by Adrienne Fong
Not back posting on a regular basis
Please include Accessibility and ASL info in your events! And if your action is ‘child friendly’ This is a JUSTICE issue!!
*** ASL interpretation – Let me know if your event needs this service .***
Please post your actions on Indybay:
See Indybay for other listings of events
A. There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement – February 27, 2023
There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement – Caitlin Johnstone
B. 1,600 people march through Naha protesting Japan’s defense buildup in Okinawa – February 27, 2023
1,600 people march through Naha protesting Japan’s defense buildup in Okinawa – The Mainichi
C. White House distances itself from Covid ‘lab-leak’ theory – February 26, 2023
White House distances itself from Covid ‘lab-leak’ theory — RT World News
D.. Mothers March on the Israeli Consulate – February 26, 2023
Mothers March On The Israeli Consulate| Countercurrents
F. Peace Actions in downtown San Francisco and Israeli consulate on Montgomery Street protested – February 25, 2023
Multiple Actions in Bay Area Feb. 24 as Ukraine War Enters Second Year : Indybay
G. Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine – February 24, 2023
From the DOD: Another 2 Billion for Ukraine!!
H. “What happened in Nablus was a nightmare”: MAP condemns deadliest Israeli raid in years – February 24, 2023
“What happened in Nablus was a nightmare”: MAP condemns deadliest Israeli raid in years – Latest News & Developments – Medical Aid for Palestinians
-On 22 February 2023, Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians, including a child and three elderly men, during a military raid in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus. More than 400 Palestinians were injured, with 158 reported injuries from live ammunition, according to the Palestine Red Crescent Society. Among the wounded were 127 children.
I. War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land – February 21, 2023
War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land | The Oakland Institute
J. A new attack on SF’s sanctuary laws makes no sense—except as a political tool – February 15, 2023
A new attack on SF’s sanctuary laws makes no sense—except as a political tool – 48 hills
– See Event # 2
1. Sign if you agree – Democrats should BLOCK the GOP’s effort to cut Medicare
2. Stand for Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
SIGN: Stand for Women’s Rights (
3. Tell Congress to step up for the Myanmar people
SIGN: Tell Congress to step up for the Myanmar people – Action Network
Scheduled Executions in March (Click on the name to sign petitions)
March 7, 2023 at 6:00 pm CT:
Gary Green in Texas
March 9, 2023 at 6:00 pm CT:
Arthur Brown Jr. in Texas
March 23, 2003:
Gerald Pizzuto in Idaho
March 29, 2023 at 6:00 pm CT:
Anibal Canales Jr. in Texas
(Monday, February 27 – Wednesday,March 1)
Monday, February 27
1. Monday, 10:00am, SF BoS Rules Committee Hearing on proposal to eliminate or limit remote public comment at BoS meetings
In person or remote
In person
SF City Hall
1 Dr. Carleton B. Goodlett Pl (Rm 259)
REMOTE ACCESS WATCH SF Cable Channel 26, 28, 78 or 99 (depending on provider) WATCH
Public comment call-in number: 1-415-655-0001, ID 2495 608 1333, ##.
Agenda” Meeting Agenda (
Board of Supervisors on Rules Committee:
Matt Dorsey
(415) 554-7970 – Voice
(415) 554-5163 – Fax
Shamman Walton
(415) 554-7670 – Voice
(415) 554-7674 – Fax
Ahsha Safai
(415) 554-6975 – Voice
(415) 554-6979 – Fax
**NOTE this is also being debated on at the full Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 28
Item 30 on Tuesday
30. 221008 [Limiting Teleconferencing and Remote Public Comment at Meetings of the Board of Supervisors and its Committees] Sponsor: Mandelman Motion discontinuing remote participation by members of the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) at meetings of the Board and its committees for reasons related to COVID-19; and discontinuing remote public comment by members of the public at meetings of the Board and its committees, except as legally required to enable people with disabilities to participate in such meetings. Question: Shall this Motion be APPROVED?
Info from The SF Gray Panthers
Tuesday, February 28
2. Tuesday, 12Noon and 4:00pm, ICE OUT OF SF, Fight Back Against Jenkins, Breed, and Dorsey Plan to Hobble Sanctuary City
12 Noon Rally
SF City Hall (in front)
1 Dr. Carleton B. Goodlett St.
4:00pm – Public Comment (at full SFBoS meeting)
SF City Hall – Room 250
(Elevator access)
REMOTE ACCESS Watch SF Cable Channel 26, 28, 78, or 99 (depending on your provider) Watch
PUBLIC COMMENT CALL-IN 1 (415) 655-0001/ Meeting ID: 2495 465 2973 # #
Roster of SF Board of Supervisors contact info:
Sign up to support
Agenda: AGENDA (
37. 230178 [Upholding San Francisco Values to Protect our Sanctuary City] Sponsors: Ronen; Walton, Preston, Melgar and Chan Resolution urging the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Biden Administration to reject the recent attack on San Francisco’s long-standing Sanctuary Ordinance and urging DHS to extradite the accused individuals without further delay
3. Tuesday, 4:00pm – 6:00pm, Panel: Reparations Now!
In person
SF Main Library – Koret Auditorium
100 Larkin St.
As the movement for African American reparations builds across the nation, we discuss the history of reparations movements and hear from local leaders on how they are working toward solutions to repair the harm done to our Black communities.
Join us for a panel discussion with: Eric McDonnell, chair of the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee; Dr. Matsemela Odom, Black Studies professor at the University of San Diego and host of the Black Power Talks podcast; and Bakari Olatunji, the West Regional Representative for the Uhuru Movement and the Vice Chair of Uhuru Foods and Pies in Oakland, and Brittni Chicuata, Director of Economic Rights at the San Francisco Human Rights Commission. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Tiffany Caesar, professor in Africana Studies at San Francisco State University, who will ground the talk in the history of the movement and the work of “Queen Mother” Audley Moore.
Info: Panel: Reparations Now! : Indybay
Wednesday, March 1
3. Wednesday, 8:30am, Justice For Keita O’Neil – Rally & Protest
In person
Hall of Justice
850 Bryant St.
Hearing is at 9:00am in Department 20 (2nd Floor)
Elevator access.
Stand with Keita O’Neil’s family and other families to DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY to police terror in our communities!
DA Brooke Jenkins is dropping the historic charges against SFPD Officer Chris Samayoa in the MURDER of Keita “Icky” O’Neil
As a community we need to stand up and together to hold DA Jenkins and SFPD accountable!
Info: Justice for Keita O’Neil : Indybay
4. Wednesday, 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America – author Saket Soni with Rebecca Solnit
In person
3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft
1687 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Please be masked and vaxxed
The Great Escape: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America is Saket Soni’s new book about his plan which wins the citizenship of 500 workers from India after being exposed to inhumane conditions while rebuilding New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He will be in conversation with renowned author Rebecca Solnit.
In 2006 Soni received a clandestine phone call from one of 500 men living in squalor in a Gulf Coast “man camp,” surrounded by barbed wire, watched by armed guards, crammed into cold trailers with putrid portable toilets, forced to eat moldy bread and frozen rice. Each man and his family had paid $20,000 each to apply for this “opportunity” to rebuild oil rigs after Hurricane Katrina.
Weaving a deeply personal journey with a riveting tale of 21st-century forced labor, Soni takes us into the hidden lives of the foreign workers the US increasingly relies on for cheap skilled labor to rebuild after climate disasters. The Great Escape is the astonishing story of one of the largest human trafficking cases in modern American history—and the workers’ heroic journey for justice.
Saket Soni is the co-founder and executive director of Resilience Force, the national voice of the resilience workforce — whose labor helps us prepare for, and repair after, climate disaster. He has testified in Congress, and his work has been featured in the New Yorker, the New York Times, and TIME Magazine. A profile in USA Today called him “an architect of the next labor movement.” Saket is from New Delhi, India.
Host The Green Arcade Bookstore
Info: Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America – author Saket Soni with Rebecca Solnit : Indybay