Kickoff Rally for the Anti-Recall of Chesa Boudin

October 21, 2021 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
SEIU 87 Union Hall @ 240 Golden Gate Ave.

There will be an official kickoff rally for the anti-recall campaign for SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin outside of City Hall this Thursday (10/21) at 11:30am. The campaign will distribute its new multi-lingual window signs and buttons to all attendees, and the rally will feature many speakers.

Kickoff Rally for the Anti-Recall of Chesa Boudin
Thursday, October 21st I 11:30am
Because of rain, we will now be moving our kickoff rally indoors to:

SEIU 87 Union Hall @ 240 Golden Gate Ave.

The new location is just two blocks down from City Hall. Please let folks know about this! The time will remain the same and we will still like folks to show up at 11:30am. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions

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