“50 state” protest a set-up?

AA person
Be very careful, folks. This is exactly what Trump needs to declare martial law and jail people. There is no actual organizer who is a known entity – who are these people on Reddit etc? Could be Trumpsters setting it all up who will then arrive and cause mayhem (Charlottesville, anyone) thus providing an excuse for Trumpt to shut down all protests. Please be careful. I have a bad feeling about this.Unapprove | Reply | Quick Edit | Edit | History | Spam | Trash
D Rae
No one knows who is behind this. I’d be very careful.Unapprove | Reply | Quick Edit | Edit | History | Spam | Trash
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One Response to “50 state” protest a set-up?

  1. Today’s protest on the Sac Capital steps was extremely peaceful and POWERFUL! Let’s continue to show up! Trump would like nothing more than for us to stay home out of fear, or worse, apathy.

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