Wounded Knee Occupation (1973): The Wounded Knee Occupation began on this day in 1973 when approximately 200 Oglala Lakota and American Indian Movement (AIM) members seized the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Cry Your Tears – By John Trudell
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youAfter we’ve already bled for youAlready been dead to you
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youChapters of a democracy storyDescendants of genocideTwelve score and more years agoWe went from being the majorityTo being the smallest minority
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youWe saw that emptyingEarly morning skylineBack through that horizonDuck Valley 1979, Wounded KneeSand Creek, that Trail of TearsExactly how did our landBecome your country
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youWhile we’re still crying tears of our ownWith your past as your futureThat industrial ruling classUsing religion as a weaponDistilling love into hatePointing fingers and name calling evilSacrificing lives and bloodMaking the innocent the new virginsOffering to the gods of profit
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youIn the homeland securityPretending corporate corruptionIsn’t economic terrorismMoney talks while the government listensCompiling files on ones who think differentConditioning an acceptance of debtAnd not to expect the truthSo get used to hearing the lie
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youMisusing the beautyTurning freedom into a killing machineMass murdering the environmentWeaponizing the psychology of fearAnd pushing material addiction withA substitution of rules faking the lawThe bill of rights becomes collateral damageMaking the constitution another broken treaty
Now you want usTo cry your tears for youWay this story is unfoldingWe may end up crying togetherAs in crying at the same timeBut we’re short on tears to cry for youWith all these tears to cry of our own
Now you want usTo cry your tears for you–
Art: http://www.gwyllm-art.com
Radio EarthRites: https://gwyllm.com/radio-earthrites/Invisible College Publishing: http://www.invisiblecollege-publishing.com/
February 27, 1973
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