For events please include Accessibility and ASL info.
Sorry for this late notification – took over 3 hrs for internet connection. This most likely will be the last announcement until a new internet provider is connected.
For possibility of broader participation in your actions – post them on Indybay even if event is digital:
See Indybay for other events.
Thank you to everyone for your activism and commitment for a better world.
A. Minneapolis city council votes 12-0 to abolish police department after death of George Floyd and will replace it with a ‘department of community safety and violence prevention’ – June 26, 2020
B. ‘Big Banks Couldn’t Be Happier’: Stocks Surge as Trump Regulators Gut Restrictions on Risky Wall St Gambling – June 25, 2020
C. Supreme Court hands big win to Trump on expelling immigrants seeking asylum – June 25, 2020
D. Assange Hit With New Superseding Indictment, Reflecting Possible FBI Sting Operation – June 24, 2020
E. Annexation and the deterioration of the right to health of Palestinians – June 22, 2020
See Action item # 1
See Event # 6
1. Oppose Annexation of Palestinian Land
2. Support a U.S. foreign policy that prioritizes diplomacy over militarism
3. Stop the Execution of Billy Wardlow in Texas
Execution date is July 8th.
List of other Bay Area Protests & Rallies
Updated & New Events
Saturday, June 27
1. Saturday, 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Call to Action “None of Us Are Free Until All of Us Are Free” (POSTPONED)
Civic Center Plaza
Polk St.
Please practice Covid-19 guidelines for everybody’s safety.
There will be a call to action via speeches, music, community organizations, and other educational resources as we honor those lost to police/state-sanctioned violence.
Volunteers needed. Movements or organizations interested in participating focused on wellness and justice for black and brown and LGBTQ+ POC contact: Eric at
We call on all queer communities and our accomplices that are fighting for a future without white supremacy and the structures that support it. Join us in the streets so we can reclaim Pride!
Info: or
Sunday, June 28
2. Sunday, 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Drive for Justice Voter Registration Drive
Meet at:
Port of Oakland
530 Water St.
Anti Police-Terror Project and our Defund the Police Coalition partners call “Shame On You” to Libby and the 5 City Council members who voted against the peoples’ will to #DefundOPD!
We’ll stage at 5 different locations, outlined below, and caravan to Libby’s and 4 council members’ homes. Here’s the list of assembly locations at the Port.
For the first two, enter the Port area from 7th St at the far west end (past West Oakland BART and the Post Office)
1. Rebecca Kaplan: Maritime St and Pier St
2. McElhaney: Middle Harbor Park – 7th St & Middle Harbor Rd.
For the next three, enter the Port area on Adeline St.
3. Schaaf: Berths 55-56 SSA/Oakland International Container Terminal
4. Gallo: Berths 57-59 Oakland International Container Terminal
5. Taylor: Berths 60-63 SSA/Matson
At each staging area, try to line up facing the direction you entered from, per above, so we’re ready to roll.
Let’s Drive for Justice and get folks registered to vote! Let those still living in the past know it’s time to actually #DefundOPD and #InvestInCommunity !!!
Hosts: APTP + 6 Other groups
3. Sunday, 6:00pm – 7:15pm, From Katrina to Corona: Scamlords in a Pandemic (NEW)
On line event
Zoom Link and ID below:
Topic: Katrina to Corona: Scamlords In A Pandemic
Time: Jun 28, 2020 06 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 1846 5708
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Meeting ID: 884 1846 5708
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The Katrina to Corona Series Continues –
This Week’s Topic: Scamlords/SlumLords Abuse,Tenants Rights & Resistance in a Pandemic and Beyond…Featuring some powerFULL tenants/liberators/ warriors in this work Sanyika Bryant, Barbara Bobbi López, Christine M. Hernandez- & special guest Momii Palapaz currently in struggle along with hundreds of tenants, with one of the largest CorpRAPE gangster Scamlords: Raj Properties
Background on the Series
From Katrina to Corona- government Solutions to Homelessness & Covid 19- Join Poverty, Disability Skolaz Leroy Moore, & Lisa Tiny Gray-Garcia Muteado Silencio & special guests for a weekly special live zoom broadcast of Pnn-Kexu 96.1fm-Po Peoples Revolutionary radio/TV that deals with different “government” response to Covid 19 versus poor people-led self-determination movement solutions created by /for us.(All past shows were recorded and are available on PoorNewsNetwork’s channel on Youtube
Host: POOR Mag. + 2 Other groups
Tuesday, June 30
4. Tuesday, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, BAHBL, Join Us! Solidarity Rally and March for Black Lives (NEW)
Meet at:
McKinley Statue
277 Baker St. (Panhandle GG Park)
To Alamo Square Park
We are Bay Area Hospitality for Black Lives (BAHBL), a coalition that calls for the hospitality industry to actively practice anti-racism. BAHBL is committed to addressing and combatting the racial disparities that are perpetuated daily in our country, our community, and our workplaces.
We will begin with a short opening program that highlights the changes we believe are necessary in our industry and will continue with a march through the Western Addition neighborhood in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
5. Tuesday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Abolition in Action: Bustin’ Out & Coming Home (NEW)
Register for Zoom link:
Accessibility info: There will be live captioning. ASL interpretation and Spanish language interpretation is to be confirmed.
The video will be posted online afterwards.
Panel includes Carde Taylor from Young Women’s Freedom Center, Andrea Salinas from Citywide SF and No New SF Jails, Jose Bernal from SF Reentry Council & Ella Baker Center, a speaker from Hospitality House and more.
How do we support our loved ones and community members coming home from SF jails? What is this transition like? What supports already exist and how can they be strengthened?
Being released from jail can be one of the most exciting, breath-taking experiences of your life. It can also be completely terrifying, almost paralyzing. Coming out of a cage and navigating the “outside” world again, no matter how long you’ve been inside, how many times you’ve been in and out or what kind of a home you’re coming out to, is incredibly hard. It takes a strong community having your back and being there for you no matter what to really be able to transition and adjust to living outside of a cage again.
While there are many supports and services throughout San Francisco, there are still so many cracks to SF’s systems and reentry process. In order to build a self-determined, healthy, equitable and sustainable San Francisco that is free from jails and the violence of policing, we need to address and transform these cracks. We need to ensure that every person freed from county jail can connect with a community that helps people not only stay alive but thrive, providing opportunities for healing, positive transformation and self-determination.
Since January, hundreds of people have been released from SF county jails, all in grave need of support, especially navigating a COVID-crisis-SF. Severely criminalized and surveilled, people coming out of jails are of the many groups most targeted by policing. Developing abolitionist reentry support for folks is an integral part of not only fighting jailing, but also criminalization and policing. Successful Reentry must include reducing the scale and impacts of policing on individuals and entire communities while supporting people to get their immediate and long-term needs met.
Hosts: No New SF Jail + 4 Other groups
Wednesday, July 1
6. Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Day of Rage No to Annexation of Palestinian Land! (Car caravan only)
Gather at:
Civic Center
San Francisco
Car caravan to:
Israeli Consulate
456 Montgomery St.
Due to the sudden and dramatic spike in Covid cases in California, event organizers of the 7/1 Day of Rage have decided to make the primary focus of this action to be a car caravan only.
We apologize to those that don’t have access to a vehicle, however we want to ensure the utmost health and safety of our community first and foremost. We are making arrangements for an alternate online rally that you can plug into remotely.
The San Francisco/Bay Area Chapter of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Palestine Action Network call upon all Palestinians and supporters of freedom, equality, and justice – in Palestine and around the world, to protest the planned annexation of more Palestinian land. We call on the Palestinian community, and those engaged in indigenous/anti-colonial, anti-racist/anti-white supremacist struggles against state violence and racial oppression, to link arms and struggle together in an act of international solidarity!
On July 1st, Israel is set to begin the formal annexation of 30% of the West Bank. The West Bank has been occupied since 1967 and the settlements that exist there already are illegal by international law. These further encroachments on Palestinian land are unacceptable. Annexation is nothing new in Occupied Palestine; the entire Zionist project has depended on land and resource theft, the displacement of indigenous Palestinians, military occupation, imprisonment, and colonial violence. The continued expansions of Jewish-only settlements on occupied land, the US embassy move to Jerusalem, the so-called “Deal of the Century”, and the formalization of annexation are the latest manifestations of Zionist colonial rule.
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