National ’50 States’ Anti-Trump Protest Planned for Feb 5: What to Know
Published Feb 03, 2025 at 12:16 PM EST (
What Is ‘MATGA?’ Anti-Trump Women’s Deadly New Trend
By Monica Sager Live News Reporter
50501 Movement—or 50 states, 50 protests, one day—is garnering support throughout social media for demonstrations across the nation to “fight Fascism” on February 5.
Newsweek reached out to 50501 Movement for comment over email.
Why It Matters
The protests are against President Donald Trump and his actions during his first two weeks back in the White House. Trump has issued a flurry of executive orders, fulfilling campaign promises such as clamping down on illegal immigration and pardoning January 6 Capitol attack participants.
Trump’s former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley has called Trump a “fascist to the core,” while his former Chief of Staff John Kelley said the president “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist.”
What To Know
The movement has a website at and is active on Instagram, Reddit, Bluesky, Discord and Signal.
The group is calling for protests at each state capitol building. The information and start time vary by location.

Information on 50501 Movement’s Instagram at the time of writing indicates that:
- Arizona – State Capitol at noon
- California – Capitol Building at noon
Is there a protest planned for Santa Fe New Mexico tomorrow
Fear is the tool of fascism! I will be going, to protect what’s let of our democracy! Happy Black History month!!
ULTIMATE PLAN : I think Felon47 (& MUSK ) is shutting down out-going money and incoming people …removing those that aren’t white….restructuring the Country and its Systems…all to recreate our system into THEIR’S = to serve the 1% and Oligarchs = keep the money “in house” and control it for their use…keep the people dumbed down = little education and stressed people who can’t look up from that stress of surviving…including w/o health resources and such = keep them dumb and working for the system / dying and making more children (CONTROL WOMEN’S BIRTH RATES) to work in the ranks for their cause ! = MONEY & POWER & CONTROL
Economy will get people riled up too. Hey
MAGA, you’re gonna be patriotic by paying higher prices.
The conservative righties will probably blame Biden.
While you’re at it give away all your personal information to the thief working for the Mafia Boss.
Will there be anything in San Francisco or the SF peninsula on 2/5?
I have no idea what you all want to accomplish by this protest. The Left has done nothing to solve our lingering problems and now when they see Trump actually taking actions that have needed to happen for so long, they protest? What, are you all dedicated to stagnation? My worry is that in four years some idiot will get into office and undo the great work the this administration is finally getting done.
This is a legitimate protest, being organized by 50501 and Political Revolution of Bernie Sanders fame. It is being covered in the national news. Come!
OccupySF has been one of the leading groups organizing for the people. Go if you can. Otherwise Individible groups are meeting at Alex Padilla’s office in San Francisco same day Feb 5 at 12:45 for 1:00 protest!
Above few have let FEAR take over. That is how FACISM worms it way in: hatred, prejudice, misinformation PROPAGANDA, deflection, distraction,
But we are going to show Washington DISRUPTION.
Above few have let FEAR take over. That is how FACISM worms it way in: hatred, prejudice, misinformation PROPAGANDA, deflection, distraction,
But we are going to show Washington DISRUPTION.
Permits have been acquired for many locations. It seems legit.
No one knows who’s behind this group. Could be dangerous. Indivisible groups everywhere are suggesting people stay home.
Anything in the Bay? I can’t get to Sac by noon
Let’s go
We the people need to stand against the brick by brick dismantling of our democracy . Project 2025 is a fascist blueprint taken from Hitler in 1933, that followed the Mussolini blueprint from 1923 . We must stand and fight in any way possible : protest, boycott , speak truth to lies .
No one knows who is behind this. I’d be very careful.
Do you have an update?