For events please include Accessibility and ASL info
This most likely will be the last announcement until a new internet provider is connected.
For broader participation in your actions – post them on Indybay even if event is digital:
See Indybay for other events.
Thank you to everyone for your activism and commitment for a better world.
A. San Francisco has beaten its police union in every venue. Why does the city still defer to it? – June 29, 2020
B. Cops in Riot Gear Stormed a Violin Vigil for Elijah McClain – June 29, 2020
See Action # 4
C. The Escalating Crisis Over Iran’s Nuclear Inspections – June 29, 2020
D. 51 Years After Stonewall, New York Police Attack Queer Marchers – June 29, 2020
E. UN Reporting on Torture of Assange Banned from Corporate Media – June 26, 2020
See event # 13
F. Iconic SF building part-owned by Trump is looking for a new owner – June 24, 2020
G. Trump administration takes Keystone dispute to Supreme Court – June 16, 2020
1. Demand Congress prohibit funds for nuclear testing!
2. Remedies Urgently Needed for Cholera in Haiti in the Face of COVID-19
3. Petition to U.S. Mayors: Defund the police, invest in communities
4. Justice for Elijah McClain
5. Stop the Execution of Billy Wardlow in Texas
Execution date is July 8th.
List of other Bay Area Protests & Rallies
Schedule of 27th Annual LaborFest Events
July 1 – July 31
Tuesday, June 30 – Friday, July 3
Tuesday, June 30
1. Tuesday, 9:15am – 11:15am, Commit to Equity: San Francisco Car Rally
Meet at:
840 Brannan St
People are hitting the streets to rise up against racism and injustice. Californians are suffering under the weight of this pandemic. Millions of us have lost our jobs. Thousands have died.
We are calling on leaders to choose investments in families, seniors, students, and immigrants rather than give billionaires and corporations a free pass. We demand California Legislators DISMANTLE THE SYSTEMIC INEQUALITY oppressing Black and Brown people, and FUND INVESTMENTS TO LIFT UP OUR COMMUNITIES.
To join our caravan, meetup at 840 Brannan Street for our procession.
Host: Commit to Equity
2. Tuesday, 1:00pm – 3:00pm, BAHBL, Join Us! Solidarity Rally and March for Black Lives
Meet at:
McKinley Statue
277 Baker St. (Panhandle GG Park)
To Alamo Square Park
We are Bay Area Hospitality for Black Lives (BAHBL), a coalition that calls for the hospitality industry to actively practice anti-racism. BAHBL is committed to addressing and combatting the racial disparities that are perpetuated daily in our country, our community, and our workplaces.
We will begin with a short opening program that highlights the changes we believe are necessary in our industry and will continue with a march through the Western Addition neighborhood in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
3. Tuesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Tenants Rights Training / Derechos de los inquilinos
A training tailored to union and worker center members and staff. Topics include: changes in rent and eviction protections during COVID-19, tenants’ rights 101, organizing a tenant association, supporting other members, students, families, and clients with their housing issues.
Host: Jobs with Justice
4. Tuesday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Abolition in Action: Getting Out & Getting Free
Register for Zoom link:
Accessibility info: There will be live captioning. ASL interpretation and Spanish language interpretation is to be confirmed.
The video will be posted online afterwards.
Panel includes Carde Taylor from Young Women’s Freedom Center, Andrea Salinas from Citywide SF and No New SF Jails, Jose Bernal from SF Reentry Council & Ella Baker Center, a speaker from Hospitality House and more.
How do we support our loved ones and community members coming home from SF jails? What is this transition like? What supports already exist and how can they be strengthened?
Being released from jail can be one of the most exciting, breath-taking experiences of your life. It can also be completely terrifying, almost paralyzing. Coming out of a cage and navigating the “outside” world again, no matter how long you’ve been inside, how many times you’ve been in and out or what kind of a home you’re coming out to, is incredibly hard. It takes a strong community having your back and being there for you no matter what to really be able to transition and adjust to living outside of a cage again.
While there are many supports and services throughout San Francisco, there are still so many cracks to SF’s systems and reentry process. In order to build a self-determined, healthy, equitable and sustainable San Francisco that is free from jails and the violence of policing, we need to address and transform these cracks. We need to ensure that every person freed from county jail can connect with a community that helps people not only stay alive but thrive, providing opportunities for healing, positive transformation and self-determination.
Since January, hundreds of people have been released from SF county jails, all in grave need of support, especially navigating a COVID-crisis-SF. Severely criminalized and surveilled, people coming out of jails are of the many groups most targeted by policing. Developing abolitionist reentry support for folks is an integral part of not only fighting jailing, but also criminalization and policing. Successful Reentry must include reducing the scale and impacts of policing on individuals and entire communities while supporting people to get their immediate and long-term needs met.
Hosts: No New SF Jail + 4 Other groups
5. Tuesday, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Webinar- Abolition in Time of Covid & Uprising
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 1856 1866
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Meeting ID: 879 1856 1866
Calls for Abolition of Policing are echoing across the world. Once an obscure idea, the fight and/or demands for Abolition are capturing the imagination of many. Join us at the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition over Zoom for Pt 15 of our Power Not Paranoia webinar series on Tuesday June 30th at 6pm.
This webinar will be a collective conversation which takes a critical look inward at our current movements and how abolition is also being mainstreamed, funded, and appropriated. We will be discussing the complexities and dangers of “non-reformist reforms” and the impact of national groups who continue to co-opt local grassroot fights and movement building.
Host: Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
6. Tuesday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm, & Wed. 3:30pm – 5:00pm, What Will It Take to Save a World in Crisis? Reform vs. Revolution
OnLine Study
Register for the Tuesday evening group:
Register for the Wednesday afternoon group:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting, including how to access it by phone.
$3-5 suggested donation per session (via PayPal)
All donations will go to the Freedom Socialist Newspaper Fund Drive.
The global pandemic, impending economic collapse, and the survival of the earth itself at risk—with stakes this high, how do we focus our organizing? Can the course reversal we need be achieved through piecemeal reforms and voting in democratic socialists? Or will it take a complete transformation away from the current capitalist system?
In this remote access-study group, we’ll discuss the current crisis and concrete steps toward moving humanity through it. Historic debates over the relationship between battling for vital social reforms and building a revolutionary movement for socialism as well as current readings will be discussed for ideas we can apply to today’s challenges.
Host: Freedom Socialist Party Bay Area & New Valencia Hall
Wednesday, July 1
The month of July is LaborFest 2020
7. Wednesday, 11:30am, Stand Up for Our Immigrant Community (March & Car caravan)
Meet at:
Capp St. (Between 15th & 16th Streets)
12Noon – March & Car Caravan
12:30pm – Rally at SF City Hall
Wear masks and respect social distancing
Stand up for Our Immigrant Community!
Many immigrant workers were excluded from the federal stimulus funds and unemployment benefits.
Join us to call on the Mayor and the Governor to provide more funds for emergency assistance
Bring signs
An appeal for donations of money to provide direct cash payments to workers excluded from unemployment compensation and federal assistance. You can make a contribution using this Paypal link. All donations are tax-deductible.
Info: Alliance for Social and Economic Justice,, 415-863-1927
8. Wednesday, 11:30am – 3:00pm, Stop Killing Us! An Action Against Police Violence – Sacramento
California State Capitol
To register:
Almost 600 people of color have been killed by police in California just in the last 5 years.
On July 1, people who have been impacted by police violence–family members, formerly incarcerated, community members–will encircle the California Capitol building and hold up the names of those killed by police.
We call on state legislators to:
–Defund the $31B police and prison industrial complex
–Hold police who kill accountable
–Prevent police unions from donating to district attorneys and judges
–Dismantle the machinery of systemic racism (restore voting rights, Ban the Box, etc.)
–Distance the state from vestiges of slavery by removing Involuntary Servitude from our State Constitution
–Establish an independent community oversight board with subpoena power to investigate police violence
Join All of Us or None, CA legislators, and victims of police violence to honor those killed by the police and to press forward with vital change.
We will also be registering people to vote, as well as providing information about campaigns to pass ACA 6 to restore voting rights, and to remove slavery / indentured servitude from the California constitution.
To receive event updates or to volunteer to hold up a name of the fallen, click the ticket button or go to:
For more information, contact:
Sacramento: Aaliyah Muhammad
916.501.9988 /
California: Bridget Cervelli
805.270.9853 /
Hosts: All of Us or None, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice
9. Wednesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Day of Rage No to Annexation of Palestinian Land! (Car caravan only)
Gather at:
Civic Center
San Francisco
Car caravan to:
Israeli Consulate
456 Montgomery St.
Due to the sudden and dramatic spike in Covid cases in California, event organizers of the 7/1 Day of Rage have decided to make the primary focus of this action to be a car caravan only.
We apologize to those that don’t have access to a vehicle, however we want to ensure the utmost health and safety of our community first and foremost. We are making arrangements for an alternate online rally that you can plug into remotely.
The San Francisco/Bay Area Chapter of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Palestine Action Network call upon all Palestinians and supporters of freedom, equality, and justice – in Palestine and around the world, to protest the planned annexation of more Palestinian land. We call on the Palestinian community, and those engaged in indigenous/anti-colonial, anti-racist/anti-white supremacist struggles against state violence and racial oppression, to link arms and struggle together in an act of international solidarity!
On July 1st, Israel is set to begin the formal annexation of 30% of the West Bank. The West Bank has been occupied since 1967 and the settlements that exist there already are illegal by international law. These further encroachments on Palestinian land are unacceptable. Annexation is nothing new in Occupied Palestine; the entire Zionist project has depended on land and resource theft, the displacement of indigenous Palestinians, military occupation, imprisonment, and colonial violence. The continued expansions of Jewish-only settlements on occupied land, the US embassy move to Jerusalem, the so-called “Deal of the Century”, and the formalization of annexation are the latest manifestations of Zionist colonial rule.
Info / Updates:¬if_id=1592949493719570
10. Wednesday, 5:00pm – 6:30pm (PT); 8:00pm – 9:30pm (ET), UTB: COVID, White Power, & the Unseeing of Race Again
Register for Webinar
As the vicious spike in COVID’s case count rocks the nation, our next episode of “Under the Blacklight” will shine the spotlight on the off-staging of race after weeks of protests about racial injustice. We ask: What has become of the supposed reckoning with white supremacy since George Floyd’s death? After weeks of uncovering on the legacies of racism, are we at the bottom of a steep hill again in insisting that race is as newsworthy in the disproportionate deaths of African Americans to COVID as it has been in the weeks of protest over police violence? And why has it been so difficult to connect the two?
Join us this Wednesday to dive deep into these questions. Executive Director Kimberlé Crenshaw will sit down with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Camara Phyllis Jones, Barbara Arnwine, and Jonathan Metzl for a live recording of Under The Blacklight.
Host: African American Policy Forum
Thursday, July 2
11. Thursday, 4:00pm (PT); 7:00pm (ET), Let’s Talk About It: Anti-Blackness in Immigrant Communities
It’s time to talk about anti-Blackness in our immigrant communities!
We’re partnering with movement leaders across the country for a call to talk through how racism & anti-Blackness shows up in immigrant communities. We’re building power to fight anti-Blackness in our homes and in our social spaces.
During our call, we will help you understand how racism & anti-Blackness shows up in immigrant communities. We will share information and practices on how to fight anti-Blackness in your home and in your community. We’ll also hear from immigrant leaders from across the movement about how they are advancing racial justice and creating pro-Black, anti-racists spaces.
Join us as we discuss why the fight for immigrant justice, including abolishing ICE and fighting against the Deportation Force, is a fight for racial justice.
Host: United We Dream
12. Thursday, 5:00pm (PT): 8:00pm (ET), Webinar – Free Mumia! Free them all!
A new, historic phase in the struggle against white supremacy and capitalism has begun. Millions of workers and oppressed peoples have taken to the streets, the largest uprising against racist police terror and exploitation in decades. And yet there are still revolutionaries from the last major Black, Brown and Indigenous national liberation struggles of the 1960s and ‘70s who are still behind bars like Leonard Peltier, Jalil Muntaqim, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Ruchell Magee, Jamil Al-Amin and many more.
Within the story of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s frame up are all the elements of the current struggle, decades later: police lies and police violence; a crooked and racist justice system that is structurally incapable of bringing killer cops to justice; and the mafia-like racket and dictatorship that police hold over our political institutions.
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Pam Africa – Minister of Confrontation of the MOVE Organization, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Shafeah M’Balia, Imam Jamil Abullah al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) Action Network
Abdul Haleem Muhammad, Student Minister, Nation Of Islam, Houston, Texas
mYia X – Workers World Party and Spoken Word Artist
Monica Moorehead – Managing Editor of Workers World newspaper, editor of Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle.
Mirinda Crissman – Co-Editor of Tear Down the Walls prisoner page for Workers World newspaper, Prisoner Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party
Host Workers World Party Prisoners Solidarity Committee
Friday, July 3
13. Friday, 12 Noon, Global Birthday Vigil for Julian Assange
British Consulate General
1 Sansome St. (nr. Market St.)
Masks & Social distancing
For those with medical conditions, or otherwise unable to attend, please join the stream by Action 4 Assange on their Youtube Channel
This vigil is to stand- in a GLOBAL effort- for multi-award -winning journalist, Julian Assange, whose voice has been silenced. We stand on his birthday, which he is spending tortured, jailed, and at high risk of COVID-19, as a political prisoner of the U.S. in Belmarsh Prison, U.K. –for making U.S. war crimes public. His crime is revealing TRUTH. His prosecution is oligarchy control over freedom of press and speech.
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has been indicted on 17 counts of Espionage and 1 count of conspiracy to commit computer crime for publishing the government’s documents exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and torture in the Guantanamo Bay prison. The indictment of Assange is recognized by many free-speech groups as the most important press freedom case of our time.
Recently trumped up charges of conspiring with Anonymous hackers will be analyzed in this Saturday’s episode of the bi-weekly Action4Assange show:
Video Link:
Go to and search Action4Assange
We join the global #Candles4Assange vigil to honor Julian Assange as he spends another birthday separated from family and friends – jailed and tortured in Belmarsh Prison, Lonon. Now more than ever, and in the face of a global pandemic, Julian needs our strength and solidarity to ensure that his unlawful imprisonment for publishing the truth does not become a death sentence.