Am NOT back posting…Sending this out mainly for articles regarding US bombing of Syria
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Site for other Bay Area Events
A. Mumia Abu-Jamal has COVID-19, supporters say at rally in Philly, demanding his release from prison – February 27, 2021
See Alert # 5
B. Olympics will be held with fans in stands, says Hashimoto – February 27, 2021
Olympics will be held with fans in stands, says Hashimoto : The Asahi Shimbun
See Event # 7
C. Criticism builds over Biden’s failure to lift Trump sanctions on ICC prosecutors – February 26, 2021
Criticism builds over Biden’s failure to lift Trump sanctions on ICC prosecutors | US news | The Guardian
D. ‘They destroyed our dreams’: Israel’s bulldozers target Palestinian women farmers – February 22, 2021
‘They destroyed our dreams’: Israel’s bulldozers target Palestinian women farmers | Middle East Eye
Articles on US Bombing of Syria
A. US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense – February 26, 2021
US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense – Caitlin Johnstone
B. Another Step Back for Biden: Attack on Syria Draws Establishment Cheers – February 26, 2021
Another Step Back for Biden: Attack on Syria Draws Establishment Cheers (
C. Biden’s Reckless Syria Bombing Is Not the Diplomacy He Promised – February 26, 2021
Opinion | Biden’s Reckless Syria Bombing Is Not the Diplomacy He Promised (
D. US bombs Syria under Biden administration (post on Eva Bartlett site) – February 25, 2021
US bombs Syria under Biden administration | Vanessa Beeley on Patreon
E. From the Nebulator – February 25, 2021
Telegram: Contact @thenebulator
F. Breaking: Biden Bombs Syria – February 25, 2021
BREAKING: Biden Bombs Syria – YouTube
ACTIONS (Petitions)
1. Tell Congress to pass the War Powers Resolution to end forever wars
2. The United States must rejoin the Iran deal
SIGN: The United States must rejoin the Iran deal | Win Without War
3. Amazon rainforest — including national forests and land reserved for indigenous peoples — is being sold illegally via Facebook
SIGN: The Amazon Rainforest is for sale on Facebook?! ( b
4. The USPS is under attack from within. Demand President Biden fire the perpetrators
5. Call the Superintendent of Mumia’s Prison
Demand he be taken to the hospital for treatment for?COVID-19. It is /not okay that they merely
test him/ (they had not as of Fri. night), the results will take days to come back and he is experiencing chest pains & breathing problems
/now/–and COVID requires quick medical care to avoid death.
Hospitalization (not solitary)
Philly DA Larry Krasner: 267-456-1000
PA DOC Sec’try John Wetzel: 717-728-2573
SCI Mahanoy Supt Bernadette Mason: 570-773-2158
Sunday, February 28
1. Sunday, 8:00am – 10:00am (PT); 11:00am – 1:00pm (ET), Close All US/NATO Military Bases Around the World!
Register: Webinar Registration – Zoom
Bilingual in English & Spanish
Topic: International Webinar on the Occasion of the International Day of Action Against US/NATO Military Bases
The International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases, held on November 16-18, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, declared February 23rd, the anniversary day of the U.S. illegal occupation of Guantanamo, as the International Day of Action against US/NATO Military Bases.
Moderated by Bahman Azad
– On Cuba: Ambassador Zelmys Domínguez Cortina on behalf of the Cuban Movement for Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples (MOVPAZ)
— On Europe and EU: Iraklis Tsavdaridis, Executive Secretary, World Peace Council (WPC)
— On Latin America & Caribbean: Carolus Wimmer, President, Committee for International Solidarity and Struggle for Peace (COSI-Venezuela)
— On the Middle East: Dr. Akel Taqz, President, Palestinian Peace and Solidarity Committee / WPC Regional Coordinator for the Middle East
— On Africa: Margaret Kimberley, Member of Coordinating Committee, Black Alliance for Peace / Senior Columnist, Black Agenda Report
— On Asia/Pacific: Bimal Rathnayake, President, Peace and Solidarity Organization of Sri Lanka (PASOS) / Member of Sri Lanka Parliament
— On U.S. Foreign Policy: Roger Harris, Member of the Executive Committee, U.S. Peace Council / Member of the Board, Task Force on the Americas
Followed by Q&A Period
Hosts: World Peace Council, Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases
2. Sunday, 10:30am – 12:30pm, Peace and Solidarity Movements, 2008 – 2021 and Beyond
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 259 108 2607
Passcode: 6MwQP7
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 259 108 2607
Passcode: 396538
Speaker: Phyllis Bennis (See Indybay for info)
The anti-war movements in the US and across the globe were at their peaks through the first years of the post-9/11 wars. They were broad, diverse, international, and powerful. They did not succeed in preventing the 2003 US/UK invasion of Iraq, but they set the stage for future movements and future victories, including stopping US bombing campaigns in Syria and escalation in Iran, parts of the Arab Spring uprisings, and more. By the time the Obama administration came into office in 2008, the movement in the US was already facing new challenges. And over the next several years its power, size, breadth, and influence had all diminished. Many blamed it on “oh the peace movement was just too enthralled with Obama” and they stopped working. But that claim, while holding a grain of truth among a few sectors of the movement, does not explain the changes. Phyllis will discuss that history, and look forward to today’s legacy and new anti-war organizations, and the rise of anti-war/anti-militarism components in a broad range of intersectional organizations.
Host: Sunday Morning at the Marxist Library
Info: Peace and Solidarity Movements, 2008—2021 and Beyond : Indybay
3. Sunday, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Harriet A. Washington, acclaimed author of Medical Apartheid will be debuting her book
**Register on Eventbrite at
**Link on Youtube on day of event
Harriet A. Washington, author of Medical Apartheid, is again exposing a large-scale violation of patient, civil, and human rights.
Carte Blanche is the alarming tale of how the right of Americans to say “no” to risky medical research is being violated. Patients’ right to give or withhold consent is supposed to be protected by law, but for decades medical research has been conducted on trauma victims―who are disproportionately people of color―without their consent or even their knowledge.
Host: Revolution Books
Info: Harriet A. Washington, acclaimed author of Medical Apartheid will be debuting her new book : Indybay
Monday, March 1
4. Monday, 4:00pm – 5:30pm, Stand with the People of Haiti – Emergency Demo (Updated)
In – person
Meet at:
SF Public Library (in front)
100 Larkin St.
Practice Social Distancing
demonstration in solidarity with Haiti at 4pm in front of the San Francisco Main Library. This will be a socially-distanced, mask-wearing demonstration/march with signs, banners and solidarity messages to mark the 17th anniversary of the US-backed coup d’etat that overthrew Haiti’s democracy in 2004.
Demand an End to US / UN Support of Moise Dictatorship!
Stop the Deportatios!
● End all support for the dictatorship of Jovenel Moise
● End all recognition of the government of Jovenel Moise as of February 7th, 2021 as required by Haiti’s constitution
● Stop all funding of the criminal Haitian police and security forces
If you are unable to join us in person, consider these options:
- Make a sign, grab some friends, jump in your car, and meet the car caravan at 3:45pm on Grove Street between Van Ness and Polk Streets. Or drive by the protest anytime after 4:45pm at the Simon Bolivar statue on Hyde Street at UN Plaza. We will give you a shout out as you go by and include you and your sign in the photos we message to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
- Email a photo of you/your friends doing a banner drop “US Stop Supporting Dictator Jovenel Moise in Haiti” or “US Stop Funding Police Terror in Haiti” to
- Organize your friends to contact Congressional Reps and US government officials with the demands of the action alert – details here.
Haiti Action Committee strongly condemns the continued US and UN support for Haitian dictator Jovenel Moise as he flaunts the Haitian constitution and clings to power. Moise has been ruling by decree for months, and is now pushing to enact illegitimate constitutional reforms that would give him even more power. Having come to power through a US-UN supported fraudulent election, denounced widely in Haiti as an “electoral coup,” the Moise regime is now poised to stage another series of phony elections to maintain its stranglehold over the country. We stand in solidarity with the resistance and resolve of Haitians in and outside of Haiti to get rid of this criminal regime.
Bring signs / banners.
Host: Haiti Action Committee
Info: and Haiti Action Committee | Facebook / Stand with the People of Haiti Demonstration : Indybay
Tuesday, March 2
5. Tuesday, 5:00pm (PT), Online Memorial for Don Bechler, Co-founder of Single Payer Now
Register to receive info:
You will be able to zoom call by phone or computer.
Long time chair and co-founder of Single Payer Now, Don Bechler, died this past October, 2020. There will be an online memorial on what would have been Don’s 74th birthday we will celebrate his amazing life and share our sadness that he is gone.
Info from friends of Don Bechler
Friday, March 5
6. Friday, 1:00pm – 2:00pm. Shut Down the Police Officers Association
SF Police Officers Association (Outside)
800 Bryant St. (corner of 6th Street)
Wear masks; social distancing
RESIST with Mothers on the March, Black and Brown for Justice, Peace and Equality, Family’s who loved ones have been killed by SFPD, and Community
– Demand the San Francisco Police Officers Association be Shut Down!
– The SF Police Officers Association Be Declared a Non Grata Organization
– Demand the Police Officers Bill of Rights be Abolished.
– Jail Killer Cops – we want killer cops to be charged with murder.
– Abolish the Police
Thursday, March 11
7. Thursday 3:00pm – 4:00pm, Rally-Speak Out on Tenth Anniversary of Fukushima NUKE Meltdown
San Francisco Japanese Consulate
275 Battery St. (nr. California St.)
Masks & Physical distancing
No More Fukushimas, No Olympic In Japan In the Middle Of Pandemic
March 11, 2021 is the tenth anniversary of the earthquake and meltdown of three nuclear reactors at Fukushima.
The nightmare for the people and refugees of Fukushima and Japan continues. They are struggling to survive.
Despite promises that the melted nuclear rods would be removed they have not been and the recent earthquake has added greater dangers.
Two reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan have begun leaking cooling water following last weekend’s 7.3 magnitude earthquake, indicating that the existing damage to TEPCO’s Unit 1 and 3 reactors has worsened
The government is also planning to dump over a million tons of contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean despite the opposition of the Fisherman’s co-operative and the people of Japan and Korea.
At the same time the Japanese government under former Japanese prime minister Abe and now Suga continue their denialism mode. They say that they have overcome the nuke plant meltdowns and still want to have the Olympics in Japan this summer
They also have shown their sexist attacks on women when the former head of the Olympics Yoshiro who was also a former prime minister said women speak too much. He was forced to
resign but their reactionary sexism, denialism and racism continues.
Nuclear clean-up workers including workers from overseas and other workers continue to get contaminated with no proper health and safety education and tens of thousands of bags of radioactive waste continue to remain scattered throughout the prefecture with no place to go.
It’s time to remember the families and children who are still suffering from this man-made
disaster and let them know that people in the United States and around the world stand with them.
Host: No Nukes Action
Info: Rally-Speak Out Thursday On Tenth Anniversary of Fukushima NUKE Meltdowns : Indybay
8. Thursday 6:00pm- 7:30pm (PT), 10th Anniversary of Fukushima: an update on impacts of radiation on females
Register: Meeting Registration – Zoom
On the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, Mothers for Peace is hosting an online event, featuring a presentation by biologist Mary Olson. Learn about her work showing greater harm to the female body from radiation than the male body, the basis of data for regulators. This must change!
The event will begin with a current update on Fukushima by Yuji and Beverly Findlay Kaneko, co-producers of Voices from Japan, a special segment of Libbe HaLevy’s Nuclear Hotseat podcast.