children who have been maimed, or killed – that sends a strong message of who Manny and some of his supporters are!!

We join in solidarity with BDS (Boycott,Divestment& Sanctions) that has called a boycott to all Israeli products.

Wednesday, July 31

14. Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, NO U.S. EXTRADITION RALLY – FREE JULIAN ASSANGE

British Consulate

1 Sansome St.


Join us July 31st at the British Consulate General in San Francisco to rally against the U.S. government’s attempt to extradite Julian Assange.

Please bring any signs and bull horns you have.

The attack and International law-breaking arrest by the British government and police on Julian Assange, with the direct support of the US-controlled Ecuadoran government and the US government itself, is an attack on ALL journalists, whistleblowers, and democracy. It is aimed at closing down all alternative media. There are multiple other examples of attempts at this happening daily. While there is no prosecution of the war criminals exposed by WikiLeaks, Assange, Chelsea Manning, and other journalists, journalists and whistleblowers are under attack and imprisoned, or even killed.

Sponsor: Bay Action Committee to Free Julian Assange


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Month of Momentum:

 30 Days of Action to Close the Camps (ICE SF)

General Info / Sign up to organize a group:¬if_id=1564098415575237

Calendar of days / groups signed up thus far:

A month of daily actions every day in August from Noon to 1pm

ICE – San Francisco

630 Sansome St


**Facebook only allows you to create an event for 14 days (that’s why the dates say Aug 1-14), but this action will take place ALL month.


Each daily action will be conducted by a different sector or community group (librarians, health care workers, poets, musicians, dancers…).

Actions can be whatever you’d like, with your own specific message — it’s up to each group. Some groups may be there longer than the 12Noon -1:00pm slots.

We’ll be sending out a Media Alert to the press about the month of actions and will include a calendar and media contact person for each group. 

There may also be a culmination demo of ALL groups (whoever wants to participate) on Sat Aug 31 at Noon.

If your group is planning “DIRECT ACTION” It is suggested you attend this training:

Sunday, August 4, 11:00am – 3:00pm, Nonviolent Direct Action Training

Omni Commons

4799 Shattuck Ave.


Wheelchair accessible

This training will take participants through many of the strategies, tools and considerations of non-violent direct action, including power and privilege, de-escalation, blockades, legal, direct action organizing models, and the opportunity to form affinity groups. This training will be an important place to get plugged in for upcoming actions around the Climate Strike Week of Action beginning on September 20.

Please REGISTER in advance here:

Host: DiRT (Diablo Rising Tide, the San Francisco bay area chapter of Rising Tide North America


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