1187 Franklin St
Sensible Cinema
1187 Franklin Street
Children at the Border
Friday, January 17, 2024
6:30pm (PDT), 7:30 pm (MDT), 8:30 pm (CDT), 9:30 pm (EDT)
This year Sensible Cinema will suspend our annual tribute to MLK and instead screen a timely film on a pending and highly dangerous policy, that of Mass Deportation by the incoming new Presidential Administration. We will still honor Rev. King though by using his words on this topic as he was “A builder of bridges, not walls in fact you could say that his nonviolent leadership was all about tearing down walls – walls of racial segregation and separation.”
Dr. King’s work was also about righting the wrongs on one of the darkest chapters of past American History, Slavery. Our film this month, Separated by filmmaker Errol Morris, is a hard hitting expose on another dark chapter of recent American History that of Family Separation.
Based on the book “Separated: An Inside American Tragedy” by Jacob Sorboroff and through the skillful work of the filmmaker, Morris, the film merges bombshell interviews with government (turned whistleblowers) officials and a heart felt scenario tracing one migrant family’s predicament.
With a looming Mass Deportation policy on the horizon and after viewing this film viewers will see that the past and incoming Trump administration’s inhumane immigration policies are nothing more than a state-sponsored policy of cruelty which is their main purpose.
Meeting ID: 937 7354 7229 Passcode: 283947
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/amksEMQSG
For more information please contact:
Melvin Starks (melvinstarks734@yahoo.com) or Larry Danos (415-722-6480)